0-Level Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. Detect Fiendish Presence: As detect evil, except this specifically detects outsiders with the evil subtype and their servants.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Enhanced Diplomacy: Grant a +2 to diplomacy or intimidate to a single subject.
Grasp: Retry a Climb check as an immediate action
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Scrivener's Chant: Imbue a quill to rapidly transcribe words from one page to another.
Sign of the DawnflowerR: Transmit a hidden message that you are a worshipper of Sarenrae to the target. Sotto Voce: Use your dry, rasping whisper to fill a creature with dread.
Spark: Ignites flammable objects.
Stabilize: Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Vigor: Give someone a +1 bonus on their next melee damage roll.
Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.
1st-Level Abadar's TruthtellingR: Force the target to speak the truth.
AbstemiousnessR: Enhance simple food to provide greater nutrition.
Abundant Ammunition: Replaces nonmagical ammunition every round.
Advanced ScurvyR: Force the target to contract an advanced form of scurvy.
Air Bubble: Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object. Alleviate Addiction: Ignore the effects of addictions.
Ant Haul: Triples carrying capacity of a creature.
Aspect of the NightingaleR: Your voice becomes clear and pleasant, like a nightingale.
Authenticating Gaze: Gain a bonus on Appraise/Linguistics checks related to books and scrolls, along with some magical detection abilities.
BaneY: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Barbed Chains: Hellish chains attack and cause a target to become shaken
Bestow Planar Infusion I: Grant the target the effects of a planar infusion Bleeding StrikeR: Enhance a weapon to deal bleed damage with its attack. Blend with Surroundings: Change the appearance of a creature to better blend in with its surroundings.
BlessY: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Bless WaterM: Makes holy water.
Blessed Fist: Target doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity with unarmed strikes.
Blessing of the WatchR: Functions as bless, except lasts for 1 hour/level but only in the caster’s home city. Brightest Night: Grant improved low-light vision to several creatures
Burning Disarm: Make a metal item become red hot, forcing those holding it to drop it or risk searing their hand.
Carrion Compass: Animate the target undead’s organs to lead you to its most recent controller or cause of undeath.
Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Celestial Healing: Grant fast healing 1 for 1 round/2 levels. Ceremony: Harness divine power to create a ceremony.
Clarion Call: Make yourself heard over great distances. Cloak of Secrets: Filter speech from a given area to sound like a different conversation.
CommandY: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Compel Hostility: Compels opponents to attack you instead of your allies.
Comprehend Languages: You understand all languages. Coward's Cowl: Enhance a target’s defensive instincts.
Cultural Adaptation: Adapt to fit the local cultural
Cultural Adaptation (Taldan): Better impersonate the member of a specific culture.
Cure Light WoundsY: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).
Curse WaterM: Makes unholy water.
Dancing Lantern: Animates a lantern that follows you.
Deadeye's Lore: Gain a +4 bonus on Survival and move full speed while tracking.
Deathwatch: Reveals how near death subjects within 30 ft. are.
Decompose Corpse: Turn a corpse into a clean skeleton.
Desperate Weapon: Create an improvised weapon.
Detect Chaos: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
Detect Charm: Detect charm, compulsion, and possession effects in the area Detect Demon: Sense the presence of demons, their servants, and the Abyss.
Detect Evil: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
Detect Good: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
Detect Law: Reveals creatures, spells, or objects of selected alignment.
Detect Radiation: Detect radiation in the surrounding area.
Detect the Faithful: Find others of the same faith.
Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Diagnose Disease: Detect and identify diseases.
Divine FavorY: You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls.
Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Dream FeastR: Feed someone while they sleep. Ears of the City: The target of this spell sees and hears a stream of past scenes and pieces of conversations related to local people and events.
Egorian Diplomacy: Coerce a target, cloud its memory of the encounter
Endure ElementsY: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.
Enhance WaterR: Transform water into an alcoholic beverage.
Entropic ShieldY: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Face of the DevourerR: Horribly mutate the target’s face, disfiguring it while granting it a natural attack.
FairnessR: Force humanoid creatures to trade fairly with each other.
Fallback StrategyR: Gain a free re-roll while this spell is active.
Fastidiousness: Keep yourself and your equipment clean and dry
Ferment: Affected liquid becomes alcoholic
FirebellyR: Breathe fire and become resistant to it.
Forbid Action: Target obeys command to not do something.
Funereal Weapon: Targeted weapon bypasses some DR of undead creatures
Gorum's ArmorY: Make a suit of armor or shield erupt in thousands of spikes, causing damage to natural attacks against you.
Grasping CorpseM: Cause a corpse to grab or trip a foe
Guardian Armor: Teleport your armor onto an ally in range
Hairline FracturesR: Create hairline fractures in earth and stone.
Haze of DreamsR: Fill an enemy’s head with waking dreams, slowing it down.
Hedging Weapons: Floating weapons protect you and make ranged attacks
Hidden Spring: Discover a temporary spring of fresh, flowing water
Hide from Undead: Undead can't perceive one subject/level.
Ice ArmorR: Create a thick suit of ice armor.
Infernal Healing: Give someone fast healing 1 for a minute, at the cost of a temporary evil alignment.
Inflict Light WoundsY: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). Instant Clot: Touched creature doesn't bleed
Instant Portrait: Create a portrait of a creature on the touched surface
IronbeardR: Create a brushy beard of stiff iron to use as defense and a weapon.
Ironbloom SproutsFMR: Transform mushrooms into magical ironbloom mushrooms.
Karmic BlessingR: Target treats one skill of your choice as a class skill.
Keyhole: Create a keyhole in any door or enlarge an existing keyhole
Know the EnemyY: Gain +10 on a monster Knowledge check.
Kreighton's Perusal: Gain a brief understanding from a book as if you had read it for 1 hour.
Liberating Command: Target makes an Escape Artist check as an immediate action and gains a bonus on it.
Lighten ObjectR: Decrease the target’s weight by half or reduce the armor check penalty of armor.
Lucky Number: Tweak tiny variables in a creature’s immediate future.
Magic Stone: Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d6 +1 damage.
Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Marid's MasteryR: Target gains bonus to attack/damage when combat is in water, penalty if on land.
Mighty Fist of the EarthRY: Fling a fist-sized rock at your opponent, this rock can channel your ki.
Mirror Mantis: Creature sees an looming assassin whenever they see their reflection in a mirror
Moment of Greatness: Doubles a morale bonus.
Murderous CommandY: Target is compelled to kill its ally.
Murderous CrowR: Conjure a supernaturally vicious and clever crow to watch over you.
Obscure PoisonM: Make it harder to detect a poison or venomous creature.
Obscuring MistY: Fog surrounds you.
Opportunistic Loyalty: Temporarily act as an ally to benefit from other creatures’ spells.
Peace Bond: Create a glowing rune of peace to protect targets from your own magic.
Peasant ArmamentsR: Transform improvised weapons into actual weapons. Pesh VigorM: Increase target’s strength with consumption of pesh.
Pick Your PoisonR: Temporarily convert a deadly poison into intoxicating alcohol.
Pierce Facade: Gain a +5 insight bonus to Perception to see through disguises
Planar Orientation: Locate places of power on your current plane
Poisoned EggR: Transform a single egg into a dose of poison.
Positive Pulse: Energy harms undead or bolsters the living
Preserve: Prevent objects from rotting and spoiling
Protection from ChaosY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from EvilY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from GoodY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from LawY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Ray of Sickening: Ray makes subject sickened.
Read WeatherFR: Forecast the weather for the next 48 hours.
Recharge Innate MagicR: Regain a use of all 0-level and 1st-level spell-like abilities.
Refine Improvised Weapon: Transform improvised weapon into a masterwork simple or martial weapon.
Reinforce Armaments: Temporarily mitigates the fragile quality in targeted weapon or armor.
Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.
Remove Sickness: Suppress disease, nausea, and the sickened condition.
Resist Starvation: Last longer without food
Restore Corpse: Skeletal corpse grows flesh.
Rite of Bodily PurityM: +2 to saves vs diseases, drugs, and poison for 24 hours, discharge to reroll a failed save vs a disease, drug, or poison
Rite of Centered MindM: +1 to saves vs mind-affecting effects for 24 hours, discharge to reroll a failed save vs a mind-affecting effect.
Rune TraceM: Learn information about a magical rune without triggering it
Sanctify Corpse: Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead.
SanctuaryY: Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.
Scarify: Convert some lethal damage to nonlethal damage, causing massive scarring
Shadow Trap: Pin someone’s target, causing them to become stuck.
Shield of FaithY: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.
Shield Speech: Speak freely to one creature within 10 feet without being overheard. Shield the Banner: Protect your tribe's banner with a sanctuary-like effect.
Skim: Read four times faster than normal
Songbird: Conjure music from a good-aligned plane
Speak Local Language: Target gains the ability to speak and understand a regional human language.
Speechreader's Sight: Read lips from a distance Spirit Share: Grant beneficial liquids with a touch
Starsight: Observe the night sky as if it were a clear and unobstructed night.
Stone ShieldR: Summon a thick stone slab from the ground to shield you from attacks.
Strand of the Tangled Knot: Next attack against you takes -10 penalty
Stunning Barrier: Magical field grants a +1 bonus to AC and on saves, and stuns one creature attacking you.
Summon Minor Monster: Summon 1d3 Tiny animals.
Summon Monster 1: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sun MetalY: Weapon touched bursts into flames.
Sure Casting: Treat your CL as 5 higher for the purposes of bypassing SR with the next spell you cast Suspend Drowning: Targets temporarily stop drowning
Swallow Your FearR: Increase creatures' combat effectiveness when they under a fear effect.
Tap Inner BeautyR: Grant yourself a +2 insight bonus to Charisma-related checks.
Theft WardRY: Gain a +10 Perception bonus to notice someone trying to take a specific object from you.
Touch of Blindness: Coat a creature’s eyes in darkness, blinding them.
Touch of BloodlettingR: Cause any wounds the target has to bleed profusely.
Tracking MarkR: Gain a supernatural ability to detect tracks and other clues.
True Appraisal: Gain a +5 competence bonus on Appraisal checks and never be wildly inaccurate
Unbreakable Heart: Give a +4 bonus on saves against effects which rely on negative emotions. Unhallowed Blows: One natural weapon or unarmed strike of subject undead gets +1 on attack and damage rolls
Unwelcome HaloR: Force a halo around a target, preventing it from hiding in the dark.
Watchful EyeFRT: As shield other, but with a shorter duration and the requirement that you must maintain line of effect with whom you are linked to.
Waterproof: Target becomes waterproof for the spells duration
Weapons Against EvilR: Enhance weapons with pale light that allow them to bypass minor DR of evil creatures.
Weaponwand: Merge a wand with your weapon, allowing you to wield the wand at the same time you use your weapon.
Winter FeathersR: Protect a feathered creature from the cold for a day.
2nd-Level AbeyanceM: Suppress the effects of a single curse.
Aboleth's LungR: Allow the target to breathe water at the cost of no longer being able to breathe air.
Admonishing Ray: Fire multiple rays that deal nonlethal force.
Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
Air Step: Tread unsteadily on air, with limitations.
Alchemical TinkeringR: Transform an alchemical item or firearm into another similar item.
Align Weapon: Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.
Ally Across Time: Summon a duplicate of yourself from a parallel world to aid another Alter Summoned Monster: Swap one summoned creature with another. Amplify Stench: Amplify your natural stench ability.
Ancestral Communion: Contact the spirits of your ancestors to bolster your own knowledge. Ancestral RegressionR: Conceal a drow’s appearance with that of a surface elf.
Angelic Aspect, Lesser: Gain some minor aspects of angelic creatures.
Animate Dead, LesserM: Create one skeleton or zombie.
Ant Haul, Communal: As ant haul, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Arrow of Law: Harm and possibly daze chaotic creatures. Ashen Path: Allow one or more creatures to ignore airborne effects and see through magical smoke and fog
AuguryMF: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Beloved of the Forge: Gain an innate sense of the direction to your home or last-used crafting area.
Bestow Weapon Proficiency: Grants a creature proficiency in a single weapon for short period of time.
Blessing of Courage and Life: Grants a +2 bonus on saves vs. fear and death.
Blessing of Luck and ResolveR: Increase resistance against fear.
Blinding RayRY: Fire blinding rays of sunlight to blind enemies and damage those with sensitivity to light. Blood BlazeR: Ignite the blood of those who come near you.
Blood in the Water: Enhance those with a blood frenzy. Blood of the Martyr: Cause someone to bleed from every orifice; drinking this blood will heal your wounds.
Bloodbath: Cause yourself and enemies to bleed. Bloody Tears and Jagged SmileR: Become more intimidating with black eyes that weep blood and turn your teeth into jagged fangs.
Boiling BloodY: Targets take fire damage; orcs get +2 Strength.
Bone Fists: Gain armor spikes which provide +1 natural armor and a +2 damage with natural weapons.
Boneshaker: Momentarily control a living or undead creature's skeleton.
Book Ward: Protect a book from fire, acid, and water.
Brittle PortalR: Reduce the hardness of objects within the area.
Build Trust: Gain various bonuses when interacting with the target.
Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Burst of Radiance: Fill the area with a blinding light.
Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
Calm Spirit: Postpone hostile action by a haunt or incorporeal undead.
Cleromancy: Use rolled dice to grant luck bonuses to future spells.
Cloud of SeasicknessR: Create a sickening cloud that mimics the effects of seasickness.
Compassionate Ally: Target is compelled to help injured ally.
Compel Tongue: As share language, but target can only speak and write in the language imparted.
Conditional Favor: Provide another spell whose effects reverse if the target breaks a restriction.
ConsecrateMY: Fills area with positive energy, weakening undead. Contact Entity I: Ask eldritch entities to find and converse with you
Cure Moderate WoundsY: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10).
Curse ItemR: Curse an object to make it flawed and prone to failure. Curse Terrain, LesserM: Curse an area with three mild hazards
Dark Whispers: Whisper through the shadows.
DarknessY: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Deadeye's ArrowR: Create an arrow of crackling electricity to harm your enemies or alert your allies.
Death CandleR: Create a howling fire elemental from the remains of the target’s life energy.
Death KnellY: Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 caster level.
Deathwine: Turn a potion into a pool of necromantic energy.
Defending BoneR: Animate a bone to float near you and block physical attacks.
Delay DiseaseR: Grant the target temporary immunity to disease.
Delay Pain: Ignore pain for 1 hour/level.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming target for 1 hour/level.
DesecrateMY: Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger.
Detect Magic, Greater: As detect magic, but learn more information.
Detect Relations: Detect whether or not creatures are related by blood.
Diminish Resistance: Weaken a creature's resistance to one type of energy
Disfiguring TouchY: Target becomes disfigured.
Display Aversion: Create an illusion to repulse a vampire.
Dread Bolt: Harm and possibly sicken good creatures.
Dress Corpse: Doctor the evidence on a corpse.
Drunkard's BreathR: Spew a noxious cloud in a 30 ft. cone.
Dwarven VeilRT: Enhance a target's dwarf-like qualities, giving it a +2 bonus to influence dwarves.
Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
Early JudgmentR: Show a creature the reward or punishment that awaits it after death.
Effortless Armor: Armor you wear no longer slows your speed.
Enchantment Sight: See enchantment spells active on creatures
Endure Elements, Communal: As endure elements, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Enemy's HeartR: Absorb an enemy’s power by eating it’s heart.
Enthrall: Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
Eroding Ray: ranged touch attack deals 2d6 to construct or object, +1 ray/four levels (max 3)
Fear the Sun: Impose light blindness on your enemies.
Find Traps: Notice traps as a rogue does.
First World RevisionsR: As ancestral regression but for disguising a wayang as a gnome.
Flickering Lights: Create an area of inconsistent lighting.
Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse. Ghost Whip: Create a ghost touch whip that passes through objects.
Ghostbane Dirge: Incorporeal creature takes half damage from nonmagical weapons. Ghoul HungerR: Awaken an unnatural hunger in the target, causing it to seek out humanoid flesh.
Gird Ally: Grant your summoned creatures a deflection bonus to their AC.
Gozreh's TridentR: Create a forked trident of electricity.
Grace: Movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
GroundswellR: Raise the ground up underneath you.
Halfling Vengeance: Grant a Small creature the ability to make debilitating blows with daggers and slings
Hanspur's Flotsam Vessel: Assemble a sturdy raft and oars from driftwood, reeds, and other river debris.
Healing Token: Imbued holy symbol serves as a conduit for healing magic Heroic FortuneFM: Grant a temporary hero point.
Hold Fey: As hold person, but targets fey
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Holy Ice WeaponM: Create a masterwork weapon made of frozen holy water.
Imbue with Aura: Target emulates your cleric aura.
Imbue with Elemental Might: As imbue with spell ability, except you transfer your elemental assault ability to the target.
Inflict Moderate WoundsY: Touch attack, 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10). Influence Wild Magic: Stabilize an area of primal magic
Inheritor's SmiteR: Gain a bonus on your next attack; if it hits, attempt a free bull rush.
Inner Focus: Ignore divine focus components of your spells.
Instant Armor: Summon armor temporarily replacing your current attire.
Instant Weapon: Summon a melee weapon to wield.
Instrument of Agony: Weapon exudes divine fury, granting a bonus on Intimidate checks.
Intensify Psyche: Amplify the targets emotions
Invigorating Poison: Transform the negative effects of a poison into positive ones. Ironskin: Harden your skin into iron.
Know Peerage: Target uses your Knowledge (nobility) ranks.
Lay of the Land: Instantly learn about the geography of the surrounding area. Lead Plating: Enclose the target in a thin sheath of lead.
Life ChannelR: Allow those with affinity to negative energy to gain healing from positive energy.
Life Pact: Affected creatures automatically donate hp to stabilize fallen ally.
Light PrisonR: Surround a creature with a light prison, damaging and blinding it if it attempts to escape.
Locate Portal: Detect portals within range Magic Boulder: As magic stone, but with boulders. Magic Siege Engine: Siege gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls.
Make WholeY: Repairs an object.
Marching Chant: Allies can hustle without penalty while you sing or chant.
Martyr's Bargain: Delay the effects of damage dealt to you.
Masterwork Transformation: Make a normal item into a masterwork one. Mortal Terror: Frighten creature with an existential crisis
Muffle Sound: Allies gain a bonus on Stealth checks but risk verbal spell failure.
Necromantic Burden: Make undead more difficult to control.
Necrostasis: Stagger an undead creature Night Blindness: Impair target’s vision as if it were darker.
Outbreak: Diseased creatures in the area become extremely contagious
Overstimulate: Target creature gains the ferocity ability
Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
Page-Bound Epiphany: Fill an empty book with knowledge on a topic from around the world.
Path of Glory: Create an expanding glow that heals allies within it of 1 hp of damage.
Peacemaker's ParleyRT: Quickly manipulate unfriendly or hostile creatures with diplomacy.
Pilfering Hand: You may seize an object or manipulate it from afar.
Planetarium: Project a current image of the nighty sky in places you would normally be unable to view it.
Preserve GraceF: Grant a creature the guidence of a phylactery of faithfulness
Protection from Chaos, Communal: As protection from chaos, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Evil, Communal: As protection from evil, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Good, Communal: As protection from good, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Law, Communal: As protection from law, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Protection from Outsiders: Ward a creature against attacks from outsides with a specific racial subtype, more powerful than protection from evil or similar spells.
Protection from Spores: Bolster a creature’s body against the harmful effects of spore and fungus.
Protection from Technology: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against technology.
Protective Penumbra: Shadow protects the target from light.
Radiation Ward: Protect a creature against radiation
Recentering Drone: Emit a calming drone so targets under the effect of negative conditions can suffer a lesser version of them instead.
Reinforce Armaments, Communal: As reinforce armaments, but you may divide the spell's duration among objects touched.
Remove Paralysis: Frees creatures from paralysis or slow effect.
Resist EnergyY: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Restful Cloak: Enchanted cloak functions as a tent
Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Returning Weapon: Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality.
Reveal True ShapeM: Reveal the true form of a magically disguised/transformed creature.
Revealing Light: As light, but hampers Stealth checks
Rock Whip: Create a whip that passes through unworked stone
Rotgut: Turn water into cheap alcohol
Rovagug's FuryR: Create a minor earthquake to trip creatures.
Sacred SpaceR: Sanctify an area with holy power.
Savage MawR: Transform your mouth into a ferocious maw, gain a bestial roar to demoralize your enemies.
Secret SpeechR: Send secret messages to others within normal speech. Semblance of FleshR: Disguise a construct as a creature of flesh.
Sense Fear: Perceive nearby creatures that are experiencing fear Sense Madness: Determine mental disturbances in nearby creatures Sentry SkullMR: Create a grisly sentinel from the severed head of a humanoid or monstrous humanoid.
Shackle: Summon manacles onto a target creature
Shard of Chaos: Harm and possibly slow lawful creatures.
Share Language: Subject understands chosen language.
Shared SacrificeR: Create a link to the target and direct pain and damage through it.
ShatterY: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
Shield of Fortification: Target gains a 25% chance to treat critical hits and sneak attacks as normal hits.
Shield Of Shards: Turn your shield into a storm of shards that attack adjacent creatures
Shield OtherFY: You take half of subject's damage.
SilenceY: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
Silent Table: Give yourself privacy by muffling sound leaving the area.
Snow Shape (Ulfen): Form snow into any shape you wish, including hard ice weapons.
Solidify Earth: Harden earth and stone, impeding burrowing creatures Soothing Word: Lessen the severity of a target’s conditions.
Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage and may stun subjects.
Spear of Purity: Harm and possibly blind evil creatures.
Spell GaugeR: Discover some spells the target has prepared.
Spindrift Spritz: Target can roll twice and take the better result when making a saving throw against gaining minor conditions
Spiral Descent: Teleport straight downwards
Spiritual Squire: Create an ally out of force to assist you in combat
Spiritual WeaponY: Magic weapon attacks on its own.
Stabilize Pressure: Target immediately adjusts to the surrounding pressure
Staggering Fall: Make a falling creature hit the ground harder.
Stalwart Resolve: Ignore the effects of ability damage and penalties to one score.
Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
Stave Off Corruption: Protect against a corruption's progression.
Stoke the Inner FireR: Increase the natural heat of your body, transferring it to weapons and armor.
Stone Throwing: Grant the subject the rock throwing and rock catching abilities.
Storm Sight: Spread your senses through a storm, learning about other creatures affected by the weather
Summon Cacodaemon: Summon a cacodaemon.
Summon Monster 2: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sun's Disdain: Curse a creature, giving it light blindness and making it susceptible to light spells
Suppress Charms and Compulsions: Either grant a bonus to saves against, or suppress, charm and compulsion spells
Surmount AfflictionY: Temporarily suppress one condition.
Sympathetic WoundsMR: Force half of the damage you take onto another creature. Tears to Wine: Turn nonmagic liquids into special mead or wine, enhancing the intelligence and wisdom of those who drink.
Touch of Mercy: Change the damage a creature can deal from lethal to nonlethal.
Track Ship: Use a piece of a ship to track it on a nautical chart.
Trail of the RoseR: Cause a rose to leave a scented trail along your path as you move. Transmute Wine to Blood: Transform a bottle of fine wine into a pint of animal blood.
Twisted Futures: Prevent creatures from taking advantage of "roll twice, take better" abiltiies.
Undeath Sense: As per detect undead, but affecting a creature you touch
Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
Unholy Ice WeaponM: Create a masterwork weapon made of frozen unholy water.
Unliving Rage: As rage, except affecting only undead. Urgathoa's Beacon: Cause creatures to attract the attention of undead
Vexing Miscalculation: Prevent the target from scoring critical hits.
Violent Accident: Curse a target to have a lethal accident in the near future Visualization of the BodyM: Gain a +5 bonus on checks with one physical ability score for 24 hours, discharge for a one-time physical boost Visualization of the MindM: Gain a +5 bonus on checks with one mental ability score for 24 hours, discharge for a one-time mental boost
Water Walk, Communal: As water walk, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Weapon of Awe: Weapon gets +2 on damage rolls.
Web Shelter: Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing.
Whispering LoreR: Gain a bonus to Knowledge based on the terrain you are in.
Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.
3rd-Level Accept Affliction: Transfer the effects of afflictions from someone else to yourself.
Aggravate Affliction: Force ongoing afflictions to trigger.
Agonize: Pain encourages an outsider to obey you. Agonizing RebukeR: Force your attacker to suffer mental pain when harming you.
Air Breathing: Allow creatures to breathe air.
Align Weapon, Communal: As align weapon, but you can divide the duration among weapons touched.
Animate DeadMY: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Appearance of Life: Undead appear to be alive
Archon's Aura: Aura penalizes enemy attacks and AC. Aura of Cannibalism: Sap the strength of those around you.
Aura of Inviolate Ownership: Ward your attended items against theft.
Aura Sight: Alignment auras become visible to you.
Badger's Ferocity: Weapons are keen while you concentrate.
Beacon of LuckR: Send out a burst of luck to allies around you.
Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Bestow InsightR: Grant the target a bonus on a skill check and consider them trained. Black Sword of WarR: Enchant a weapon to deal extra bleed damage. Bleed Glory: Increase the cost to use mythic power.
Blessing of the Mole: 1 ally/level gains darkvision and a +2 Stealth bonus.
Blindness/DeafnessY: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Blood Biography: Learn about a creature with its blood.
Blood Rage: Inspire a number of creatures into a rage, increaing their strength but lowering their AC. Blood ScentR: Magnify the target’s ability to smell the presence of blood.
Blot: Destroy all writing within an area.
Bone Flense: Cause a target's bones to erupt in sharp, jagged spurs, inflicting bleed and sickened
Calculated Luck: Use the Path of Numbers to boost your combat preparedness.
Catatonia: Make a willing target appear to be dead.
Chain of Perdition: Creates a floating chain of force.
Champion's BoutR: Prevent others from interfering in a duel.
Channel the GiftR: Fuel a target’s spellcasting, spontaneously cast spells without expending the slot.
Channel VigorR: Focus your energy into a specific part of your body, giving you various enhancements.
Charitable Impulse: Compel a creature to aid others rather than use violence.
Collaborative Thaumaturgy: Apply a metamagic property to an ally’s spell. Contact Entity II: Ask more powerful entities to find and converse with you Contact High: Duplicate a drug’s effects on others.
ContagionY: Infects subject with chosen disease.
Contagious Zeal: Grant bonuses and temporary hit points that spread from creature to creature.
Contest of Skill: Cause two creatures to automatically fail to confirm critical hits
Continual FlameM: Makes a permanent, heatless light. Control Vermin: Control a number of vermin for you and your allies to ride.
Create Food and Water: Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level. Create Soul GemF: Draw a recently dead creature's soul into a gem.
Curative DistillationM: Enhance an healing remady
Cure Serious WoundsY: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Curse of Befouled FortuneR: Target can't gain the benefit of any luck ability.
Cursed Treasure: Target object curses the next creature to touch it
Daggermark's Exchange: Transmute one poison into another of equal or lesser value
Damnation: Punish creatures for evil spells they know or that affect them Dark-Light: Create a dazzling light that only affects those without light sensitivity.
Daybreak ArrowY: Targeted ammunition exudes radiant energy.
DaylightY: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Deadly Juggernaut: Your might increases with every kill you make.
Deeper Darkness: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
Delay Poison, Communal: As delay poison, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Detect Anxieties: Learn what makes a creautre anxious.
Detect Desires: Learn what a creatures desire.
Detoxify: Remove a creature's ability to poison others
Discharge: Dissipate the charges from a technical object or hamper a creature with the robot subtype.
Discovery Torch: Object touched emanates bright light, granting Perception and Sense Motive bonuses.
Dispel MagicY: Cancels one magical spell or effect.
Disrupt Silence: Disrupt all silence effects in an area. Draconic Malice: Cause living creatures to lose their immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects vs your spells.
Dragon Turtle Shell: Treat the natural attack damage of a creature attacking you as five sizes smaller.
Drain Poison: Drain a creature’s poison and apply it to your weapon.
Elemental Speech: Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
Enter Image: Transfers your consciousness to an object bearing your likeness.
Fair is Foul: Curse someone with a disfiguring or painful mutation.
False AlibiMR: Modify the target’s memory in a specific way.
Final Sacrifice: Cause a summoned creature to explode.
Flesh PuppetM: Control a zombie in human guise. Forced Mutation: Warp a creature's flesh, inflicting deformaties and penalties to Constitution and Charisma Fortune's PathMF: Gain a glimpse of the future
Fractions of Heal and HarmR: Heal yourself with the next spell that also deals damage.
Free Spirit: Gain the effects of freedom of movement, but also become drunk
Free Swim: As freedom of movement, but only allowing a creature to move freely underwater FrosthammerR: Hurl a warhammer of magically hardened ice at your target.
Glyph of WardingMY: Inscription harms those who pass it.
Guarding Knowledge: Gain a +4 insight bonus on saving throws vs a creature's abilitiy you have identified with a Knowledge check
Guiding Star: Know approximate distance from where you cast this spell.
Healing Leak: Touched target only gains and grants half the benefits from magical healing
Helping Hand: Ghostly hand leads subject to you. Hide from Undead, Greater: As per hide from undead, but doesn't automatically end due to combat actions
Holy Javelin: Deal ongoing damage to evil creatures and apply penalties
Homeward Bound: Return a creature to its home plane Horrifying Visage: Cause creatures to gain a phobia
Hydrophobia: Make targets become deathly afraid of water.
Infernal Challenger: Summon a bearded devil to preform a Hellknight initiation
Inflict Serious WoundsY: Touch attack, 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Invisibility Purge: Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level.
Iron Stake: Hurl a spike of cold iron at a foe Irradiate: Flood an area with dangerous radiation.
Irregular Size: Creature's limb shrivels Kalistocrat's Nightmare: Any coin a creature touches turns into a copper piece
Ki Leech: Add to your ki pool when you critically hit.
Life Current: Infuse a current with positive energy, healing all living creatures within
Life Shield: Ward yourself with positive energy so any attacking undead take damage.
Light of Iomedae: Illuminate all undead creatures in the area and make them more vulnerable to positive energy.
Lightning Lash: Create a cackling lash of unholy lightning. Lissalan Snake SigilMR: As sepia snake sigil, except using the Thassilonian schools of magic.
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Lover's VengeanceM: Inspire yourself or a lover into a rage against someone who wronged you.
Magic Circle against Chaos: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Evil: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Good: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic VestmentY: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.
Mantle of Calm: Neutralize the rage effects of those who have attacked you.
Mark of Buoyancy: Make a touched object weightless
Mark of Obvious Ethics: Other creatures can determine the target’s alignment.
Martyr's Last BlessingR: Burst with healing energy when you are dying or killed.
Mathematical Curse: Use the Path of Numbers to place a mathematical curse on someone.
Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone.
Mind Maze: Target must act as though they are wandering through a maze.
Minor Reversion: Store a replica of yourself in the Akashic Record, end the spell when injured to be healed 1d8+1/level
Monstrous ExtremitiesR: Mutate an extremity of the creature touched.
Moonrise Arrow: Imbue ammunition with damaging silver light
Nap StackM: Subjects only need 2 hours for a night's sleep, and can sleep even longer for more benefits.
Numerological Resistance: Use the Path of Numbers to grant your allies resilience in the face of elemental dangers.
Oath of JusticeRT: Seal an oath between two creatures.
Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
Paragon SurgeR: +2 enhancement to Dexterity and Intelligence, gain use of any one feat.
Planar InquiryM: Call an outsider to answer questions
Planned AssaultRT: Increase the effectiveness of actions planned in advance.
Plant Voice: Grant a plant creature the ability to speak, hear, and understand you.
PrayerY: Allies get +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty.
Pressure Adaptation: Target acclimates to pressure changes more quickly Project WeaknessR: Curse the target with the weaknesses of your vampirism.
Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. Qlippoth Appearance: Assault the mind of your enemies with your hideous face
Raging RubbleR: Animate an area of rocks to create a dangerous, rolling area of debris.
Reaper's Coterie: Target weapon gains bonus damage for defeating enemies. RechargeM: Restore charges to a technological item.
Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical blindness or deafness.
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject.
Resist Energy, Communal: As resist energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Restore Mythic Power: Transfer some of your mythic essence to another creature.
Returning Weapon, Communal: As returning weapon, but you may divide the duration among weapons touched.
Reveal Mirage: Discern illusory terrain from range.
Revelation: Gain great insight into the inner workings of a puzzle, device, or trap.
Righteous Condemnation: Chaotic, neutral, or evil spellcasters who target you with a spell take a -4 penalty to Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks
Riversight: See events transpiring along a natural watercourse you touch.
Sacred BondFY: Cast touch healing spells from a distance.
SadomasochismR: Take more damage from opponents, but force them to become demoralized.
Sand Whirlwind: Create a whirling cloud of sand around someone, making it harder for them to speak.
Sands of TimeY: Target temporarily ages.
Screaming Flames: Send forth a wave a flames screaming with the agony of the damned
Searing LightY: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage (more against undead).
Sebaceous TwinR: Extract a half-formed parasitic clone from the target, causing it to siphon blood and distract its host.
Second Wind: Heal a small amount of hit points, only usable at less than 1/4 hp
See BeyondM: +5 Perception (+10 vs ethereal or invisible) for 24 hours, discharge to temporarily gain x-ray vision Severed Fate: Prevent the target from using hero points.
Shadowmind: Force a target to see more darkness around them. Share Glory: Imbue targets with a fraction of your mythic nature.
Share Language, Communal: As share language, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Shared Training: Share your teamwork feats with allies
Sharesister: Take a negative level to grant another creature of the same gender a bonus on their casting ability.
Shield of Darkness: Shield yourself with darkness, granting yourself total concealment.
Shield of WingsR: Five burning wings grant you flight and protect you from fire.
Silverlight: Create a bright silver light that is harmful to those vulnerable to silver.
Skeleton Crew: Turn corpses into obedient skeleton crew.
Sky SwimR: Allow the target to swim through the air. Skyshroud: Unobstructed view of the sky from underground
Slave to Sin: Draw out a creatures inner sin
Soul Vault: Protect your soul from harmful effects after death
Speak with Dead: Corpse answers one question/two levels.
Spellcurse: Target takes 1d6 damage for each spell affecting it
Spiral Ascent: Teleport straight upwards
Spirit BondsM: Gain a bond with 1 creature/3 levels for 24 hours. End bond to send a message as Sending
Spotlight: Create a mobile area of bright light while also suppressing light surrounding it. Steal Years: Temporarily steal youth and vitality from the target.
Stone ShapeY: Sculpts stone into any shape.
Storm of Blades: Create swords and propel them towards your target.
Stunning Barrier, Greater: Magical field grants a +2 bonus to AC and on saves, and stuns multiple creatures attacking you.
Summon Ancestral Guardian: Conjure your ancestors' spirits to help you in combat.
Summon Monster 3: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Totem Creature (Shoanti): Summon animals sacred to your tribe.
Symbol of ExsanguinationM: Triggered rune causes nearby creatures to bleed.
Symbol of HealingM: Triggered rune heals living creatures.
Tactical FormationRT: Grant targets a bonus to AC so long as they remain in formation. Teratoid Caress: Imbue a creature with disfiguring abyssal energy, harming them when they use celestial or healing magic Titanic Anchoring: Become grounded and nearly immovable.
Toxic Blood: Turn your blood into venom, poisoning creatures that wound you Transfer Regeneration: Bestow your regeneration on your allies.
Trial by Fire: Test a creature's purity of convictions by exposing it to a sheet of divine fire.
Trial of Fire and Acid: Cover the target creature in burning acid. Unhallowed Blows, Greater: As per unhallowed blows, but a +1 bonus per 4 caster levels
Unlife Current: Infuse a current with negative energy, damaging all living creatures within Unravel Destiny: Creature takes a penalty to rolls based on number of hero points possessed. Unspoken Name: Learn when a nearby creature refers to you with a particular name or title
Vampiric Hunger: Grant a target the fangs and hunger of a vampire.
Vision of Hell: Illusory hellscape makes creatures shaken.
Voluminous Vocabulary: Grant ability to speak, read, and write one or more languages for 8 hours.
Wall of Split Illumination: Create a wall of illumination, darkness on one side, light on the other.
Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
Water Walk: Subject treads on water as if solid.
Waters of LamashtuMY: Create a poison which looks like clean and pure water.
Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
Wrathful Mantle: Subject shines and gets +1/four levels on all saves.
4th-Level Absolution: Removes enchantments and forgives actions taken under their effects.
Absorb Rune IM: Absorb a magic rune up to 3rd level, which can be moved or dispelled Abyssal VerminR: Infuse vermin with fiendish qualities.
Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle).
Alter River: Alter the flow of water in a natural freshwater channel.
Ancestral Gift: Summon an ancestor to bring you a ghostly, magical weapon.
Anti-Incorporeal Shell: Incorporeal creatures stay 10 ft. away from you.
Ardor's Onslaught: The power of conviction assaults neutral foes
Aura of Doom: Creatures in your aura become shaken.
Baphomet's Blessing: Transmute the target’s head into that of a bull.
Battle TranceRY: Gain ferocity, bonus hit points, and +4 vs. mind-affecting effects.
Bereave: Affected creatures don't count as allies for any purpose
Bestow Planar Infusion II: Grants the target the benefits of an improved planar infusion
Bit of LuckR: Gain a pool of luck that can be used to add a luck bonus to any d20 rolls, which can turn a failure into a success
Black Spot: Inflict a specific and feared pirate curse onto your target.
Blade of Light: Imbue a weapon with sunlight, making it bane to the undead
Blessing of FervorY: Gives allies a choice of benefits.
Bloatbomb: Kill a weak creature and turn its corpse into an explosive trap.
Blood Crow StrikeY: Unarmed strikes create crows that deal fire and negative energy damage. Borrow Corruption: Temporarily gain the effects of a corrupted creature's manifestations
Bountiful Banquet: Create a luxurious feast for two creatures/level.
Brightest Light: As daylight, but lasts longer and can dispel darkness effects Burst with Light: Fill the target with powerful and damaging light.
Calamitous Flailing: Cause the target’s attacks to gain a miss chance.
Celestial Healing, Greater: As celestial healing, except target gains a stronger aura and fast healing 4 instead of 1.
Chaos HammerY: Harms and slows lawful creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).
Charon's Dispensation: Protection from the River Styx.
Concealed Breath: Hold breath without negative effects
Conditional Curse: Bestow a curse that is difficult to remove without fulfilling the condition.
Control Summoned Creature: Direct a summoned monster as if you had summoned it.
Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water. Create Drug: Conjure a drug.
Crimson Breath: Spit poison at a creature
Crusader's EdgeY: Grant a weapon the evil outsider bane quality and nauseate evil outsiders with a critical hit.
Cure Critical WoundsY: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Curse of Unexpected DeathR: Curse a creature with a chance of instant and unexpected death. Curse TerrainM: Curse an area with four hazards
Daemon WardM: As death ward, but against daemons.
Deadman's ContingencyF: Set one of a list of contingencies for your demise.
Death Knell Aura: Create an aura that feeds on the souls of those who die within it.
Death Ward: Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy. DeathlessY: Prevent death from hit point damage so long as this spell persists.
Debilitating Portent: Inflicts an ill fate on a creature, halving its damage when it attacks or casts a spell
Devil SnareM: Create an invisible circle to trap outsiders.
Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement.
Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.
DivinationM: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
Divine Power: You gain attack bonuses and 1 hp/level.
Enchantment Foil: Trick opponents who try to cast enchantments on you.
False FutureM: Cause divinations of the future to reveal the result you choose.
Film of Filth: Cause the target’s flesh to exude a layer of putrescent slime with a horrible stench.
Firewalker's MeditationM: resist fire 5, DR 5/magic, +4 to saves vs pain for 24 hours, discharge to temporarily increase to resist 30, DR 10, and immunity to pain
Flame Steed: As phantom steed, but immune to fire and can breathe a cone of smoke and ash Flaming Aura: Gain the fire subtype or enhance an already existing subtype.
Flesh Puppet HordeM: Control multiple zombies in human guise.
Fleshworm Infestation: Worms deal hp and Dex damage.
Forceful Strike: Strike a creature with great force, dealing extra damage and knocking it back.
Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments to restrict movement.
Frigid Souls: Disrupt and dispel spells that protect against cold Frosty Aura: Gain the cold subtype or enhance an already existing subtype.
Giant VerminY: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin. Gift of the Deep: Grant a sahuagin unique powers like mutants.
Gilded WhispersM: Use a single coin as a conduit for eavesdropping.
Glimpse of TruthM: Gain true seeing for 1 round.
Globe of Tranquil Water: Create a bubble to block out all natural and magical precipitation within an area.
Guardian of Faith: Target is protected by shield of faith and a protection spell, and can transfer the effects to another creature.
Hallucinogenic Smoke: Exhale a cone of smoke which disorients those caught inside. It has a side effect of improving the effects of augury when cast within.
Healing Flames: Holy flames damage evil creatures and heal good creatures
Healing WarmthR: Gain protection from fire, use absorbed energy to heal others.
Heavy Water: Make water heavier and harder to swim through.
Holy SmiteY: Harms and possibly blinds evil creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels). Hunger for Flesh: Give a creature a bite attack and a hunger for its own kind's flesh.
Imbue with Spell Ability: Transfer spells to subject.
Infernal Healing, Greater: As infernal healing, except using fast healing 4.
Inflict Critical WoundsY: Touch attack, 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20). Infuse Effigy: Infuse an effigy with a powerful curse.
Instant Restoration: Channel planar energy into a summoned creature to heal it; can be done immediately when the creature drops to 0 or fewer hit points.
Iron Spine: Turn creatures skeleton into sharp iron, increased effect against creatures vulnerable to cold iron
Janni's Jaunt: As plane shift, but only works on willing creatures and only transports to the Inner Planes
Magic Circle Against Technology: Protects those in an area with protection from technology, and other effects that suppress or resist technology.
Magic Weapon, GreaterY: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Majestic Image: As enter image, but also gain bonuses on social skills while in the image.
Make Whole, Greater: As make whole, but repairs 1d6+1/level damage to a max of 10d6+10. Malediction: Banish a soul to Hell if it dies within the next minute. Mark of the Reptile God: Mark a creature with an acidic curse.
Master's Escape: Create a link between you and a summoned creature, allowing you to switch places.
Mighty StrengthRT: As bull’s strength, except it grants a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength. Mythic Severance: Restrict target’s access to its mythic power.
Nature's Ravages: Speed up the decomposition of a corpse.
Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Order's WrathY: Harms and dazes chaotic creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).
Path of Glory, Greater: Create an expanding glow that heals allies within it of 5 hp of damage.
Persistent Vigor: Gain fast healing 2, immunity to bleed, and faster recovery from diseases and poisons.
Plague Carrier: Target's attacks carry filth fever.
Planar Adaptation: Resist harmful effects of other plane.
Planar Ally, LesserM: Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.
Planetary Adaptation: As planar adaptation, but only on different worlds of the Material Plane.
Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.
Poisonous Balm: As cure serious wounds, but leave behind a latent venom.
Positive Pulse, Greater: A large pulse of positive enrgy damages undead and bolsters living creatures Probe HistoryR: Find answers to Knowledge questions by looking at alternate realities.
Protection from Energy, Communal: As protection from energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Purify Body: Heal a creature and remove its physical impairments
Quieting Weapons: Weapons make no sound and quiet their victims.
Rags to Riches: Enhance an object to function as if it were masterwork quality.
Red Hand of the Killer: Stain the hand of a creature's killer red.
Remove Radioactivity: Remove radiation effects from a target.
Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.
Replenish KiR: Attune the target’s energy to replenish their ki pool.
Rest Eternal: Dead creature cannot be revived.
RestorationM: Restores level and ability score drains.
Revenant Armor: Grant a suit of armor limited animation when its wearer falls unconcious or is killed
Ride The Waves: Target can breathe water and swim.
Rigor Mortis: Painfully swell a targets joints. Sacrifice: Make a sacrifice to aid conjuring and commanding a planar creature.
SendingY: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Shadow Barbs: Create a vicious spiked chain enshrouded in shadow.
Shield of Fortification, Greater: Target gains a 50% chance to treat critical hits and sneak attacks as normal hits.
Shield of the DawnflowerRY: Create a protective shield of sunlight.
Shield Speech, Greater: Communicate freely with a group of nearby people without anyone else being able to overhear.
Soothe Construct: Reduce the berserk chance of a construct.
Speak with Haunt: Haunt answers one question/2 levels.
Speak with Plane: Speak with a manifestation of a sentient plane
Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per 4 levels.
Spellcrash, Lesser: Target loses a 3rd-level prepared spell or spell slot.
Spindrift Spritz, Mass: As spindrift spritz, but affecting 1 creature/level
Spiritual Ally: Creates a divine ally to aid you.
Spit Venom: Spit blinding black adder venom.
Summon Accuser: Summon an accuser devil to do your bidding. Summon Barghest I: Summon a barghest to serve you
Summon Cacodaemon, Greater: Summon 1d4+1 cacodaemons. Summon Genie, LesserF: As summon monster I, except you can summon one janni.
Summon Monster 4: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Ship: Conjure a ship out of extradimensional materials
Summoner Conduit: The target takes damage whenever its summoned creature does.
Suppress Primal Magic: Suppress the effects of primal magic.
Sword to Snake: Change an object into a venemous creature.
Symbol of RevelationM: Triggered symbol reveals illusions.
Symbol of SlowingM: Triggered rune slows creatures.
Tail Current: Create a current in water to enhance or impede swimming
Tailwind: Create a current of wind to enhance or impede flight
Terrible Remorse: Creature is compelled to harm itself.
Thaumaturgic Circle: As magic circle, but affecting a non-alignment subtype or outsider race.
Tongues: Speak and understand any language.
Torpid ReanimationM: Animate dead when a specific trigger condition occurs. Transplant Visage: Remove the face and eyes of a creature, magically melding them with your own.
Traveling DreamR: Create a magical sensor that you can watch through while you sleep. Umbral Infusion: Infuse mindless undead with power from the Shadow Plane, increasing their power.
Undeath Inversion: Alter an undead creature’s energy affinity so it takes damage from negative energy and heals from positive energy.
Unholy BlightY: Harms and sickens good creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).
Unholy Ward: Resist damage from holy sources, smite evil, etc. Virulence: Quickly advance the spread of diseases within the targeted creatures.
Wall of Bone: Create a wall of bones that damages and grapples adjacent creatures
Ward of the SeasonR: Enhance a creature with the power of a season.
Ward Shield: Enchant a shield with Spell Resistance and a bonus against area-effect spells.
Warp Metal: Warp wood, affecting metal objects
Water Shield: Surround yourself with a protective spout of acid.
Wave Form: Briefly turn into a huge wave that knocks down everything in your path
Wrathful Weapon: Enhance a weapon with the anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy special ability.
5th-Level Air Walk, Communal: As air walk, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Ancestral Memory: Petition your ancestors for aid, gaining a +5 bonus to Intelligence-based skill checks.
Angelic Aspect: As angelic aspect, lesser with improved angelic qualities.
Appearance of Life, Greater: As appearance of life, but deceiveing all of the senses
Army Across Time: As ally across time, but more cubes and more duplicates
Astral Projection, LesserM: Limited astral travel.
AtonementF: Removes burden of misdeeds from subject and reverses magical alignment change.
Awaken the Devoured: Deal 1d8/level nonlethal damage to a daemon and make it confused.
Ban Corruption: Eliminate the gifts of a nearby corrupted creature Blood Tentacles: Create writhing tentacles from your chest. Blood Ties: When a target is harmed, so is the target's relative.
Boneshatter: Create fractures and splinters in the bones/carapace of a creature.
Break EnchantmentY: Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses.
Breath of LifeY: Cures 5d8 damage + 1/level and restores life to recently slain creatures.
Burst of GloryR: Increase your allie’s attack rolls, saves against fear, and hit points.
Call Spirit: Make the spirit of one creature manifest.
Caustic Blood: Imbue your blood with corrosive acid, damaging those who wound you. Charnel House: Create an area of semi-real gore
Cleanse: As heal, but only cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +25).
Cleansing Fire: Create a ring of fire that damages creatures passing through and dispels evil magic within
Cold Iron Fetters: Reduce the targets move speeds, increased effect with creatures vulnerable to cold iron
Command, Greater: As command, but affects one subject/level.
CommuneM: Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level.
Commune with Plane: Learn about local planar terrain
Compel Tongue, Mass: As compel tongue, except it affects multiple creatures.
Compelling Rant: People believe your ridiculous speech as long as you keep talking Constricting CoilsR: Paralyze a target with constricting snake coils. Contact Entity III: Ask very powerful eldritch entities to find and converse with you, or they may reply telepathically.
Contagion, Greater: Infect a subject with a magical disease.
Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Curse of Magic NegationM: Target gains the negated spellblight.
Curse, Major: As bestow curse, but harder to remove.
Darkvault: Ward shadows so light cannot penetrate them.
Daywalker: Reshape an undead creature to appear living.
Decollate: Target can safely remove its head
Dispel Balance: You are protected from neutral enemies
Dispel Chaos: +4 bonus against attacks.
Dispel Evil: +4 bonus against attacks.
Dispel Good: +4 bonus against attacks.
Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks.
Disrupting Weapon: Melee weapon destroys undead.
DungeonsightF: Receive a clear and memorable view of the layout of the nearby area.
Fickle Winds: Wind walls selectively block attacks.
Flame StrikeY: Smites foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
Flexile Curse: Creature's armor and shield lose 1 AC and hardness/hour
Forbid Action, Greater: As forbid action, but 1 creature/level.
Freedom's ToastR: Teleport the target a short distance while freeing them from restraints.
GeniekindY: Gain the power and influence of a genie.
Ghostbane Dirge, Mass: As ghostbane dirge, but affects multiple creatures.
Greater Reversion: As minor reversion, but healing 3d8+1/level Half-Blood ExtractionFMR: Transform a half-orc into a full-blooded orc.
HallowM: Designates location as holy.
Hasten Judgment: Quicken a soul's journey to judgement-hampering ressurection or weakening undead foes Heretic's TongueR: Fill the target’s mind with blasphemous thoughts, blocking them from some magical abilities temporarily. Heroic Fortune, MassFM: As heroic fortune, but with multiple people.
Holy IceM: Create wall or javelins of frozen holy water.
Hunter's BlessingR: Grant creatures the benefits of favored enemy and favored terrain.
Hymn of Mercy: As touch of mercy, except affecting an area.
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Deals 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Insect Plague: Wasp swarms attack creatures.
Invigorating ReposeRT: Enhance your spells that bring the dead back to life.
Khain's Army: Create a small squad of ghouls led by a ghast, charged with necromantic energy. Lend Path: Temporarily transfer one of your mythic path abilities to another creature.
Life Bubble: Protects creatures from sustained environmental effects.
Lighten Object, MassR: As lighten object, except for multiple objects.
Locate Gate: Find a nearby magical portal Magic Siege Engine, Greater: Siege engine gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls for every four caster levels.
Mark of Justice: Designates action that triggers curse on subject.
Pillar of LifeY: Created pillar heals 2d8 + 1/level (max +20).
Plane ShiftY: As many as 8 subjects travel to another plane.
Planeslayer's Call: Allies gain benefits against outsiders of an alignment you choose.
Profane Nimbus: Unholy energy damages good creatures that attack you and protects you from good attacks.
Raise DeadM: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago.
Rapid Repair: Construct gains fast healing 5.
RebootF: Bring a destroyed construct back to action for a limited time.
Reprobation: Marked target is shunned by your religion.
Respectful QuietR: Render all targets silent, but only one-way.
Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain bonuses in combat.
Sacred Nimbus: Holy energy damages evil creatures that attack you and protects you from good attacks
Sanctify Weapons: Allow all weapons in the area to bypass a specific type of fiendish DR.
Sand Whirlwind, Greater: Create a large whirlwind of sand, blinding and hampering the ability to speak of those within.
Sawtooth Terrain: Cause giant mantis limbs to sprout from the ground, damaging and cripping creatures
ScryingF: Spies on subject from a distance.
Seek Shelter: Weak creatures are compelled to seek shelter
Serenity: Peaceful feelings harm those attempting violence.
Sessile Spirit: Cause a spirit inhabiting a creature or an object to go dormant.
Shroud of Darkness: Affected creatures have their vision impaired
Siphon Magic: Transfer a magical effect from another creature to yourself.
Slay Living: Touch attack deals 12d6 + 1 per level. Slough: Slough off a target's skin.
Smite AbominationR: Emulate a paladin’s power to smite undead.
Snake Staff: Transforms wood into snakes to fight for you.
SoulswitchF: Swap your soul with your familiar’s.
Spawn WardR: Protect the target from energy drain, blood drain, and being made into undead spawn.
Spell Immunity, Communal: As spell immunity, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
Spellcasting Contract, LesserR: Forge a contract to grant someone spellcasting abilities. Spellsteal: Create a discordant blast of energy to disrupt a target’s hold on magic and transfer it to you.
Sphere of Warding: Create a sphere of energy to dispossess incorporeal creatures of stolen bodies. Steal Power: Sap mythic power from another creature. Steal Years, Greater: As steal years, but steal a greater amount of years and for longer.
Summon Ceustodaemon: Summon a ceustodaemon. Summon GenieF: As lesser summon genie, except summon one djinni or 1d3 jann.
Summon Infernal Host: Summon host devils. Summon Lesser Demon: As summon monster, except to summon a brimorak, incubus, thoxel demon, 1d3 schir demons, or 1d4+1 vermlek demons.
Summon Lesser Psychopomp: Summon 1d3 esobok psychopomps or 1d4+1 nosoi psychopomps.
Summon Monster 5: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Sun's Disdain, Mass: As sun's disdain, but targeting multiple creatures
Symbol of PainM: Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain.
Symbol of ScryingM: Triggered rune activates scrying sensor.
Symbol of SleepM: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
Symbol of StrikingM: As symbol of death, but fills a 5-foot square.
Talisman of Reprieve: Create an item that protects against the effects of an aligned plane
Tongues, Communal: As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Touch of Slumber: Touched nonhostile creature falls asleep
Treasure StitchingM: Objects on cloth become embroidered.
True SeeingM: Lets you see all things as they really are.
Undeath Ward: Create a barrier to repel undead.
UnhallowM: Designates location as unholy.
Unholy IceM: Create wall or javelins of frozen unholy water.
Unleash Pandemonium: Call upon the wild winds of the Abyssal atmosphere.
Untold Wonder: Treat penalties from emotion effects as bonuses instead Vile Dog Transformation: Transform ordinary dogs into fiendish minions.
Village VeilR: Make an area seem worthless to others.
WaftR: Alter the targets so they are light enough to be carried by the wind.
Wall of Blindness/Deafness: Translucent wall blinds or deafens creatures that pass through it.
Wall of Clockwork: Create a wall made up of spinning cogs and gears.
Wall of Ectoplasm: Wall of spirits blocks movement on Material Plane and Ethereal Plane and causes fear.
Wall of StoneY: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6th-Level Absorb Rune IIM: As absorb rune I, but affecting a rune up to 5th level
Alaznist's Jinx: Inlfict the spell burn spellblight
Alleviate CorruptionM: Attempt to weakne a corruption's effect at risk to yourself
Animate ObjectsY: Objects attack your foes.
Antilife Shell: 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures.
Balance of Suffering: Steal lifeforce from one creature and imbue it into another
Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear's endurance, affects 1 subject/level.
Besmara's Grasping Depths: Use the restless dead to down your targets
Betraying Sting: Strike down creatures who thought you were their friend
Blade BarrierY: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage. Bless Army: (Mass Combat Spell) +1 OM/Morale to an army.
Blessing of Luck and Resolve, MassR: As blessing of luck and resolve but with multiple creatures.
Bloodsworn RetributionRT: Swear an oath, damaging yourself to gain a bonus to things relating to that oath.
Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull's strength, affects 1 subject/level.
Chains of Light: Hold a creature immobile with glowing chains with the added benefit of preventing the use of any extradimension travel.
Cold Ice Strike: Cone of ice slivers deals 1d6 cold/level.
Commune with TextsM: Quckly search though a collection of texts to find the right information
Contact NalfeshneeMF:
Create UndeadM: Create ghasts, ghouls, mohrgs, or mummies.
Cruel Jaunt: Sense creatures suffering from fear, then teleport close to them.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Curse of the Outcast: Curse someone to rub people the wrong way. Curse Terrain, GreaterM: Curse an area with six dangerous hazards
Death Knell Aura, Greater: As death knell aura, except dying creatures die much faster within the aura. Demon Dream: Target enemies as nightmare or fellow worshipers of Lamashtu as dream
Dimensional Blade: Turn your weapon into a two-dimensional object that can more easily bypass armor.
Discharge, Greater: As discharge, but with greater effects that can effect an area.
Dispel Magic, Greater: Works as dispel magic, but can affect multiple targets.
Dream Reality: Cause a creature to think it is dreaming
Dust Form: You become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period of time. Dust Ward: Ward an item so it will be destroyed if others try to learn its purpose or use it.
Eagle's Splendor, Mass: As eagle's splendor, affects 1 subject/level.
Eaglesoul: Infuse yourself with power from a good-aligned outsider. Elemental Assessor: Shoot a ray made up of multiple energies at your enemy.
Emblem of Greed: Transform a melee weapon into a powerful burning glaive like ones wielded by the ancient Runelords.
Enlightened StepM: Air Walk for 24 hours, discharge to temporarily gain a fly speed
Epidemic: Infect a subject with a highly contagious disease.
Find the Path: Shows most direct way to a location.
Flesh Wall: Create a wall of zombies
ForbiddanceM: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.
Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature. Genius Avaricious: Channel the power of Mammon into a single coin.
Glyph of Warding, GreaterM: As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th-level spell.
Hammer of MendingFR: Release a wave of energy to repair objects and constructs.
HarmY: Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
HealY: Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions. Hellfire Ray: Damn creatures to Hell with a blast of pure hellfire.
Heroes' Feast: Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses. Impart MindM: Impart a portion of your intellect and personality into a magical item.
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass: Deals 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Inspiring Recovery: Healing can restore the dead to life and restore your allies vigor
Invoke DeityMF: Infuse yourself with the powers of your deity's planar realm
Joyful Rapture: Negate harmful emotions.
Knock, Mass: As knock, but affecting multiple targets
Lash of the Astradaemon: Enhance your hands into fearsome claws that inflict negative levels.
Mage's Decree: Send a message to creatures within miles.
Metabolic MoltingMR: Place the target in suspended animation, restoring ability drain and regenerating missing limbs.
Minor Reversion, Mass: As minor reversion, but one creature per level
Music of the Spheres: Amplify music of the spheres to grant fast healing, resistance, and saving throw bonuses to all creatures in the area.
Neutralize Poison, Greater: As neutralize poison, but with an automatic success on all caster level checks to neutralize poisons.
Oasis: Redirect the flow of water toward a designated point.
Open the Dead Roads: Open a path to the Dead Roads, speeding your travel on the Material Plane or the Boneyard
Overwhelming Poison: Make a poison more difficult to resist.
Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/level.
Perceive BetrayalF: Sense when nearby creatures have tratorous intent towards your lord
Plague BearerR: Make the target a carrier of numerous diseases.
Plague Storm: Cloud infects creatures like contagion.
Planar Adaptation, Mass: As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.
Planar AllyM: As lesser planar ally, but up to 12 HD.
Planetary Adaptation, Mass: As planetary adaptation but on a group of creatures. PrognosticationM: Gain cryptic information from further in the future than divination.
Roaming PitM: Create a mobile extradimensional pit
Sarzari Shadow MemoryM: Learn information to aid you in assassinating a creature
Seer's BaneR: As nondetection, but damages those who cast divination spells on the warded creature/item.
Shield of the Dawnflower, GreaterR: Create a shield of sunlight.
Sign of WrathF: Create a giant symbol of wrath to forcibly repulse all nearby creatures.
Source Severance: As antimagic field, except suppress only a specific type of spellcasting (arcane or divine).
Speak with Soul: Hold an extended conversation with a soul
Spellcrash: Target loses a 5th-level prepared spell or spell slot. Summon Barghest II: Summon a greater barghest or 1d3 normal barghest Summon Genie, GreaterF: As lesser summon genie, except summon one shaitan, 1d3 djinn, or 1d4+1 jann. Summon Laborers: Summon helpful petitioners to aid in construction and labor.
Summon Monster 6: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Stampede: Conjure a herd of aurochs to trample your enemies.
Summon Vanth: Summon a single vanth psychopomp. Sustaining Legend: Amplify the mythic powers of the target creatures, bolstering them with healing energy.
Symbol of DistractionM: Fascinates all creatures within 60 ft.
Symbol of FearM: Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
Symbol of PersuasionM: Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.
Symbol of SealingM: Create triggered wall of force.
Symbol of StormsM: Symbol creates stormwinds and lightning when triggered
TruespeakR: Communicate with any creature with a mind.
Undeath to DeathFM: Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max. 20d4).
Vengeful StingerR: Grow a long, wasp-like tail with stinger. Vermicious Assumption: Call upon a vermlek demon to invade and inhabit the body of a nearby corpse.
Wall of Silver: Wall of energy that only blocks and affects evil creatures and spells What Grows WithinR: Infect others with Xhamen-Dor’s seeded infestation.
Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
Wither Limb: Make one of the creature's limbs useless.
Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place.
7th-Level Arbitrament: Harms creatures of extreme alignments
Archon's Trumpet: Paralyze all creatures in the area with the sound of a booming trumpet.
Artificer's Curse: Temporarily suppress the most powerful qualities of a magical item. Awaken ConstructM: Grant a construct humanlike sentience.
Bestow Curse, Greater: Place an even greater curse on the subject.
Bestow Grace of the Champion: Target gains paladin abilities for 1 round/level.
Bestow Planar Infusion III: Grants the target the benefits of a greater planar infusion
BlasphemyY: Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects. Bloodstone MirrorM: Protect yourself against a mind-affecting effect and redirect it to a nearby creature
Circle of ClarityF: Emanation hampers illusions and stealth. Contact Entity IV: Ask extraordinarily powerful eldritch entities to find and converse with you, or they may reply telepathically.
Control WeatherY: Changes weather in local area.
Create Demiplane, LesserF: Create your own demiplane. Create Variant MummyM: Create a bog mummy, ice mummy, or Osirian tomb guardian.
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
DestructionF: Kills subject and destroys remains.
DictumY: Kills, paralyzes, staggers, or deafens nonlawful targets.
Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level. False ResurrectionM: Appear to resurrect someone but instead allow a shadow demon to possess the corpse.
Frost Mammoth: Conjure a Huge mastodon made of ice and snow
Grim Stalker: Create a Grim to disrupt the targets sleep
Halfling Vengeance, Mass: As halfling vengeance, but affecting 1 creature/level
Holy WordY: Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens nongood subjects. Hunger for Flesh, Mass: Give creatures bite attacks and a hunger for their own kind's flesh.
Hymn of Peace: Prevent all nearby creatures from attacking others.
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass: Deals 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Infuse Robot: Transform a robot into a magical construct.
Jolting Portent: You inflict a vengeful fate on a creature, dealing electricity damage each time it attacks or casts a spell.
Lost Legacy: Target cannot leave a lasting impression on other creatures
Lunar Veil: Dispel light and revert lycanthropes.
Maddening OublietteR: Transport the target to a dank prison in a horrific demiplane.
Magnetic Field: Create a spherical magnetic field around yourself to pull metal objects toward you. Memory of Function: Restore a broken object, drained piece of timeworn technology, or destroyed construct to a functional state.
Morning SunM: Create a sphere that sheds sunlight
Particulate Form: Targets gain fast healing 1, immunity to bleed, crtitical hits, and precision damage
Planar RefugeM: Enforce the rules of the Material Plane on another plane. Plundered PowerM: Kill a creature and steal its strongest spell-like ability
Poison Breath: Expel a cone of poison from your mouth.
Pox of Rumors: Curse a creature to attract nasty rumors.
RefugeM: Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
RegenerateY: Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
RepulsionF: Creatures can't approach you.
Restoration, GreaterM: As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores.
ResurrectionM: Fully restore dead subject.
Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer.
Signifer's RallyM: Teleport allies to your location.
Soul TransferM: Easily transfer a soul from one receptacle to another, or capture vulnerable souls that aren't bound to mortal flesh.
Spell ScourgeR: Create a whip that can lash spells from the minds of enemy spellcasters.
Spellcasting ContractR: As lesser spellcasting contract, but grant higher level spells.
Submerge Ship: Turn a ship into a submarine.
Summon Monster 7: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Symbol of StunningM: Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.
Symbol of WeaknessM: Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures. TerraformM: Expend mythic power to alter the immediate area’s climate and terrain.
Umbral Strike: Throw a bolt of dark energy, dealing cold and negative energy damage.
Vision of Lamashtu: As nightmare, but can deliver a second spell when the target awakens.
Waves of Ecstasy: Pleasure stuns and staggers creatures.
Word of ChaosY: Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects.
8th-Level Angelic Aspect, Greater: As angelic aspect, lesser except granting the greatest qualities of angelic creatures.
Antimagic FieldY: Negates magic within 10 ft.
Call ConstructM: Summon your construct to you.
Cloak of ChaosF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against lawful spells.
Counterbalancing AuraF: Target gains +4 to AC and saves;; resist attacks and spells from neutral creatures
Create DemiplaneF: As lesser create demiplane, but larger and with planar traits.
Create Greater UndeadM: Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers.
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level for many creatures. Curse of NightF: Curse an area with eternal night Curse Terrain, SupremeM: Curse an area with seven deadly hazards
Death Clutch: Rip out someone's heart
Dimensional LockY: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level.
Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or object.
EarthquakeY: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft. radius.
Euphoric Tranquility: Makes a creature friendly.
Fey Gate: Create a portal that allows travel to the First World
Fire StormY: Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
Frightful Aspect: You take on a terrifying, Large-sized form of yourself and emit an aura that causes creatures to become shaken or frightened.
Heart of the Mammoth: Imbue a creature with the strength and toughness of the greatest megafauna of the tundra.
Holy AuraF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells.
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass: Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Maw of Chaos: Create a destructive and chaotic rip in reality.
Nature's Ravages, Greater: As nature’s ravages, except the target corpse ages much faster.
Nine LivesR: Avoid trouble and harmful effects up to nine times.
Orb of the VoidMY: Sphere inflicts negative levels.
Phasic Challenge: Enemy and ally can only harm and be harmed by each other
Planar Ally, Greater: As lesser planar ally, but up to 18 HD.
Quintessence MasteryF: Exercise limited control over the quintessence of an Outer Plane, creating or shaping terrain
Realm Retribution: Target's attacks count as being of your alignment, can banish creature's critically hit to an Outer Plane matching your alignment
Remove Radioactivity, Greater: Remove all ongoing radiation effects along with restoring ability damage and drain taken as a result. Rift of Ruin: Create a rift filled with demons that extends into the Abyss.
Rotting Alliance: Creatures waste away while close to one another Sacramental SealF: Seal a creature away inside the spell's focus
Shield of LawF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells. SoulreaverY: Deal 1d6 damage/level to living creatures in a 20-ft. radius area.
SoulseekerM: Determine a soul's location
Spell Immunity, Greater: As spell immunity, but up to 8th-level spells.
Spellcrash, Greater: Target loses a 7th-level prepared spell or spell slot. Spellscar: Cause spells cast within an area to trigger primal magic effects.
Stormbolts: 1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) to targets.
Summon Erodaemon: Summon an erodaemon.
Summon Meladaemon: Summon a meladaemon.
Summon Monster 8: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Symbol of DeathM: Triggered rune kills nearby creatures.
Symbol of DebaucheryM: Conjure a symbol that makes all who see it lust for each other.
Symbol of DispellingM: Dispel all magical effects within range of this symbol.
Symbol of InsanityM: Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane. Tomb Legion: Summon 1d4+2 advanced mummies. True PrognosticationM: Gain incredibly cryptic information for the distant future. Umbral Infusion, Mass: As umbral infusion, except it can affect multiple mindless undead creatures.
Unholy AuraF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against good spells.
Vinetrap: Constrict the subject with choking vines.
Wandering Weather: Control weather in a large area that moves with you
9th-Level Absorb Rune IIIM: As absorb rune I, but affecting a rune up to 8th level AscensionMY: Imbue creatures with mythic power.
Astral ProjectionM: Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane. Canopic ConversionFM: Eviscerate a target, creating an advanced mummy from its life essence.
Create Demiplane, GreaterF: As create demiplane, but larger and with more planar traits.
Cursed EarthM: Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies.
Energy Drain: Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. False Resurrection, GreaterM: Appear to use true resurrection on someone but instead allow a belier devil to possess the corpse.
Gate: Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
Heal, Mass: As heal, but affects 1 subject/level. Imbue Army Special AbilityF: (Mass Combat Spell) Imbue an army with a special ability.
Implosion: Inflict 10 damage/level to one creature/round.
Interplanetary Teleport: Teleport to another planet.
Judgment UndoneM: Restores a petitioner to its mortal life
Massacre: Slaughter creatures in a line
Miracle: Requests a deity's intercession.
Overwhelming Presence: Creatures bow before you as if you were divine.
Parasitic SoulF: Force a trapped soul into a new body.
Polar Midnight: Cold darkness paralyzes and deals damage.
Salvage: Pull together the remains of a shipwreck and reform it into a working vessel.
Scourge of the Horsemen: Blast an area with soul-rending energy, dealing 1d4 negative levels and 1d6 acid/level.
Soul Bind: Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. Spawn CallingRY: Call the Spawn of Rovagug.
Spell Immunity, Greater Communal: As greater spell immunity, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Spellcasting Contract, GreaterR: As spellcasting contract but with higher level spells.
Storm of VengeanceY: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Summon Derghodaemon: Summon a derghodaemon. Summon Greater Demon: As summon monster, except to summon a coloxus, omox demon, or 1d3 kalavakus demons.
Summon Monster 9: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Thanadaemon: Summon a thanadaemon.
Symbol of StrifeM: Triggered rune makes creatures attack.
Symbol of VulnerabilityM: Triggered rune gives penalties.
True ResurrectionFM: As resurrection, plus remains aren't needed.
Winds of Vengeance: Gives you the ability to fly and attack with wind.
Wooden Phalanx: Creates 1d4+2 temporary wood golems to fight for you. Yellow SignMR: Use this symbol to subject all who view it to the will of Hastur.