Familiar, Scarlet SpiderScarlet Spider CR 1/4Source Ultimate Magic pg. 120 XP 100 N Tiny vermin Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4DefenseAC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size) hp 4 (1d8) Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0 Immune mind-affecting effectsOffenseSpeed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee bite +7 (1d3–4 plus poison) Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks poisonStatisticsStr 3, Dex 21, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2 Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 9 (21 vs. trip) Feats Weapon FinesseB Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +21, Perception +4, Stealth +17; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 StealthEcologyEnvironment any Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–8) Treasure noneSpecial AbilitiesPoison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 10; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Str; cure 1 save.DescriptionScarlet spiders are small arachnids with bright red bodies and black legs. Because they are hunting spiders, scarlet spiders don’t have a web attack.Creatures in "Familiar" CategorySource Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 131 Presented here are the base animal statistics for all of the most commonly used familiars—of course, these statistics can also be used for normal animals as well. Small animals like these use Dexterity to modify Climb and Swim checks.