1st-Level Animal Purpose Training: Animal gains a new general purpose.
BaneY: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
Barbed Chains: Hellish chains attack and cause a target to become shaken Bleeding StrikeR: Enhance a weapon to deal bleed damage with its attack. Blood BlazeR: Ignite the blood of those who come near you.
Bloodbath: Cause yourself and enemies to bleed.
Boneshaker: Momentarily control a living or undead creature's skeleton.
Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. Cloak of Secrets: Filter speech from a given area to sound like a different conversation.
Coin Shot: Turn coins into deadly projectiles.
CommandY: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Conditional Favor: Provide another spell whose effects reverse if the target breaks a restriction.
Crime of Opportunity: Compel a target to take a criminal action
Curse WaterM: Makes unholy water.
Dancing Darkness: Create four spheres of floating darkness.
Dark Whispers: Whisper through the shadows.
Darting Duplicate: Summon a duplicate of yourself to provoke enemy attacks of opportunity.
Death CandleR: Create a howling fire elemental from the remains of the target’s life energy.
Death KnellY: Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 caster level.
Demand Offering: Make a creature give you an object it’s holding.
Desperate Weapon: Create an improvised weapon.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Detect the Faithful: Find others of the same faith.
Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.
Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. Enlarge Tail: Increase the reach and power of your tail.
Fabricate Disguise: Create a disguise in an instant.
Face of the DevourerR: Horribly mutate the target’s face, disfiguring it while granting it a natural attack.
Fear the Sun: Impose light blindness on your enemies. Fool's Gold (AA)F: Make someone who accepts one of your gold pieces more vulnerable to your magic.
Grasping CorpseM: Cause a corpse to grab or trip a foe
Guardian Armor: Teleport your armor onto an ally in range
Halfling Vengeance: Grant a Small creature the ability to make debilitating blows with daggers and slings
Haunting Reminder: After Intimidating a creature, make it afraid of your retribution
Hedging Weapons: Floating weapons protect you and make ranged attacks
Hide Bruises: Disguise a creature's injuries, making them more difficult to heal
Hide Weapon: Hide a weapon within your own arm.
Huntmaster's Spear: Enhance a spear to be especially deadly against a certain creature type
Incessant Buzzing: Summon illusory wasps to distract creatures
Inflict Light WoundsY: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
Inner Focus: Ignore divine focus components of your spells.
IronbeardR: Create a brushy beard of stiff iron to use as defense and a weapon.
Itching Curse: Creature takes -1 penalty to attack, saves, skill checks, and ability checks
LinebreakerR: Bonus to speed when charging and +2 CMB with overrun and bull rush.
Litany of Sloth: Single target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. Litany of the Red Crusader: Creature takes bleed damage from piercing and slashing weapons
Litany of Weakness: Single target is fatigued for 1 round.
Locksight: Determine from a distance the quality of a lock and whether it is open, closed, or jammed.
Longshot: Grants a +10-foot bonus to the range increment for any ranged weapon fired.
Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Murderous CommandY: Target is compelled to kill its ally.
Murderous CrowR: Conjure a supernaturally vicious and clever crow to watch over you. Night Blindness: Impair target’s vision as if it were darker.
Obscure PoisonM: Make it harder to detect a poison or venomous creature.
Opportunistic Loyalty: Temporarily act as an ally to benefit from other creatures’ spells. Pesh VigorM: Increase target’s strength with consumption of pesh.
Protection from GoodY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Protection from LawY: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resist Starvation: Last longer without food
Savage MawR: Transform your mouth into a ferocious maw, gain a bestial roar to demoralize your enemies.
Scarify: Convert some lethal damage to nonlethal damage, causing massive scarring
Sense Fear: Perceive nearby creatures that are experiencing fear Sentry SkullMR: Create a grisly sentinel from the severed head of a humanoid or monstrous humanoid.
Shadow Claws: Claws of shadow deal slashing damage and Strength damage
Shadow Trap: Pin someone’s target, causing them to become stuck.
Shield Companion (AA)F: As shield other, but affects the caster’s animal companion or familiar.
Steady Saddle: Affected saddle has reduced penalties for actions requiring focus
Summon Minor Monster: Summon 1d3 Tiny animals.
Summon Monster 1: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Touch of Blindness: Coat a creature’s eyes in darkness, blinding them. Unhallowed Blows: One natural weapon or unarmed strike of subject undead gets +1 on attack and damage rolls
Wartrain Mount: Animal gains combat training.
2nd-LevelAbyssal VerminR: Infuse vermin with fiendish qualities. Agonizing RebukeR: Force your attacker to suffer mental pain when harming you. Alter Summoned Monster: Swap one summoned creature with another.
Aquatic Cavalry: Summon hippocampi to serve as aquatic mounts
Bestow Weapon Proficiency: Grants a creature proficiency in a single weapon for short period of time. Blade Tutor's Spirit: Summon a spirit to help your more reckless attacks.
Bleed for your Master: Compel a companion to take damage for you
Blindness/DeafnessY: Makes subject blinded or deafened. Blood ScentR: Magnify the target’s ability to smell the presence of blood. Borrow Corruption: Temporarily gain the effects of a corrupted creature's manifestations
Brittle PortalR: Reduce the hardness of objects within the area.
Bullet WardF: Adamantine bullets intercept firearm attacks.
Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Corruption Resistance: Protects creature against damage from alignment-based attacks.
Curse of Keeping: Curse a target with the inability to sell, barter, or give away any item they own.
DarknessY: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
DesecrateMY: Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger.
Detect Anxieties: Learn what makes a creautre anxious.
Detect Desires: Learn what a creatures desire.
Disrupt Link: Sever the target’s link with her bonded creature.
Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level. Enemy's HeartR: Absorb an enemy’s power by eating it’s heart.
Fair is Foul: Curse someone with a disfiguring or painful mutation.
Flesh PuppetM: Control a zombie in human guise.
Garrulous Grin: Plant a seed of doubt in the target, causing self-doubt. Ghoul HungerR: Awaken an unnatural hunger in the target, causing it to seek out humanoid flesh.
Hag's Seasoning: Curse a target with a supernatually delicious scent, attracting animalistic monsters.
Healing Leak: Touched target only gains and grants half the benefits from magical healing
Hidden Blades: Turn weapon or ammunition invisible
Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level. Ignoble Form: Transform the target into a half-elf form. Improve TrapR: Increase a trap’s effectiveness.
Inflict Pain: Target takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
InvisibilityY: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Invisibility Bubble: As invisibility, but altered to work better underwater Ironskin: Harden your skin into iron.
Jealous Rage: Fill the target with a sense of entitled self-importance.
Litany of Defense: Doubles armor's enhancement bonus.
Litany of Eloquence: Fascinates a single creature for 1 round.
Litany of Entanglement: Entangles a creature for 1 round.
Litany of Warding: You gain two additional attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Lose the TrailR: Obscure a target’s tracks when fleeing from a pursuer. Magic Siege Engine: Siege gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls.
Mathematical Curse: Use the Path of Numbers to place a mathematical curse on someone.
Miasmal DreadR: Spew a cloud of sickly green mist to demoralize all it contacts.
Mindshock: Charge your attacks with violent psychic energy. Mortal Terror: Frighten creature with an existential crisis
Nondetection, Lesser: As nondetection, but only protects against spells that target an area
Open Book: Make it permanently easier to learn more about a target.
Outbreak: Diseased creatures in the area become extremely contagious
Painful Revelation: damage creature who recognize an illusion for what it is
Peerless Integrity: Conceal the alignment of creatures from divination magic.
Pernicious PoisonY: Target takes a -4 penalty against poison.
Protection from Good, Communal: As protection from good, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Protection from Law, Communal: As protection from law, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Qlippoth Appearance: Assault the mind of your enemies with your hideous face Quick Throwing: Draw thrown weapons faster, gaining full attacks with such weapons.
Reaper's Coterie: Target weapon gains bonus damage for defeating enemies.
Rotgut: Turn water into cheap alcohol
Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
Sense Vitals: Gain the ability to sneak attack.
Shadowmind: Force a target to see more darkness around them. Shared SufferingF: Deal damage to another creature by harming yourself.
Shifted Steps: Make a target sound as if elsewhere.
Sickening StrikesR: Imbue yourself with disease, inflicting others with it when you strike them.
SilenceY: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
Spellcurse: Target takes 1d6 damage for each spell affecting it
Spiritual Squire: Create an ally out of force to assist you in combat
Summon Monster 2: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Touch of BloodlettingR: Cause any wounds the target has to bleed profusely.
Toxic Gift: Target suffers the effect of the poison in you.
Umbral Weapon: Create a shadowy afterimage that can damage enemies if the initial attack misses.
Unadulterated Loathing: Target is compelled to avoid another creature.
Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
Undetectable TrapM: Make a trap extremely difficult to find. Urgathoa's Beacon: Cause creatures to attract the attention of undead
Vestment of the Champion: Armor or shield gains a +1 enhancement per four levels.
Vine Strike: Enhance one of your natural or unarmed attacks with thorny vine growth
Virulent Miasma: As fog cloud, but vapor is diseased
Waters of LamashtuMY: Create a poison which looks like clean and pure water.
Widen Auras: Increase the range of auras bestowed by your class.
3rd-Level Accursed GlareR: Channel a fell curse through your gaze.
Adjustable Disguise: As disguise self, but you can change the disguise as a swift action. Ancestral RegressionR: Conceal a drow’s appearance with that of a surface elf.
Animate DeadMY: Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Battle TranceRY: Gain ferocity, bonus hit points, and +4 vs. mind-affecting effects.
Bestow Auras: Transfer your paladin or antipaladin auras to another creature.
Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. Black Sword of WarR: Enchant a weapon to deal extra bleed damage.
Blade of Dark Triumph: Bonded weapon gains ghost touch.
Bloody Arrows: Enhance ranged weaponry to deal bleed damage.
Burst of Speed: You gain increased speed, and your movement ignores attacks of opportunity and allows you to move through the space of creatures larger than you are. Charnel House: Create an area of semi-real gore
Claim Identity: Steal a creature's face
ContagionY: Infects subject with chosen disease.
Curse of Befouled FortuneR: Target can't gain the benefit of any luck ability.
Cursed Treasure: Target object curses the next creature to touch it
Darkvision, Communal: As darkvision, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Deadly Juggernaut: Your might increases with every kill you make.
Deceitful Veneer: Make someone seem like an obvious liar.
Deeper Darkness: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
Defile ArmorY: As sanctify armor, but gain DR 5/good when using judgment or smite.
Dispel MagicY: Cancels one magical spell or effect.
Draconic AllyM: Creates a semi-living intelligent draconic servant that loyally obeys and serves you.
Draconic Malice: Cause living creatures to lose their immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects vs your spells.
Drain Poison: Drain a creature’s poison and apply it to your weapon.
Final Sacrifice: Cause a summoned creature to explode.
First World RevisionsR: As ancestral regression but for disguising a wayang as a gnome.
Flesh Puppet HordeM: Control multiple zombies in human guise. FrosthammerR: Hurl a warhammer of magically hardened ice at your target.
Gullibility: Target takes a -10 penalty to Sense Motive and creatures using Bluff against them gain a +10 bonus on such checks Hunger for Flesh: Give a creature a bite attack and a hunger for its own kind's flesh.
Illusion of Treachery: Make it seem like another is responsible for your attacks.
Inflict Moderate WoundsY: Touch attack, 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10).
Irregular Size: Creature's limb shrivels
Isolate: Make a creature invisible and silent to their allies.
Litany of Admonition: Stagger a creautre with a list of their faults
Litany of Escape: Teleports a friend out of a grapple.
Litany of Sight: You can see invisible creatures and objects within 30 feet of you.
Magic Circle against Good: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Weapon, GreaterY: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
NondetectionM: Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Phantasmal Reminder: Creature re-lives an injury, taking 1d6 damage/level
Retributive Reparations: Creatures that take this item become cursed with fatigue.
Revenant Armor: Grant a suit of armor limited animation when its wearer falls unconcious or is killed
SadomasochismR: Take more damage from opponents, but force them to become demoralized.
Screaming Flames: Send forth a wave a flames screaming with the agony of the damned
Second Wind: Heal a small amount of hit points, only usable at less than 1/4 hp
Selective Invisibility: Allow one creature to see you while invisible.
Shadow Jaunt: Teleport, leaving an illusion of yourself in the space you left
Shared SacrificeR: Create a link to the target and direct pain and damage through it.
Shield of Darkness: Shield yourself with darkness, granting yourself total concealment.
Stage Fright: Give the target a -4 penalty on ability checks, skill checks, and any checks requiring concentration.
Summon Monster 3: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Tail Strike: Grow a tail and gain a tail slam attack.
Titanic Anchoring: Become grounded and nearly immovable.
Trial by Fire: Test a creature's purity of convictions by exposing it to a sheet of divine fire. Unhallowed Blows, Greater: As per unhallowed blows, but a +1 bonus per 4 caster levels
Unholy Ward: Resist damage from holy sources, smite evil, etc.
Unlife Current: Infuse a current with negative energy, damaging all living creatures within
Utter Contempt: Target's attitude worsens by two categories.
Vampiric Hunger: Grant a target the fangs and hunger of a vampire.
Vampiric TouchY: Touch deals 1d6 damage per two levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp. Venomous Promise: Entwine your words with poison, harming the target if they share your message.
Vigilant Rest: Cause a sleeping creature to retain some perception of its surroundings Vile Dog Transformation: Transform ordinary dogs into fiendish minions.
Wing ThornsR: Sprout poisonous thorns from your wings.
4th-Level Alaznist's Jinx: Inlfict the spell burn spellblight
Banishing Blade: Enhanced weapon gets free bull rush attempts on attacks.
Bloatbomb: Kill a weak creature and turn its corpse into an explosive trap. Blood Tentacles: Create writhing tentacles from your chest. Blood Ties: When a target is harmed, so is the target's relative. Claim Identity, GreaterM: Turn a creautre into a mask, which can be used to take on its appearence
Cloak of Shadows: Shadows protect you from bright light and grants defensive abilities
Companion Transportation: Swap places with your animal companion, familiar, or spirit animal via teleportation
Conditional Curse: Bestow a curse that is difficult to remove without fulfilling the condition.
Crime Wave: Compel targets to commit criminal actions.
Cruel Jaunt: Sense creatures suffering from fear, then teleport close to them.
Darkvision, Greater: See 120 ft. in total darkness.
Daywalker: Reshape an undead creature to appear living.
Decollate: Target can safely remove its head
Die for Your Master: A stronger version of bleed for your master, this forces the animal servant to intercept any attack that targets you, even if it does not require an attack roll.
Dimensional Blade: Turn your weapon into a two-dimensional object that can more easily bypass armor.
Dispel Good: +4 bonus against attacks.
Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks.
Eyes of the Void: See 60 ft. in darkness, including magical darkness.
Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Flash Forward: Charge, then teleport back to starting poisiton
Foster Hatred: Cause creatures to hate one type of creature.
Halfling Vengeance, Mass: As halfling vengeance, but affecting 1 creature/level Harvest Knowledge: Sift through a creatures memories and make Knowledge checks with their modifier
Hasten Judgment: Quicken a soul's journey to judgement-hampering ressurection or weakening undead foes
Illusion of Treachery, Greater: Make it seem like another is responsible for your attacks while concealing your own actions.
Inflict Pain, Mass: As inflict pain, but affecting one creature per level.
Inflict Serious WoundsY: Touch attack, 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15). Insect Scouts: Create insects to scout an area for you.
Invisibility, Greater: As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
Invoke DeityMF: Infuse yourself with the powers of your deity's planar realm
Life of Crime: Permanently turn someone into a crazed criminal.
Litany of Madness: A single target is confused for at least 1 round.
Litany of Thunder: A single target is deafened until the condition is removed, and is confused for 1 round.
Litany of Vengeance: Allies attacking the target of the spell gain a +5 bonus on damage rolls for 1 round. Magic Siege Engine, Greater: Siege engine gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls for every four caster levels. Malediction: Banish a soul to Hell if it dies within the next minute. Mark of the Reptile God: Mark a creature with an acidic curse.
Masochistic Shadow: Animate a target’s shadow, making it hunger for it’s owner’s life energy.
Night of BladesR: Create an immobile wall of tiny black blades.
Nondetection, CommunalM: As nondetection, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Overwhelming Poison: Make a poison more difficult to resist.
Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.
Profane Nimbus: Unholy energy damages good creatures that attack you and protects you from good attacks.
Redcap's Touch: Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and heal slightly when you kill a creature
Resounding Blow: Melee attack deals 1d6 more damage.
Shadow of DoubtR: Create a shadowy aura of doubt fueled by a foe’s own inner flaws.
Shadowform: Replace the target’s body with mystic shadow material, causing them to take less damage from attacks.
Shroud of Darkness: Affected creatures have their vision impaired
Slay Living: Touch attack deals 12d6 + 1 per level.
Speak with Soul: Hold an extended conversation with a soul
Summon Monster 4: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Torpid ReanimationM: Animate dead when a specific trigger condition occurs. Transplant Visage: Remove the face and eyes of a creature, magically melding them with your own. Umbral Infusion: Infuse mindless undead with power from the Shadow Plane, increasing their power.
Unholy Sword: Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage vs. good.
Wall of Bone: Create a wall of bones that damages and grapples adjacent creatures
6th-Level Plague BearerR: Make the target a carrier of numerous diseases.