Source Bestiary 2 pg. 8 Beyond passion, beyond mercy, beyond reason, the faceless caretakers of reality ... (click to see full entry)MembersAgnoia (CR 14), Akhana (CR 12), Bythos (CR 16), Lipika (CR 18), Othaos (CR 5), Paracletus (CR 2), Pleroma (CR 20), Synesis (CR 4), Theletos (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 15 Agathions are a race of beast-aspect outsiders native to the plane of Nirvana, a... (click to see full entry)MembersAvoral (CR 9), Bishop Agathion (CR 4), Cervapral (CR 5), Cervinal (CR 17), Cetaceal (CR 15), Chelonidal (CR 7), Draconal (CR 20), Leonal (CR 12), Muldnal (CR 3), Mustelidal (CR 16), Procyal (CR 8), Reptial (CR 4), Silvanshee (CR 2), Vulpinal (CR 6)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 8 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersAboleth (CR 7), Enisysian (CR 4), Omnipath (CR 18), Omnipath (CR 18), Plizeazoth (CR 12), Thalassic Architect (CR 10), Veiled Master (CR 14)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 10 Angels are a race of celestials, beings who live on the good-aligned outer plane... (click to see full entry)MembersAstral Deva (CR 14), Balisse (CR 8), Cassisian (CR 2), Choral (CR 6), Dapsara (CR 4), Empyrean (CR 20), Erelim (CR 6), Iophanite (CR 4), Kuribu (CR 3), Monadic Deva (CR 12), Movanic Deva (CR 10), Ninkonda (CR 17), Planetar (CR 16), Solar (CR 23)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 15 The greatest and most terrible of devils are the archdevils of Hell, powerful sc... (click to see full entry)MembersBaalzebul (CR 30), Barbatos (CR 26), Belial (CR 28), Dispater (CR 27), Geryon (CR 29), Mammon (CR 28), Mephistopheles (CR 30), Moloch (CR 29)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 19 Archons are a race of outsiders from Heaven, creatures of fundamental law and go... (click to see full entry)MembersBastion Archon (CR 20), Codex Archon (CR 5), Exscinder (CR 12), Gate Archon (CR 17), Hammer Archon (CR 18), Harbinger Archon (CR 2), Hound Archon (CR 4), Lantern Archon (CR 2), Legion Archon (CR 7), Preceptor Archon (CR 9), Shield Archon (CR 10), Spyglass Archon (CR 3), Stag Archon (CR 4), Star Archon (CR 19), Trumpet Archon (CR 14)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 21 Asuras are immortal beings whose origins are rooted in rejection and destruction... (click to see full entry)MembersAdhukait (CR 7), Aghasura (CR 11), Asurendra (CR 20), Hishandura (CR 15), Japalisura (CR 12), Nikaramsa (CR 14), Tripurasura (CR 2), Upasunda (CR 9), Vayuphak (CR 5)
Source Construct Handbook pg. 21 Automatons are lawful neutral constructs with the extraplanar subtype. An automa... (click to see full entry)MembersChampion Automaton (CR 10), Familiar Automaton (CR 2), Master Automaton (CR 20), Sharpshooter Automaton (CR 15), Stalker Automaton (CR 5)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 24 Azatas are a race of celestials native to the plane of Elysium, where the pursui... (click to see full entry)MembersBralani (CR 6), Brijidine (CR 17), Gancanagh (CR 4), Ghaele (CR 13), Lillend (CR 7), Lyrakien (CR 2), Nualidu (CR 5), Prydanu (CR 16), Raelis (CR 10), Thyrlien (CR 4), Uinuja (CR 15), Veranallia (CR 20), Yamah (CR 5)
Source Pathfinder #24: The Final Wish pg. 80 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersGandareva (CR 16), Sruvara (CR 15), Zahhak (CR 19)
Source Irrisen - Land of Eternal Winter pg. 52 Many fey creatures aided Baba Yaga’s invasion of the eastern Linnorm Kingdoms, d... (click to see full entry)MembersBlack Rider (CR 13), Red Rider (CR 12), White Rider (CR 11)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 17 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersBeheaded (CR 1/3), Flaming Skull (CR 1/2), Giant Beheaded (CR 2), Medusa Head (CR 3), Severed Head (CR 1/3), Skull Swarm (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 36 Immense, ageless, and very nearly invincible, behemoths deliver divine retributi... (click to see full entry)MembersRavener (CR 18), Tempest Behemoth (CR 22), Thalassic Behemoth (CR 20), Thunder Behemoth (CR 18)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 38 Before human civilizations rose and modern history began, ancient races like abo... (click to see full entry)MembersCave Blight (CR 19), Desert Blight (CR 13), Forest Blight (CR 18), Mountain Blight (CR 14), Sewer Blight (CR 15), Swamp Blight (CR 17), Tundra Blight (CR 16)
Source Pathfinder #117: Assault on Longshadow pg. 82 Bore worms are a vile breed of subterranean burrowing worm, attacking prey both ... (click to see full entry)MembersBore Worm Monarch (CR 7), Bore Worm Swarm (CR 5), Empress Bore Worm (CR 10)
Source Irrisen - Land of Eternal Winter pg. 56 Since Baba Yaga’s invasion, many creatures native to the eastern Linnorm Kingdom... (click to see full entry)MembersBoreal Annis Hag (CR 7), Boreal Manticore (CR 6), Boreal Wolf (CR 2)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 53 Clockwork constructs are the technological cousins of golems, constructed with a... (click to see full entry)MembersClockwork Angel (CR 15), Clockwork Assassin (CR 13), Clockwork Dragon (CR 16), Clockwork Excavator (CR 10), Clockwork Familiar (CR 2), Clockwork Fiend (CR 17), Clockwork Goblin (CR 3), Clockwork Goliath (CR 19), Clockwork Guardian (CR 8), Clockwork Gunslinger (CR 7), Clockwork Hound (CR 5), Clockwork Leviathan (CR 12), Clockwork Mage (CR 9), Clockwork Nautiloid (CR 14), Clockwork Overseer (CR 7), Clockwork Priest (CR 11), Clockwork Servant (CR 2), Clockwork Snail (CR 10), Clockwork Soldier (CR 6), Clockwork Songbird (CR 1/2), Clockwork Spy (CR 1/2), Clockwork Steed (CR 6), Clockwork Vivisectionist (CR 10), Mechanical Efreeti (CR 1), Toy Golem (CR 5)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 34 For as long as mortals have known magic, magicians have created constructs to se... (click to see full entry)Mythic MembersFlesh Colossus (CR 16; MR 6), Iron Colossus (CR 21; MR 8), Sphinx Colossus (CR 14; MR 4), Stone Colossus (CR 19; MR 7), Wood Colossus (CR 17; MR 6)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 62 Harbingers of ruin and embodiments of the worst ways to die, daemons epitomize p... (click to see full entry)MembersAcrididaemon (CR 14), Astradaemon (CR 16), Bibliodaemon (CR 8), Cacodaemon (CR 2), Ceustodaemon (CR 6), Crucidaemon (CR 15), Derghodaemon (CR 12), Erodaemon (CR 11), Genthodaemon (CR 5), Hydrodaemon (CR 8), Lacridaemon (CR 3), Lapsudaemon (CR 14), Leukodaemon (CR 9), Meladaemon (CR 11), Nixudaemon (CR 7), Obcisidaemon (CR 19), Olethrodaemon (CR 20), Phasmadaemon (CR 17), Piscodaemon (CR 10), Purrodaemon (CR 18), Sangudaemon (CR 9), Sepsidaemon (CR 7), Suspiridaemon (CR 7), Temerdaemon (CR 14), Thanadaemon (CR 13), Venedaemon (CR 5), Vulnudaemon (CR 4)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 53 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersCaligni (CR 1/2), Dark Caller (CR 5), Dark Champion (CR 5), Dark Creeper (CR 2), Dark Dancer (CR 1), Dark Empath (CR 2), Dark Slayer (CR 3), Dark Stalker (CR 4)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 68 In an ancient war forgotten by most mortals, the thanatotic titans rose up again... (click to see full entry)MembersGristly Demodand (CR 17), Shaggy Demodand (CR 18), Slimy Demodand (CR 16), Squamous Demodand (CR 20), Stringy Demodand (CR 15), Tarry Demodand (CR 13)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 57 Demons exist for one reason—to destroy. Where their more lawful counterparts, th... (click to see full entry)MembersAbrikandilu (CR 3), Andrazku (CR 5), Babau (CR 6), Balor (CR 20), Brimorak (CR 5), Cambion (CR 2), Coloxus (CR 12), Derakni (CR 10), Dretch (CR 2), Gallu (CR 19), Ghalzarokh (CR 15), Gibrileth (CR 11), Glabrezu (CR 13), Hala (CR 4), Hezrou (CR 11), Incubus (CR 6), Kalavakus (CR 10), Katpaskir (CR 18), Kithangian (CR 9), Larva (CR 1), Lilitu (CR 17), Marilith (CR 17), Nabasu (CR 8), Nalfeshnee (CR 14), Omox (CR 12), Oolioddroo (CR 13), Painajai (CR 14), Quasit (CR 2), Schir (CR 4), Seraptis (CR 15), Shachath (CR 11), Shadow Demon (CR 7), Shemhazian (CR 16), Succubus (CR 7), Swaithe (CR 4), Thoxel Demon (CR 5), Ulkreth (CR 15), Vavakia (CR 18), Vermlek (CR 3), Vilsteth (CR 16), Vrock (CR 9), Vrolikai (CR 19), Yaenit (CR 6)Mythic MembersMarilith (CR 21; MR 8), Nalfeshnee (CR 17; MR 7), Vrock (CR 11; MR 4)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 45 The mightiest of all demons are the demon lords of the Abyss, influential entiti... (click to see full entry)MembersBaphomet (CR 27), Dagon (CR 28), Deskari (CR 29), Kostchtchie (CR 26), Nocticula (CR 30), Pazuzu (CR 30), Shax (CR 28), Sifkesh (CR 28), Xoveron (CR 27)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 72 Masters of corruption and despoilers of purity, devils seek to destroy all thing... (click to see full entry)MembersAccomplice Devil (Hesperian) (CR 4), Accuser Devil (Zebub) (CR 3), Apostate Devil (Deimavigga) (CR 17), Barbed Devil (Hamatula) (CR 11), Bearded Devil (Barbazu) (CR 5), Belier Devil (Bdellavritra) (CR 16), Bone Devil (Osyluth) (CR 9), Cabal Devil (Uniila) (CR 10), Chortov (CR 9), Contract Devil (Phistophilus) (CR 10), Curse Devil (Phiam) (CR 5), Drowning Devil (Sarglagon) (CR 8), Erinyes (CR 8), Executioner Devil (Munagola) (CR 11), Gambling Devil (Magadaz) (CR 4), Handmaiden Devil (Gylou) (CR 14), Heresy Devil (Ayngavhaul) (CR 12), Horned Devil (Cornugon) (CR 16), Host Devil, Greater (Magaav) (CR 6), Host Devil, Lesser (Gaav) (CR 3), Ice Devil (Gelugon) (CR 13), Immolation Devil (Puragaus) (CR 19), Imp (CR 2), Lemure (CR 1), Mnemor (CR 5), Nemesis Devil (Advodaza) (CR 18), Nemesis Devil (Advodaza) (CR 18), Nupperibo (CR 1), Pit Fiend (CR 20), Possession Devil, Greater (Gidim) (CR 15), Possession Devil, Lesser (Gidim) (CR 6), Rust Devil (Ferrugon) (CR 12), Salikotal (CR 7), Sire Devil (Patraavex) (CR 7), Tinder Devil (Ukobach) (CR 4), Warmonger Devil (Levaloch) (CR 7)Mythic MembersBone Devil (CR 11; MR 4), Ice Devil (CR 16; MR 6)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 83 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersAllosaurus (CR 7), Amargasaurus (CR 6), Ankylosaurus (CR 6), Brachiosaurus (CR 10), Ceratosaurus (CR 5), Compsognathus (CR 1/2), Deinonychus (CR 3), Dimetrodon (CR 3), Dimorphodon (CR 1), Diplodocus (CR 12), Elasmosaurus (CR 7), Giganotosaurus (CR 13), Iguanodon (CR 6), Kentrosaurus (CR 5), Pachycephalosaurus (CR 4), Parasaurolophus (CR 4), Plesiosaurus (CR 2), Pteranodon (CR 3), Quetzalcoatlus (CR 7), Spinosaurus (CR 11), Stegosaurus (CR 7), Styracosaurus (CR 5), Therizinosaurus (CR 10), Triceratops (CR 8), Troodon (CR 1), Tylosaurus (CR 8), Tyrannosaurus (CR 9), Velociraptor (CR 2)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 82 While demons exist to destroy, devils yearn to corrupt and control, and daemons ... (click to see full entry)MembersAghash (CR 4), Akvan (CR 20), Bushyasta (CR 6), Doru (CR 2), Druj Nasu (CR 8), Ghawwas (CR 10), Pairaka (CR 7), Sepid (CR 14), Shira (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 92 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Black Dragon (CR 11), Ancient Black Dragon (CR 16), Young Black Dragon (CR 7)Mythic MembersMature Adult Black Dragon (CR 15; MR 6)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 94 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Blue Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Blue Dragon (CR 18), Young Blue Dragon (CR 9)Mythic MembersMature Adult Blue Dragon (CR 17; MR 7)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 102 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Brass Dragon (CR 11), Ancient Brass Dragon (CR 16), Young Brass Dragon (CR 7)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 104 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Bronze Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Bronze Dragon (CR 18), Young Bronze Dragon (CR 9)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 106 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Copper Dragon (CR 12), Ancient Copper Dragon (CR 17), Young Copper Dragon (CR 8)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 88 One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes d... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Astral Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Astral Dragon (CR 18), Young Astral Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 90 One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes d... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Dream Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Dream Dragon (CR 19), Young Dream Dragon (CR 10)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 92 One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes d... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Etheric Dragon (CR 11), Ancient Etheric Dragon (CR 16), Young Etheric Dragon (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 94 One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes d... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Nightmare Dragon (CR 10), Ancient Nightmare Dragon (CR 15), Young Nightmare Dragon (CR 6)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 96 One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes d... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Occult Dragon (CR 10), Ancient Occult Dragon (CR 15), Young Occult Dragon (CR 6)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 108 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Gold Dragon (CR 15), Ancient Gold Dragon (CR 20), Young Gold Dragon (CR 11)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 96 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Green Dragon (CR 12), Ancient Green Dragon (CR 17), Young Green Dragon (CR 8)Mythic MembersVery Old Green Dragon (CR 20; MR 8)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 94 Although chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categor... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Forest Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Forest Dragon (CR 19), Young Forest Dragon (CR 10)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 96 Although chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categor... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Sea Dragon (CR 12), Ancient Sea Dragon (CR 17), Young Sea Dragon (CR 8)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 98 Although chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categor... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Sky Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Sky Dragon (CR 18), Young Sky Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 100 Although chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categor... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Sovereign Dragon (CR 15), Ancient Sovereign Dragon (CR 20), Young Sovereign Dragon (CR 11)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 102 Although chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categor... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Underworld Dragon (CR 11), Ancient Underworld Dragon (CR 16), Young Underworld Dragon (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 66 Outer dragons, natives of the vast reaches of space, can be encountered on diver... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Lunar Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Lunar Dragon (CR 18), Young Lunar Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 68 Outer dragons, natives of the vast reaches of space, can be encountered on diver... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Solar Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Solar Dragon (CR 18), Young Solar Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 70 Outer dragons, natives of the vast reaches of space, can be encountered on diver... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Time Dragon (CR 15), Ancient Time Dragon (CR 20), Young Time Dragon (CR 11)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 72 Outer dragons, natives of the vast reaches of space, can be encountered on diver... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Void Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Void Dragon (CR 18), Young Void Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 74 Outer dragons, natives of the vast reaches of space, can be encountered on diver... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Vortex Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Vortex Dragon (CR 19), Young Vortex Dragon (CR 10)
Source Pathfinder #137: The City Outside of Time pg. 88 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Apocalypse Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Apocalypse Dragon (CR 21), Young Apocalypse Dragon (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder #137: The City Outside of Time pg. 90 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Bliss Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Bliss Dragon (CR 21), Young Bliss Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 98 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Crypt Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Crypt Dragon (CR 21), Young Crypt Dragon (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder #131: The Reaper's Right Hand pg. 88 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Edict Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Edict Dragon (CR 21), Young Edict Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 100 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Havoc Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Havoc Dragon (CR 21), Young Havoc Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 102 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Infernal Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Infernal Dragon (CR 21), Young Infernal Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 104 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Paradise Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Paradise Dragon (CR 21), Young Paradise Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 106 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Rift Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Rift Dragon (CR 21), Young Rift Dragon (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder #138: Rise of New Thassilon pg. 90 Planar dragons originate in the outer Planes, but migrate via portals or other m... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Tumult Dragon (CR 16), Ancient Tumult Dragon (CR 21), Young Tumult Dragon (CR 12)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 94 Though chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categorie... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Brine Dragon (CR 11), Ancient Brine Dragon (CR 16), Young Brine Dragon (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 96 Though chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categorie... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Cloud Dragon (CR 13), Ancient Cloud Dragon (CR 18), Young Cloud Dragon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 98 Though chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categorie... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Crystal Dragon (CR 10), Ancient Crystal Dragon (CR 15), Young Crystal Dragon (CR 6)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 100 Though chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categorie... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Magma Dragon (CR 12), Ancient Magma Dragon (CR 17), Young Magma Dragon (CR 8)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 102 Though chromatic and metallic dragons are the most widely known, other categorie... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Umbral Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Umbral Dragon (CR 19), Young Umbral Dragon (CR 10)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 98 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Red Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Red Dragon (CR 19), Young Red Dragon (CR 10)Mythic MembersWyrm Red Dragon (CR 25; MR 10), Young Red Dragon (CR 12; MR 5)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 110 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult Silver Dragon (CR 14), Ancient Silver Dragon (CR 19), Young Silver Dragon (CR 10)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 100 True dragons are divided into two broad categories: chromatic and metallic. Chro... (click to see full entry)MembersAdult White Dragon (CR 10), Ancient White Dragon (CR 15), Young White Dragon (CR 6)Mythic MembersJuvenile White Dragon (CR 9; MR 3)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 106 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersDesert Drake (CR 8), Ether Drake (CR 10), Flame Drake (CR 5), Forest Drake (CR 4), Frost Drake (CR 7), Jungle Drake (CR 6), Lava Drake (CR 9), Mist Drake (CR 5), Rift Drake (CR 9), River Drake (CR 3), Sea Drake (CR 6), Shadow Drake (CR 2), Spire Drake (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 106 Languages Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran Ecology click to see full entry)MembersElder Aether Elemental (CR 11), Greater Aether Elemental (CR 9), Huge Aether Elemental (CR 7), Large Aether Elemental (CR 5), Medium Aether Elemental (CR 3), Small Aether Elemental (CR 1)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 120 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Air Elemental (CR 11), Greater Air Elemental (CR 9), Huge Air Elemental (CR 7), Large Air Elemental (CR 5), Medium Air Elemental (CR 3), Small Air Elemental (CR 1)Mythic MembersElder Air Elemental (CR 14; MR 5)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 122 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Earth Elemental (CR 11), Greater Earth Elemental (CR 9), Huge Earth Elemental (CR 7), Large Earth Elemental (CR 5), Medium Earth Elemental (CR 3), Small Earth Elemental (CR 1)Mythic MembersElder Earth Elemental (CR 14; MR 5)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 124 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Fire Elemental (CR 11), Greater Fire Elemental (CR 9), Huge Fire Elemental (CR 7), Large Fire Elemental (CR 5), Medium Fire Elemental (CR 3), Small Fire Elemental (CR 1)Mythic MembersElder Fire Elemental (CR 14; MR 5)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 114 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Ice Elemental (CR 11), Greater Ice Elemental (CR 9), Huge Ice Elemental (CR 7), Large Ice Elemental (CR 5), Medium Ice Elemental (CR 3), Small Ice Elemental (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 116 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Lightning Elemental (CR 11), Greater Lightning Elemental (CR 9), Huge Lightning Elemental (CR 7), Large Lightning Elemental (CR 5), Medium Lightning Elemental (CR 3), Small Lightning Elemental (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 118 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Magma Elemental (CR 11), Greater Magma Elemental (CR 9), Huge Magma Elemental (CR 7), Large Magma Elemental (CR 5), Medium Magma Elemental (CR 3), Small Magma Elemental (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 120 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Mud Elemental (CR 11), Greater Mud Elemental (CR 9), Huge Mud Elemental (CR 7), Large Mud Elemental (CR 5), Medium Mud Elemental (CR 3), Small Mud Elemental (CR 1)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 126 An elemental is a being composed entirely from one of the four classical element... (click to see full entry)MembersElder Water Elemental (CR 11), Greater Water Elemental (CR 9), Huge Water Elemental (CR 7), Large Water Elemental (CR 5), Medium Water Elemental (CR 3), Small Water Elemental (CR 1)Mythic MembersElder Water Elemental (CR 14; MR 5)
Source Planes of Power pg. 54 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersYmeri (CR 28)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 87 The empyreal lords are the primal forces of good given physical form. Though not... (click to see full entry)MembersArshea (CR 29), Ashava (CR 28), Black Butterfly (CR 28), Cernunnos (CR 30), Korada (CR 26), Ragathiel (CR 26), Vildeis (CR 28)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 116 Entothropes are humanoids with the ability to turn into large insects and insect... (click to see full entry)MembersWeremantis (Human Form) (CR 4), Weremantis (Hybrid Form) (CR 4), Werespider (Human Form) (CR 2), Werespider (Hybrid Form) (CR 2), Werewasp (Human Form) (CR 5), Werewasp (Hybrid Form) (CR 5)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 124 Found skittering through forgotten tombs, crawling through deep forests, and fil... (click to see full entry)MembersExoskeleton Giant Cockroach (CR 1/2), Exoskeleton Giant Stag Beetle (CR 4), Exoskeleton Titan Centipede (CR 8)
Source Pathfinder #91: Battle of Bloodmarch Hills pg. 84 “Exoskeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal vermin ... (click to see full entry)MembersExoskeleton Giant Cockroach (CR 1/2), Exoskeleton Giant Stag Beetle (CR 4), Exoskeleton Titan Centipede (CR 8)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 131 Presented here are the base animal statistics for all of the most commonly used ... (click to see full entry)MembersArchaeopteryx (CR 1/4), Arctic Hare (CR 1/6), Arctic Tern (CR 1/6), Armadillo (CR 1/4), Bat (CR 1/8), Blue-Ringed Octopus (CR 1/2), Butterfly/Moth (CR -), Cat (CR 1/4), Chicken (CR 1/6), Cockroach (CR 1/8), Creeper Ivy (CR 1/4), Dodo (CR 1/4), Donkey Rat (CR 1/4), Dwarf Caiman (CR 1/3), Dweomer Cap (CR 1/8), Fire Salamander (CR 1/3), Flowering Lattice (CR 1/6), Flying Fox (CR 1/3), Flying Squirrel (CR 1/3), Fox (CR 1/4), Giant Isopod (CR 1/8), Giant Tardigrade (CR 1/8), Goat (CR 1/3), Hawk (CR 1/3), Hedgehog (CR 1/8), Horned Lizard (CR 1/6), House Centipede (CR 1/8), Ioun Wyrd (CR 1/3), Jerboa (CR 1/6), Kakapo (CR 1/8), King Crab (CR 1/4), Koala (CR 1/4), Lamprey (CR 1/3), Lemming (CR 1/8), Leopard Slug (CR -), Lizard (CR 1/6), Margay Cat (CR 1/4), Meerkat (CR 1/4), Mole (FF) (CR 1/6), Mole (UW) (CR 1/8), Monkey (CR 1/4), Otter (CR 1/4), Owl (CR 1/3), Peacock (CR 1/4), Peafowl (CR 1/4), Penguin (CR 1/3), Petrifern (CR 1/6), Pig (CR 1/3), Platypus (CR 1/6), Popoto Dolphin (CR 1/3), Ptarmigan (CR 1/6), Pufferfish (CR 1/4), Puffin (CR 1/8), Rabbit (CR 1/6), Raccoon (CR 1/2), Rat (CR 1/4), Raven (CR 1/6), Ravenous Tumbleweed (CR 1/3), Razor Fern (CR 1/4), Red Panda (CR 1/2), Rhamphorhynchus (CR 1/3), Sawleg Locust (CR 1/4), Scarlet Spider (CR 1/4), Seal (CR 1/3), Shimmerwing Dragonfly (CR 1/4), Sloth (CR 1/6), Spiny Starfish (CR 1/6), Squirrel (CR 1/8), Suture Vine (CR 1/3), Tarsier (CR 1/6), Thrush (CR 1/3), Toad (CR 1/8), Trilobite (CR 1/4), Tuatara (CR 1/4), Vampire Squid (CR 1/2), Viper (CR 1/2), Wallaby (CR 1/3), Weasel (CR 1/2)
Source Pathfinder #103: The Hellfire Compact pg. 86 Fiend-bred animals are pedigreed varieties of animals whose bloodlines include a... (click to see full entry)MembersChelish Hell-Bred Dog (CR 2), Quillcat (CR 1), Stygian Hot-Blooded Horse (CR 2)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 101 The most fearsome drow aren't satisfied with the mere defeat and death of their ... (click to see full entry)MembersDrider (CR 7), Ghonhatine (CR 10), Grothlut (CR 3), Halsora (CR 7), Irnakurse (CR 9), Oronci (CR 5)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 108 Giant, antlike interplanetary expansionists with an alien hive intelligence, for... (click to see full entry)MembersFormian Myrmarch (CR 10), Formian Queen (CR 17), Formian Taskmaster (CR 7), Formian Warrior (CR 3), Formian Worker (CR 1/2)
Source Classic Horrors Revisited pg. 17 Sinister hunters of living stone, gargoyles perch high on the rooftops of towns ... (click to see full entry)MembersFour-Armed Gargoyle (CR 9), Gargoyle (CR 4), Gargoyle Abductor (CR 10), Gargoyle Guardian (CR 8), Kapoacinth Hunter (CR 7)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 139 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersDjinni (CR 5), Efreeti (CR 8), Janni (CR 4), Marid (CR 9), Shaitan (CR 7)
Source Pathfinder #30: The Twice-Damned Prince pg. 84 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersAbaddon Gigas (CR 17), Abyss Gigas (CR 16), Hell Gigas (CR 15)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 159 Golems are magically created automatons of great power. They stand apart from ot... (click to see full entry)MembersAdamantine Golem (CR 19), Alchemical Golem (CR 9), Behemoth Golem (CR 17), Blood Golem (CR 6), Bone Golem (CR 8), Brass Golem (CR 14), Cannon Golem (CR 15), Carrion Golem (CR 4), Clay Golem (CR 10), Clockwork Golem (CR 12), Coral Golem (CR 9), Crystal Golem (CR 11), Dragonhide Golem (CR 16), Equine Bone Golem (CR 10), Fiend-Infused Golem (CR 13), Flesh Golem (CR 7), Fossil Golem (CR 12), Glass Golem (CR 8), Gold Golem (CR 15), Ice Golem (CR 5), Inubrix Golem (CR 14), Ioun Golem (CR 17), Iron Golem (CR 13), Junk Golem (CR 4), Lead Golem (CR 10), Magnetitie Golem (CR 10), Marrowstone Golem (CR 8), Mask Golem (CR 4), Mithral Golem (CR 16), Noqual Golem (CR 18), Obsidian Golem (CR 12), Panthereon (CR 11), Quantium Golem (CR 20), Quintessence Golem (CR 20), Robot Golem (CR 11), Sand Golem (CR 9), Sentient Wax Golem (CR 4), Shadow Golem (CR 14), Stone Golem (CR 11), Viridium Golem (CR 18), Wax Golem (CR 3), Wood Golem (CR 6)Mythic MembersFlesh Golem (CR 9; MR 3)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 135 The Great Old Ones are otherworldly entities of almost unimaginable power—beings... (click to see full entry)MembersAtlach-Nacha (CR 28), Bokrug (CR 27), Cthulhu (CR 30), Ghatanothoa (CR 29), Hastur (CR 29), Ithaqua (CR 28), Mhar (CR 26), Mordiggian (CR 30), Rhan-Tegoth (CR 28), Tawil At'umr (CR 30), Tsathoggua (CR 29), Xhamen-Dor (CR 26), Yig (CR 27)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 141 Well known for their mischievous natures, their nasty senses of humor, and their... (click to see full entry)MembersDrexin (CR 2), Erinat (CR 2), Fuath (CR 1), Grimple (CR 1/3), Haniver (CR 1/2), Hobkins (CR 1/2), Jinkin (CR 1), Monaciello (CR 1), Nuglub (CR 2), Nuno (CR 1/2), Pugwampi (CR 1/2), Vexgit (CR 1)
Source Classic Horrors Revisited pg. 35 If dryads, nymphs, and sprites represent the grace and beauty of unspoiled natur... (click to see full entry)MembersAnnis Hag (CR 6), Ash Hag (CR 5), Blood Hag (CR 8), Dreamthief Hag (CR 11), Green Hag (CR 5), Moon Hag (CR 7), Mute Hag (CR 11), Night Hag (CR 9), Sea Hag (CR 4), Storm Hag (CR 7), Winter Hag (CR 7)
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 274 Heralds are a special class of unique, godly servants. With few exceptions, each... (click to see full entry)MembersArcanotheign (CR 15), Basileus (CR 15), End's Voice (CR 15), Gravedragger (CR 15), Great Elder Iuu (CR 15), Hand of the Inheritor (CR 15), Latten Mechanism (CR 15), Lawgiver (CR 15), Lawgiver (CR 15), Mother’s Maw (CR 15), Mother's Maw (CR 15), Night Monarch (CR 15), Night Monarch (CR 15), Personification of Fury (CR 15), Steward of the Skein (CR 15), Sunlord Thalachos (CR 15), Tarrasque (CR 25), Thais (CR 15), The First Blade (CR 15), The Grand Defender (CR 15), The Grim White Stag (CR 15), The Menotherian (CR 15), The Old Man (CR 15), The Prince in Chains (CR 15), The Prince in Chains (CR 15), The Spirit of Adoration (CR 15), The Stabbing Beast (CR 15), Yethazmari (CR 15), Yethazmari (CR 15)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 174 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersAntelope (CR 1/2), Aurochs (CR 2), Bison (CR 4), Camel (CR 1), Elk (CR 1), Giraffe (CR 3), Ram (CR 1), River Elk (CR 2), Stag (CR 1)
Source Horror Adventures pg. 233 The hive are an invasive species of aberrations that consume worlds like locusts... (click to see full entry)MembersHive Brute (CR 8), Hive Larva Swarm (CR 5), Hive Queen (CR 10), Hive Warrior (CR 5)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 159 The greatest of daemons, known as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse (or simply the ... (click to see full entry)MembersApollyon (CR 29), Charon (CR 30), Szuriel (CR 28), Trelmarixian (CR 27)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 140 These sometimes-helpful fey creatures known as house spirits bind themselves to ... (click to see full entry)MembersDomovoi (CR 3), Dvorovoi (CR 4), Ovinnik (CR 2)
Source Pathfinder #67: The Snows of Summer pg. 86 These sometimes-helpful fey creatures bind themselves to rural families and live... (click to see full entry)MembersDomovoi (CR 3), Dvorovoi (CR 4), Ovinnik (CR 2)
Source Pathfinder #27: What Lies in Dust pg. 82 The trappings of strange cultures and jealous mystics, isolated natives and sini... (click to see full entry)MembersBone (CR 2), Jade (CR 4), Stone (CR 3), Wood (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 161 Originally invented and forged in the Outer Planes by the axiomites, inevitables... (click to see full entry)MembersArbiter (CR 2), Hykariut (CR 18), Impariut (CR 10), Kastamut (CR 6), Kolyarut (CR 12), Lhaksharut (CR 20), Marut (CR 15), Novenarut (CR 4), Rokyamut (CR 19), Valharut (CR 11), Yarahkut (CR 14), Zelekhut (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 165 In the furthest reaches of the globe, where civilization itself is a legend and ... (click to see full entry)MembersAgyra (CR 27), Bezravnis (CR 26), Mogaru (CR 28), Varklops (CR 30), Vorgozen (CR 29), Yarthoon (CR 25)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 159 Kami are ancient, mystical, and otherworldly spirits created eons ago by the god... (click to see full entry)MembersDosojin (CR 7), Dunagh (CR 4), Fukujin (CR 3), Jinushigami (CR 20), Kaminari (CR 17), Kodama (CR 5), Shikigami (CR 2), Suijin (CR 14), Toshigami (CR 15), Zuishin (CR 10)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 170 Despicably cruel and equally horrible to gaze upon, kytons are evil fiends who f... (click to see full entry)MembersApocrisiarius (CR 7), Apostle Kyton (CR 12), Augur (CR 2), Cantor (CR 9), Ephialtes (CR 16), Eremite (CR 20), Interlocutor (CR 12), Kyton (CR 6), Lampadarius (CR 4), Libitinarii (CR 13), Oitos (CR 11), Ostiarius (CR 5), Phylacator (CR 18), Sacristan (CR 10), Suffragan (CR 5), Termagant (CR 17)
Source Pathfinder #137: The City Outside of Time pg. 86 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersInkariax (CR 26)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 176 Originally grown as servants for more powerful fey and intelligent plant life su... (click to see full entry)MembersCactus Leshy (CR 2), Flytrap Leshy (CR 4), Fungus Leshy (CR 2), Gourd Leshy (CR 1), Leaf Leshy (CR 1/2), Lichen Leshy (CR 3), Lotus Leshy (CR 5), Seaweed Leshy (CR 3), Snapdragon Leshy (CR 4), Sunflower Leshy (CR 1)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 181 Treacherous primeval dragons of the northern regions of the world, linnorms thri... (click to see full entry)MembersCairn Linnorm (CR 18), Crag Linnorm (CR 14), Fjord Linnorm (CR 16), Gare Linnorm (CR 15), Ice Linnorm (CR 17), Sea Linnorm (CR 22), Taiga Linnorm (CR 19), Tarn Linnorm (CR 20), Tor Linnorm (CR 21)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 186 Lurking rays are a whole family of creatures that infest the dark corners of the... (click to see full entry)MembersExecutioner's Hood (CR 2), Lurker Above (CR 7), Trapper (CR 8)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 197 Lycanthropes are humanoids with the ability to turn into animals and animal-huma... (click to see full entry)MembersSilverblood Lycanthrope (Human Form) (CR 5), Silverblood Werewolf (Hybrid Form) (CR 5), Werebat (Human Form) (CR 3), Werebat (Hybrid Form) (CR 3), Werebear (Human Form) (CR 4), Werebear (Hybrid Form) (CR 4), Wereboar (Human Form) (CR 2), Wereboar (Hybrid Form) (CR 2), Werecrocodile (Human Form) (CR 3), Werecrocodile (Hybrid Form) (CR 3), Wereraptor (Human Form) (CR 3), Wereraptor (Hybrid Form) (CR 3), Wererat (Human Form) (CR 2), Wererat (Hybrid Form) (CR 2), Wereshark (Human Form) (CR 3), Wereshark (Hybrid Form) (CR 3), Weretiger (Human Form) (CR 4), Weretiger (Hybrid Form) (CR 4), Werewolf (Human Form) (CR 2), Werewolf (Hybrid Form) (CR 2)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 162 For most creatures, the path to self-perfection ends as all mortal pursuits do: ... (click to see full entry)MembersMaharishi Manu (CR 16), Manu (CR 12), Rishi Manu (CR 14), Twilight Pitri (Barhisad) (CR 18)Mythic MembersSolar Pitri (Agnishvatta) (CR 22; MR 8)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 186 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersArchelon (CR 5), Arsinoitherium (CR 7), Baluchitherium (CR 8), Basilosaurus (CR 12), Brontotherium (CR 8), Chalicotherium (CR 6), Deinotherium (CR 7), Elasmotherium (CR 9), Embolotherium (CR 5), Glyptodon (CR 6), Kaprosuchus (CR 5), Megalania (CR 7), Megaloceros (CR 4), Megatherium (CR 5), Moa (CR 2), Titanoboa (CR 13), Uintatherium (CR 7)
Source Pathfinder #139: The Dead Road pg. 86 Mortics are humanoids afflicted with the physiolog... (click to see full entry)MembersAngheuvore (CR 2), Etioling (CR 10), Gurgist (CR 6), Jitterbone (CR 4), Lifeleecher (CR 8), Relictner (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 211 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersDark Naga (CR 8), Deep Naga (CR 12), Dream Naga (CR 9), Guardian Naga (CR 10), Lunar Naga (CR 6), Royal Naga (CR 11), Slime Naga (CR 9), Spirit Naga (CR 9), Water Naga (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 199 The malevolent nightshades are a mysterious form of necrotic abominations compos... (click to see full entry)MembersNightcrawler (CR 18), Nightprowler (CR 10), Nightwalker (CR 16), Nightwave (CR 20), Nightwing (CR 14)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 204 The result of an unfortunate union between an ogre and a humanoid, the ogrekin (... (click to see full entry)MembersKin Seeker (CR 6), Kreegwood Stalker (CR 3), Ogrekin (CR 2), Stroud Apprentice (CR 10), Thanegraves Looter (CR 4)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 205 Oni are a race of evil spirits, native to the Material Plane, that manifest phys... (click to see full entry)MembersAtamahuta (CR 11), Earth Yai (CR 13), Fire Yai (CR 15), Ice Yai (CR 14), Ja Noi (CR 5), Kigyo (CR 6), Kuwa (CR 4), Najikai (CR 8), Nogitsune (CR 7), Ogre Mage (CR 8), Spirit Oni (CR 2), Void Yai (CR 20), Water Yai (CR 18), Wind Yai (CR 16), Yamabushi Tengu (CR 5)
Source Pathfinder #83: The Slave Trenches of Hakotep pg. 89 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersOssumental (Air) (CR 12), Ossumental (Earth) (CR 12), Ossumental (Fire) (CR 12), Ossumental (Water) (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder #47: Ashes at Dawn pg. 84 Raised from the corpses of knights and soldiers slain by treachery rather than b... (click to see full entry)MembersGiant Phantom Armor (CR 4), Guardian Phantom Armor (CR 2), Hollow Helm (CR 1), Phantom Lancer (CR 6)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 192 Sent down by vengeful deities to punish communities that have offended them, pla... (click to see full entry)Mythic MembersBat Plague Swarm (CR 17; MR 8), Locust Plague Swarm (CR 15; MR 8), Rat Plague Swarm (CR 11; MR 8)
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 30 Humanoid in shape and constructed of base materials, poppets are designed to acc... (click to see full entry)MembersPoppet, Small (CR 1/2), Poppet, Tiny (CR 1/3)
Source Pathfinder #60: From Hell's Heart pg. 88 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersKronosaurus (CR 10), Nothosaur (CR 5), Zeuglodon (CR 9)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 213 Beings of pure chaos, the serpentine proteans slither through the anarchic impro... (click to see full entry)MembersAkizendri (CR 3), Azuretzi (CR 5), Hegessik (CR 15), Ibshaunet (CR 11), Illureshi (CR 9), Imentesh (CR 10), Izfiitar (CR 20), Keketar (CR 17), Naunet (CR 7), Oshageros (CR 13), Ourdivar (CR 4), Pelagastr (CR 8), Voidworm (CR 2)
Source Bestiary 4 pg. 217 All life has its beginning and its end. From the moment of birth, everything tha... (click to see full entry)MembersAhmuuth (CR 4), Algea (CR 11), Calaca (CR 8), Catrina (CR 5), Ember Weaver (CR 8), Esobok (CR 3), Fulgati (CR 18), Kere (CR 10), Memitim (CR 15), Morbai (CR 6), Morrigna (CR 13), Nosoi (CR 2), Olethros (CR 17), Shoki (CR 9), Vanth (CR 7), Viduus (CR 4), Yamaraj (CR 20)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 218 Before the Abyss was taught how to process and transform larvae into demons—inde... (click to see full entry)MembersAugnagar (CR 14), Behimiron (CR 13), Cataboligne (CR 16), Chernobue (CR 12), Cythnigot (CR 2), Deinochos (CR 5), Gongorinan (CR 11), Gorgoros (CR 9), Hydraggon (CR 3), Iathavos (CR 20), Nyogoth (CR 10), Shoggti (CR 7), Thognorok (CR 4), Thulgant (CR 18), Utukku (CR 8), Vexenion (CR 6)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 231 The creatures known as qlippoth (the singular and plural forms are the same) are... (click to see full entry)MembersChavazvug (CR 22), Isph-Aun-Vuln (CR 25), Oaur-Ooung (CR 23), Thuskchoon (CR 21), Yamasoth (CR 24)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 224 Rakshasas are born on the Material Plane, but they are not of it. They possess t... (click to see full entry)MembersAmanusya (CR 6), Avatarana (CR 12), Dandasuka (CR 5), Marai (CR 8), Orsatka (CR 13), Rakshasa (CR 10), Rakshasa Maharaja (CR 20), Raktavarna (CR 2), Tataka (CR 15), Zalyakavat (CR 13)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 205 Products of advanced scientific technology, the constructs called robots are ani... (click to see full entry)MembersAnnihilator Robot (CR 16), Arachnid Robot (CR 1/2), Collector Robot (CR 3), Director Robot (CR 10), Evaluator Robot (CR 12), Gearsman Robot (CR 4), Gladiator Robot (CR 17), Juggernaut Robot (CR 15), Mannequin Robot (CR 2), Myrmidon Robot (CR 11), Observer Robot (CR 2), Observer Robot Swarm (CR 10), Octopod Mechanic Drone (CR 13), Reclamation Robot (CR 12), Repair Robot (CR 2), Scrapyard Robot (CR 3), Surgeon Robot (CR 14), Terraformer Robot (CR 7), Thought Harvester Robot (CR 10), Torturer Robot (CR 8), Warden Robot (CR 9)
Source Inner Sea Bestiary pg. 42 Products of technology advanced far beyond even those of the gunsmiths of Alkens... (click to see full entry)MembersAnnihilator Robot (CR 16), Arachnid Robot (CR 1/2), Collector Robot (CR 3), Director Robot (CR 10), Evaluator Robot (CR 12), Gearsman Robot (CR 4), Gladiator Robot (CR 17), Juggernaut Robot (CR 15), Mannequin Robot (CR 2), Myrmidon Robot (CR 11), Observer Robot (CR 2), Observer Robot Swarm (CR 10), Octopod Mechanic Drone (CR 13), Reclamation Robot (CR 12), Repair Robot (CR 2), Scrapyard Robot (CR 3), Surgeon Robot (CR 14), Terraformer Robot (CR 7), Thought Harvester Robot (CR 10), Torturer Robot (CR 8), Warden Robot (CR 9)
Source Pathfinder #25: The Bastards of Erebus pg. 78
Rot Grubs As Hazards (Cr 4)Smaller groups of normal-sized... (click to see full entry)MembersGiant Rot Grub (CR 3), Rot Grub Swarm (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 212 Psychopomps oversee one of the most fundamental ... (click to see full entry)MembersEsipil (CR 2), Ichkoh (CR 7), Kimenhul (CR 20), Nucol (CR 4), Pakalchi (CR 9), Qolok (CR 16), Wihsaak (CR 6), Ximtal (CR 17), Zohanil (CR 10)
Source Pathfinder #135: Runeplague pg. 91 Each siktempora is different in shape, alignment, and power, but they all share ... (click to see full entry)MembersMisery Siktempora (CR 12)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 250 Skeleton” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature (o... (click to see full entry)MembersArmored Ogre Skeleton (CR 2), Four-Armed Mudra Skeleton (CR 1/2), Human Skeleton (CR 1/3), Multiplying T-Rex Skeleton (CR 9), Skeletal Champion (CR 2), Skeletal Mage (CR 5), Skeletal Mount (CR 1)
Source Inner Sea Bestiary pg. 46 The spawn of Rovagug are titanic terrors, slavering monstrosities of immense siz... (click to see full entry)MembersChemnosit (The Monarch Worm) (CR 23), Festering Ulunat (The Unholy First) (CR 24), Volnagur (The End-Singer) (CR 22), Xotani (The Firebleeder) (CR 20)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 250 The enigmatic sphinxes are closely related, yet diverse in appearance, intellect... (click to see full entry)MembersAndrosphinx (CR 9), Criosphinx (CR 7), Cynosphinx (CR 6), Elder Sphinx (CR 16), Gynosphinx (CR 8), Hieracosphinx (CR 5)
Source Pathfinder #134: It Came from Hollow Mountain pg. 90 During the height of the Thassilonian Empire, nobles and other wealthy elite fav... (click to see full entry)MembersBronze Sentinel (CR 3), Iron Sentinel (CR 5), Ivory Sentinel (CR 7), Marble Sentinel (CR 4)
Source Bestiary 3 pg. 263 Highly spiritual creatures and keepers of the world's greatest secrets, the thri... (click to see full entry)MembersThriae Constructor (CR 14), Thriae Dancer (CR 6), Thriae Queen (CR 18), Thriae Seer (CR 11), Thriae Soldier (CR 4)
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 266 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersElysian (CR 21), Hekatonkheires (CR 24), Thanatotic (CR 22)Mythic MembersDanava (CR 24; MR 9), Fomorian Titan (CR 22; MR 8)
Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 268 Note from Nethys: This family represents a group of similar monsters. No official description was provided.MembersCanopy Troll (CR 3), Chimney Troll (CR 2), Flood Troll (CR 2), Ice Troll (CR 4), Jotund Troll (CR 15), Moss Troll (CR 3), Mountain Troll (CR 14), Rock Troll (CR 6), Sewer Troll (CR 2), Troll (CR 5), Troll Acolyte (CR 6), Troll Berserker (CR 9), Troll Brute (CR 7), Troll Elder Matron (CR 10), Troll Fury (CR 8), Troll Monarch (CR 15), Troll Render (CR 10), Troll Ripper (CR 8), Troll Warden (CR 6)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 265 Wherever there are battles to be fought or spoils to be claimed, troops march fo... (click to see full entry)MembersBarrier Breaker Troop (CR 7), Cultist Troop (CR 11), Goblin Troop (CR 5), Outlaw Troop (CR 7), Sodden Drauger Troop (CR 9)
Source Pathfinder #100: A Song of Silver pg. 122 The troop subtype represents an organized group of trained soldiers who act as a... (click to see full entry)MembersDottari Troop (CR 7), Glorious Reclamation (CR 14), Hobgoblin Phalanx Troop (CR 10), Hound Archon Troop (CR 16), Inquisitor Troop (CR 9), Ironfang Magehunter Troop (CR 14), Ironfang Siege Alchemist Troop (CR 16), Ironfang Yzobu Rider Troop (CR 18), Morlock Swarmer Troop (CR 7), Warmaze Disciples Troop (CR 11)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 252 When an object reaches the 100-year anniversary of its crafting, sometimes it fo... (click to see full entry)MembersBoroboroton (CR 5), Kasa-obake (CR 4), Koto-furunishi (CR 2)
Source Monster Codex pg. 238 A vampire often needs mortal minions—especially during the day, when it must ret... (click to see full entry)MembersCoffin Guard (CR 3), Weird Butler (CR 4)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 264 Capricious yet alluring, veelas are elemental spirits given shape. On the Elemen... (click to see full entry)MembersAir Veela (CR 7), Earth Veela (CR 7), Fire Veela (CR 7), Water Veela (CR 7)
Source Bestiary 6 pg. 278 The wild hunt is an awe-inspiring and enigmatic group of fey who stalk and pursu... (click to see full entry)MembersWild Hunt Archer (CR 13), Wild Hunt Horse (CR 11), Wild Hunt Hound (CR 10), Wild Hunt Monarch (CR 19), Wild Hunt Scout (CR 15)
Source Bestiary 5 pg. 282 Wysps are five races of tiny elemental beings. Aether wysps were the first wysps... (click to see full entry)MembersAether Wysp (CR 2), Air Wysp (CR 2), Earth Wysp (CR 2), Fire Wysp (CR 2), Water Wysp (CR 2)