General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

Combat Feats

Description Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 112
Any feat designated as a combat feat can be selected as a fighter's bonus feat. This designation does not restrict characters of other classes from selecting these feats, assuming that they meet the prerequisites.

armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Acrobatic SpellcasterCombat Casting, Skill Focus (Acrobatics)Avoid attacks of opportunity from casting with Acrobatics
Adder Strike Poison use class feature, Craft (alchemy) 1 rank, Improved Unarmed StrikeMay apply contact poison to unarmed strikes
Advanced Armor TrainingArmor training class feature, fighter level 3rd.Gain an advanced armor training option
Advanced Defensive Combat TrainingDefensive Combat Training, Bellflower Network 10 TPAGain a +4 bonus to your CMD
Advanced Weapon TrainingFighter level 5th, weapon training class featureGain an advanced weapon training option
Aerial RollFly 10 ranksDodge attacks by making with a Fly check
Agile MaidenStr 13; Dex 13; Endurance or armor training class feature; proficiency with heavy armorTreat Gray Maiden plate as medium or heavy armor for class features
Agile ManeuversUse your Dex bonus when calculating your CMB
Alchemical StrikeThrow Anything, base attack bonus +6Increase the save DC of thrown alchemical items
Aldori ArtistryExotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +2Gain a+2 bonus on a combat maneuver when using an Aldori dueling sword
Aldori Dueling DiscipleExotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword)Gain bonuses on Intimidate checks
Aldori Dueling MasteryExotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword)Gain initiative and defensive bonuses when wielding an Aldori dueling sword
Aldori StyleAlertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword)Gain a +2 bonus to damage when fighting defensively or using Combat Expertise
Aldori Style AegisAldori Style, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword)Parry an attack made by a single focused target
Aldori Style ConquestAldori Style, Aldori Style Aegis, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword)Take no penalties on attack rolls when using Aldori Style Aegis to parry an attack
All-Consuming SwingStr 13, Power Attack, Cleave, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +8Apply Vital Strike to a Cleave attack, but take the Vital Strike damage yourself as well
Amateur Gunslinger You have no levels in a class that has the grit class featureGain limited amount of grit and access to gunslinger deeds
Amateur SwashbucklerNo levels in a class that has the panache class featureGain a minor pool of panache to use with a 1st-level swashbuckler deed of your choice
Ambush SenseInt 13, trap sense class featureAdd your trap sense bonus to Perception checks against surprise and AC during the surprise round
Ambush SquadBase attack bonus +1, koboldTake both a move action and a standard action on a surprise round when you and ally can both act
Ammo DropSleight of Hand 1 rank, proficient with slingLoad slings as a swift action
Anatomical SavantWeapon Focus, base attack bonus +12Sneak attack creatures normally immune or fortified
Ancestral EnmityGiant subtype+2 bonus on melee attack against dwarves and gnomes
Ancestral Weapon MasteryBase attack bonus +1, weapon familiarity racial traitGain proficiency with your race’s racial weapons or gain a bonus Weapon Focus feat with one racial weapon at a time
Animal FerocityBase attack bonus +3, ferocity racial abilityMake full attacks at negative hit points but at a -5 penalty
Ankle Biter Goblin, Escape Artist 1 rankMake a free bite attack whenever a combat maneuver is attempted against you.
Anticipate DodgeDodge, Mobility; base attack bonus +7, brawler level 4th, or monk level 4thGain up to a +2 bonus on attack rolls against creatures with a dodge bonus
Aquadynamic FocusWeapon Focus, base attack bonus +1Use bludgeoning and slashing weapons normally underwater
Aquadynamic ShotFar Shot, Point-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +4Halve penalties for using projectile weapons underwater
Aquatic CombatantSwim 1 rank+2 bonus to Swim checks; avoid normal penalties on melee attack rolls underwater
Arc Slinger Point-Blank Shot, proficient with sling or halfling sling staffReduce ranged attack penalties due to range by 2
Arcane Armor MasteryArcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency, Medium, caster level 7thReduce your arcane spell failure chance by 20%
Arcane Armor TrainingArmor Proficiency, Light, caster level 3rdReduce your arcane spell failure chance by 10%
Arcane StrikeAbility to cast arcane spells+1 damage and weapons are considered magic
Archon DiversionArchon Style; Combat Expertise; Combat Reflexes; base attack bonus +4 or monk level 3rdRedirect an attack from an opponent to yourself to grant an ally an attack of opportunity
Archon JusticeArchon Diversion; Archon Style; Combat Expertise; Combat Reflexes; base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7thRedirect an attack from an opponent to yourself to grant several allies attacks of opporunity
Archon StyleCombat Expertise; Combat Reflexes; base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1stGrant bonus to AC to allies against single opponent's attacks
Arcing WeaponDiverse training class feature.Channel a ranged spell through your weapon
Arming GrabInt 13, Catch Off-Guard, Combat Expertise, Improved DisarmYou can easily disarm while unarmed and gain a bonus on attack rolls with the disarmed weapon
Armor AdeptArmor modifications no longer inhibit you
Armor FocusBase attack bonus +1, proficiency with selected armor.Increase one type of armor's AC bonus by 1
Armor Material ExpertiseBase attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, armor training class feature.Gain a benefit based on your armor's special material
Armor Material MasteryArmor Material Expertise, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor training class feature.Use Armor Material Expertise two additional times per day
Armor Proficiency, HeavyArmor Proficiency, MediumNo penalties on attack rolls while wearing heavy armor
Armor Proficiency, LightNo penalties on attack rolls while wearing light armor
Armor Proficiency, MediumArmor Proficiency, LightNo penalties on attack rolls while wearing medium armor
Armor TrickBase attack bonus +1.Learn armor tricks with a specific style of armor
Armored AthleteLight armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, 3 ranks in any Dexterity- or Strength-based skillReduce your armor check penalty on certain skills
Artful DodgeInt 13Gain a dodge bonus to AC when you are the only threatening opponent
Artillery TeamProficiency with light crossbow, heavy crossbow, or musket; size Small or MediumAlly with this feat can help you load and fire a Large light crossbow, heavy crossbow, or musket
Ascetic FormAscetic Style; Weapon Focus with the chosen melee weapon; base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thUse a new melee weapon with unarmed class abilities
Ascetic StrikeAscetic Form; Ascetic Style; Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon; base attack bonus +7 or monk level 7thUse unarmed damage of a lower level monk instead of the weapon’s base damage
Ascetic StyleWeapon Focus with the chosen melee weapon; base attack bonus +1 or monk level 1stUse weapons with unarmed strike abilities
Asura SightAsura Style, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thWhen using Asura Style, you gain improved uncanny dodge
Asura SpellrendAsura Sight, Asura Style, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 13thYou can dispel divine spells with your unarmed strikes in Asura Style
Asura StyleWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thYou can sicken creatures casting divine spells with your unarmed strikes
Awe-Inspiring SmashStr 15, Power Attack, base attack bonus +3Apply your Strength modifier instead of Charisma on performance combat checks
Awesome Blow Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or largerLearn a maneuver to send opponent’s flying backwards.
Awesome ChargeStr 25, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Power AttackUse awesome blow as part of a successful charge attack
Awesome ThrowStr 25, Throw Anything or rock throwing, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or largerLearn the awesome throw combat maneuver
Azata MischiefAgile Maneuvers, Azata Style, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +6You can trip those whose attacks of opportunity against you miss
Azata SprintAgile Maneuvers, Azata Mischief, Azata Style, Dodge, Mobility, Wind Stance, base attack bonus +10Your base speed increases by 10 feet and you ignore the first 10 feet of difficult terrain in a round
Azata StyleDodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +2Gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC if you move at least 15 feet
Balor WhipWeapon Focus (whip), Whip MasteryUC, base attack bonus +8Drag foes adjacent to you with a whip
Baneful JudgmentBaneAPG class feature, judgmentAPG class feature, monster loreAPG class featureSpend 1 round of bane to gain a temporary judgement against an identified creature
Banner of Doom Base attack bonus +8, banner class feature, tieflingPenalize enemies' saving throws with fear when your banner is in sight.
Barracuda DashWis 13, Barracuda Slam, Barracuda Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 7 ranks, Swim 7 ranksYou can make a second charge attack after a first
Barracuda SlamWis 13, Barracuda Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 5 ranks, Swim 5 ranksYou can run and charge while swimming
Barracuda StyleWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks, Swim 3 ranksYou can make unarmed attacks underwater without penalty
Barrage of StylesBase attack bonus +1, humanAdjacent allies with this feat grant you a cumulative +1 bonus (max +4) on combat maneuver checks
Barroom BrawlerBase attack bonus +4Once per day, gain the use of a combat feat you don’t possess for 1 minute
Bashing Finish Improved Shield Bash, Shield Master, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11Make a free shield bash after a critical hit
Battle CryCha 13; base attack bonus +5 or Perform (act, oratory, or sing) 5 ranksLet out a cry that grants allies a +1 bonus on attack rolls and +4 bonus on saves against fear
Bear HugStr 17, Beartrap Bite, Weapon Focus (bite), base attack bonus +8Grapple a bitten opponent without provoking
Bear's BalanceIron Will, rage class featureEnter a rage rather than succumb to fear
Beartrap BiteWeapon Focus (bite), base attack bonus +6Clamp down on your opponent when critically hitting with your bite attack
Beast HunterBase attack bonus +1; Knowledge (nature) or Survival 1 rank+2 bonus to track and +1 bonus to AC and on attacks against larger animals in chosen terrain
Beastmaster IreCha 13, Alertness, Beastmaster Salvation, Beastmaster Style, Handle Animal 9 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks+2 on attacks and +4 on damage against a target when you activate Beastmastery Style's benefit; bonuses double if an enemy's attack damaged your animal companion
Beastmaster SalvationCha 13, Alertness, Beastmaster Style, Handle Animal 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranksUse your Handle Animal check in place of an adjacent animal companion's saving throw
Beastmaster StyleCha 13, Handle Animal 1 rank, must have an animal companionUse Handle Animal to attempt to negate a hit on your adjacent animal companion
Befuddling InitiativeImproved InitiativeTreat all opponents as flat-footed during the surprise round
Befuddling StrikeDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Confuse opponent with unarmed strike
Belier's BiteImproved Unarmed StrikeDeal 1d4 bleed damage with your unarmed strikes
Betrayal SenseWis 13, rogue level 3rd, trap sense class featureApply trap sense on checks to see through disguises and avoid surprise attacks
Betraying BlowSolo Maneuvers, base attack bonus +8Deal extra nonlethal damage by bluffing your opponent
Binding Throw Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki ThrowAfter successful Ki Throw, you may attempt to grapple
Black Powder SpectacleAmateur GunslingerUC or the grit class feature, base attack bonus +4Gain a bonus on Intimidate and Perform checks by making a grand spectacle with your firearm
Blade BinderBase attack bonus +4, proficiency with khopesh or temple swordImprove your skill with blade binding
Bladed BrushWeapon Focus (glaive), must be a worshiper of ShelynUse Dexterity for attack rolls with a glaive, counts as a swashbuckler weapon
Blades Above and BelowBase attack bonus +6When fighting with a differently sized ally, you flank an adjacent foe from any position
Blazing Aura (ARG) Inner Flame, Scorching Weapons, character level 13th, ifritCreate an aura of heat around you after using Scorching Weapons
Blazing Aura (PA)Knowledge (planes) 3 ranksShroud yourself in fire that damages those who attack you
Bleeding CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +11Whenever you score a critical hit, the target takes 2d6 bleed
Bleeding StareMesmerist level 5th, painful stare class featurePainful stare causes bleed damage
Blinded Blade StyleBlind-Fight, Perception 5 ranksGain unique benefits when unable to see
Blinded CompetenceBlinded Blade Style, Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-FightAPG, Perception 10 ranksPinpoint creatures without a check while using Blinded Blade Style
Blinded Master Blind-Fight, Blinded Competence, Blinded Blade Style, Greater Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Perception 15 ranksImprove your ability to pinpoint creatures with Blinded Blade Style
Blind-FightReroll miss chances for concealment
Blinding CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +15Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is blinded
Blinding Flash Dex 13, Combat ExpertiseAngle the light's reflection into your opponent's eyes to dazzle them.
Blinding Sneak Attack Base attack bonus +5, darkness spell-like ability, sneak attack class feature, tieflingUse your sneak attack to blind while in darkness.
Blinding StareMesmerist level 7th, painful stare class featurePainful stare inflicts blindness
Blistering Feint Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, ifrit+2 on feint checks when wielding a fire weapon
Blood Beak Base attack bonus +5, natural weapon racial trait, tenguIncrease the damage of your beak attack, deal bleed with a critical hit
Blood FeastBite attackGain morale bonuses after biting living creatures
Blood Frenzy AssaultStr 17, Blood Frenzy Strike, Blood Frenzy Style, Bloody Assault, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, aquatic subtypeGain additional attacks per round against bleeding creatures when using Bloody Frenzy Style
Blood Frenzy StrikeStr 15, Blood Frenzy Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4, aquatic subtypeDeal bleed damage when using Bloody Frenzy Style
Blood Frenzy StyleStr 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1, aquatic subtypeIncrease your Strength and Constitution, but lower your AC
Blood SpurtBase attack bonus +2, susceptibility to bleed damageAdjacent foes risk being blinded when dealing you bleed damage
Blooded Arcane StrikeArcane Strike, ability to cast arcane spells, bloodrage class featureGain the benefits of Arcane Strike while bloodraging
BloodlettingWorshiper of Zon-KuthonDeal 1 bleed damage when you threaten a critical hit with a piercing or slashing weapon
Bloody Assault Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6Trade melee attack bonus for bleed damage
Bloody MessSkill Focus (Intimidate)Once per round, demoralize a creature that made you bleed as an immediate action
Bloody SabresDex 15, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre), Two-Weapon Fighting, worshiper of AchaekekWhen you hit with both your primary and off-hand sawtooth sabres, deal 1 bleed damage
Bloody VengeanceBase attack bonus +1, worshiper of CalistriaStudy those who have damaged you to deal bleed damage
BludgeonerInflict nonlethal damage with bludgeoning weapons
Blundering Defense Cautious Fighter, halflingGrant allies a luck bonus to AC/CMD when you fight defensively or use total defense
Boar Ferocity Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style, Intimidate 6 ranksAdd piercing damage to unarmed attacks, and demoralize opponents
Boar Shred Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Ferocity, Boar Style, Intimidate 9 ranksUnarmed attacks cause bleed damage
Boar Style Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 3 ranksUnarmed strikes deal bludgeoning or slashing damage
Body Shield Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6Gain cover against attacks while grappling
Bodyguard Combat ReflexesUse attack of opportunity to add a bonus to adjacent ally's AC
Bonebreaker Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jawbreaker, Stunning Fist, Heal 9 ranksDeal Str or Dex damage when using Stunning Fist
Bounding HammerProficiency with hammer, base attack bonus +6Bounce throwing hammers off your opponents so they return to you
Branch PounceClimb 3 ranks, Stealth 3 ranksDeal additional damage on a target you leap down upon from above
Break Guard Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon FightingMay attack opponent you attempted to disarm with your second weapon
Breaker of BarriersStr 17, worshiper of Rovagug+2 bonus on checks to break barriers, bull rush, and overrun
Bristling Bull RushStr 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +3Deal additional damage to a foe when you successfully bull rush it through difficult terrain
Bristling DragStr 13, Improved Drag, Power Attack, base attack bonus +3Deal additional damage to a foe when you drag it through difficult terrain
Broken Wing Gambit Bluff 5 ranksGrant opponent bonus to hit you, but opponent's attack provokes attacks of opportunity
Brutal Coup de GraceDazzling Display, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +5, proficiency with the selected weaponSuccessful coup de grace disheartens nearby enemies
Brutal GrapplerHalf-orc or orcHelp an ally grapple a creature
Brute AssaultStr 23, Int 13, Brute Stomp, Brute Style, Combat Reflexes, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Vicious StompUC, base attack bonus +10Weaken tripped foes and reduce their move speed
Brute StompStr 19, Int 13, Brute Style, Combat Reflexes, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Vicious StompUC, base attack bonus +8Make an extra unarmed attack when starting next to a prone foe
Brute StyleStr 15, Int 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Vicious StompUC, base attack bonus +6Use Vicious Stomp within 10 feet
Buffeting WingsHover, Powerful WingsUse your wings to create a gust of wind
Bulette Charge StyleStr 13, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, proficiency with heavy armor Gain a +4 bonus to overrun maneuvers
Bulette LeapStr 15, Bulette Charge Style, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, proficiency with heavy armorOverrun multiple opponents and add your Strength on Acrobatics checks to jump
Bulette RampageStr 15, Bulette Charge Style, Bulette Leap, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, proficiency with heavy armorDeal damage on a successful overrun manuever
Bull Rush Strike Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +9Attempt a bull rush on a successful critical hit
Bull-Catcher StyleDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeReady an action to grab creatures charging you
Bull-Catcher TossDex 13, Bull-Catcher Style, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +8, brawlerACG level 4th, or monk level 4thReposition creatures you grab a crature with Bull-Catcher Style
Bull-Catcher WranglerDex 13, Bull-Catcher Style, Bull-Catcher Toss, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +12, brawlerACG level 8th, or monk level 8thRedirect a creature's charge when you grab it with Bull-Catcher Style
Bullseye ShotPoint-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +5Gain +4 bonus on next ranged attack as a move action
Bullying Blow Intimidate 1 rank, orcIntimidate creatures while attacking them
Burn It Down!Base attack bonus +1, goblinNearby allies with this feat grant a cumulative +1 bonus (max +4) on damage with certain fire attacks
BushwhackDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeGrapple and pin with a surprise action
But a ScratchCha 13, Bluff 4 ranksDemoralize foes by playing down a mighty blow
Butterfly's StingCombat Expertise, worshiper of DesnaGrant confirmed critical hit to an ally instead
Call OutForce a creature to duel you by using Intimidate
Cannon MasterSiege EngineerUC, Knowledge (engineering) or Profession (siege engineer) 7 ranks, proficiency with at least one firearm siege engineLearn to repair siege weapons with greater efficiency
Canny TumbleDodge, Mobility, Acrobatics 5 ranksGain a bonus on melee attack rolls when you use Acrobatics to avoid attacks of opportunity
Casterbane ShotAmateur GunslingerUC or the grit class feature, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4Make it harder for spellcasters to concentrate while under fire
Caster's Champion3/day, use allies' magic to gain a bonus to damage rolls for 1 round
Cat and MouseBluff 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks, opportune parry and riposte deedACGHold your riposte to gain an advantage
Catch Off-GuardNo penalties for improvised melee weapons
Cautious Fighter HalflingIncrease your bonus when fighting defensively or using total defense
Cavalry Formation Mounted CombatMay share space with other mounts, charge through space occupied by allied mount
Censoring CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +15Critical hit silences target
Cerberus CrushCerberus Snare, Cerberus Style, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 13thYou can apply Vital Strike to attacks made in Cerberus Style
Cerberus SnareCerberus Style, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thWhen you damage a creature in Ceberus Style, it cannot 5 ft. step or use dimensional travel
Cerberus StyleCleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thYou can attack three targets at once within your reach
Chain MasteryDex 15, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain)Wield spiked chain in one hand, gain bonuses when wielding spiked chain two-handed
ChairbreakerCatch Off-Guard, base attack bonus +1Break improvised weapons to deal more damage
Channel SmiteChannel energy class featureChannel energy through your attack
Channeling ForceAbility to cast at least one force spell, channel energy class featureSpend channel energy to deal extra force damage with weapon attacks
Charge of the RighteousBase attack bonus +1, any good alignmentWhen charging an undead creature, you don’t take the –2 penalty to AC
Charge Through Str 13, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Make overrun as free action while charging
Charging Hurler Point-Blank ShotMay use charge rules to make thrown weapon attack
Charging Stag StyleDex 13, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, MobilityCharge through difficult terrain and allied spaces, make a turn while charging
Choir of BladesGain an ally’s bonus on attack rolls against a creature or a subtype, as well as the ally’s racial weapon proficiencies
Chokehold Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5thMay pin grappled opponent one size category larger than you
Circling MongooseDex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +6Circle your opponent while attacking
Circling OffenseDodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +3Dodge attacks of opportunity from larger creatures better, while having the offending creature provoke from your allies
Circuitous ShotDex 19, Blind-Fight, Improved Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11Bounce ranged attacks to avoid total cover
Clambering EscapeInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved RepositionAPG, evasion class featureAfter evading, reposition a foe into the blast
Claw Pounce Str 13, Dex 15, Nimble Striker, base attack bonus +10, catfolk, cat’s claws racial trait or Aspect of the Beast (claws of the beast manifestation)Make a full attack with your claws on a charge
Claw WrenchDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeGrapple a creautre to break its own grab or negate bite attacks
CleavePower AttackMake an additional attack if the first one hits
Cleave Through Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11, dwarfTake 5 ft steps between cleaves to threaten additional creatures
Cleaving Finish Str 13, Cleave, Power AttackMake additional attack if opponent is knocked out.
Cleaving SweepStr 15, Cleave, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (greataxe), base attack bonus +11Use cleave to attempt trip at all opponents within reach
Clinging ClimberStr 13, Climb 3 ranksCling to a surface using your legs so you can use both hands to attack
Cloak and Dagger StyleInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +6Learn dirty tricks as free actions during a surprise round
Cloak and Dagger SubterfugeInt 13, Cloak and Dagger Style, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +11Use dirty tricks as free actions with an attack of opportunity
Cloak and Dagger TacticsInt 13, Cloak and Dagger Style, Cloak and Dagger Subterfuge, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +16Use free dirty tricks when your opponent is off guard or flanked
Close-Quarters Thrower Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weaponAttacks with selected weapons do not provoke attacks of opportunity
Cloven HelmDented Helm, Hard-Headed, base attack bonus +11, dwarf+1 AC vs. critical hits with helms, apply damage to helmet during a critical hit
Clustered Shots Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6Total damage from full-round ranged attacks before applying DR
Cockatrice Strike Improved Unarmed Strike, Gorgon’s Fist, Medusa’s Wrath, base attack bonus +14Turn a target to stone with a critical hit
Combat ExpertiseInt 13Trade attack bonus for AC bonus
Combat MeditationWis 13, Meditation Master, character level 5thLearn to meditate quickly, though your meditation benefits will not last as long.
Combat Patrol Combat Reflexes, Mobility, base attack bonus +5Increase threatened area for attack of opportunity
Combat ReflexesMake additional attacks of opportunity
Combat RhythmBase attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thReduce penalties to your attacks with successive hits against the same target
Combat StaminaBase attack bonus +1Gain a stamina pool to help boost your combat abilities
Combat Style Master Improved Unarmed Strike, two or more style feats, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5thMay switch styles as a free action
Combat VigorCon 13Gain a vigor pool and heal yourself without magic
Compounded PainMesmerist level 13th, painful stare class featureApply the effects of two stare feats to painful stares
Concentrated FirePoint-Blank Shot, elf, weapon familiarity racial traitWhen you and an ally with this feat both ready actions to make ranged attacks, use the highest attack roll for both attacks
Concentrated SplashPrecise Shot or Throw AnythingDeal extra damage with the direct hit from a splash weapon by reducing the splash damage to other targets
Confusing StareMesmerist level 7th, painful stare class featurePainful stare inflicts confusion
Consume EssenceBase attack bonus +6; evil alignment; swallow whole universal monster ability; must be of the magical beast, outsider, or undead typeInflict negative levels on swallowed creatures
Cooperative RendRend, trollUse your rend with greater ease
Cooperative SwarmerSwarming racial traitCan share space with an ally your size or larger
Coordinated CaptureBase attack bonus +1Creatures you and your allies threaten take penalties to checks to avoid provoking attacks of opportunities
Coordinated Charge You have at least two other teamwork feats, base attack bonus +10.You may charge the same foe when an ally does
Coordinated Defense+2 bonus to CMD
Coordinated DistractionMake it harder for your foes to cast spells defensively.
Coordinated Maneuvers+2 bonus on combat maneuver checks
Coordinated ShotPoint-Blank ShotWhen an ally with this feat threatens a foe, gain a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls, or +2 if that ally is flanking the foe
Cornugon ShieldDex 15, Weapon Focus (spiked chain)Wield a spiked chain as a weapon and shield
Cornugon SmashPower Attack, Intimidate 6 ranksMake intimidate checks along with power attacks
Cornugon StunStunning FistUse stunning fist with monk weapons along with unarmed attacks
Cornugon TripDex 15, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain)Make trip attempts with a thrown spiked chain
Counter ReflexesAnticipate Dodge, Dodge, Mobility; base attack bonus +9, brawler level 6th, or monk level 6thOpponents with Mobility do not gain a bonus when they provoke attacks of opportunity from you
CounterpunchDex 18, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike); base attack bonus +16 or brawler level 12thWhen you fight unarmed and a foe misses with all melee attacks, it provokes attacks of opportunity from you
Covering Defense Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6Provide cover to an ally with total defense
Covering Fire (RTT)Point-Blank ShotUse aid another with ranged attacks against distant opponents
Covering Fire (VC)Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UC, Weapon Focus (at least one firearm)Targets you hit take an attack roll penalty against your allies
Covering ShieldDex 13, Shield Focus, Shield ProficiencyGain a bonus against Area of Effect attacks while using your shield
Cracking the ShellWeapon Focus with piercing weaponUse a piercing weapon to reduce a creature's spell resistance or energy resistance
Crane Riposte Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7thWhen you deflect an attack, you may make an attack of opportunity
Crane Style Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1stTake –2 penalty when fighting defensively
Crane Wing Crane Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thMay deflect one attack per round while fighting defensively or using total defense
Crashing Wave BuffetWis 15, Crashing Wave Style, Improved Drag, Improved Reposition, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6Disorient an opponent when you drag or reposition it
Crashing Wave FistWis 15, Crashing Wave Buffet, Crashing Wave Style, Improved Drag, Improved Reposition, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9Make an unarmed attack against a foe when you drag or reposition it
Crashing Wave StyleWis 13, Improved Drag, Improved Reposition, Improved Unarmed StrikeMove 5 feet when you drag or reposition an opponent
Creative ArmorsmithCraft (armor) 3 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 3 ranksYou can add temporary modifications to your armor
Creative WeaponsmithCraft (weapons) 3 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 3 ranksYou can add temporary modifications to your weapons
Crippling Critical Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13Whenever you score a critical hit, the target's speed is halved
Crippling ThrustWeapon Focus with piercing weapon, base attack bonus +6You can hamper a creature's movements with a piercing weapon
Critical FocusBase attack bonus +9+4 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits
Critical MasteryAny two critical feats, 14th-level fighterApply two effects to your critical hits
Critical Versatility Fighter level 11th, human1/day, learn a Critical feat
Crossbow Mastery Dex 15, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid ShotReload crossbow as free action and make full attacks
Crowd ControlBase attack bonus +3You gain a +2 competence bonus to your CMD when an enemy uses Acrobatics to move through a square you threaten.
Crowd of BulliesHalf-orcAllies with this feat gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks after you fail a combat maneuver check
Crusader's Fist Lay on hands class feature or touch of corruption class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6May use lay on hands or touch of corruption upon successful Unarmed Strike
Crushing Blow Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning FistStunning Fist reduces target's AC
Crushing ImpactStr 13, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power AttackDeal damage when you bull rush a creature into a solid object
Cudgeler StyleBludgeonerUCDeal greater damage with nonlethal damage on a charge
Cudgeler SweepBludgeonerUC, Cudgeler Style, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thAttempt to trip your foes on a charge with Cudgeler Style
Cudgeler TakedownBludgeonerUC, Cudgeler Style, Cudgeler Sweep, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thImprove your Cudgeler Style and Sweep
Cunning IntuitionAlertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, Ready for Anything, base attack bonus +13 or rogue level 13th, Sense Motive 13 ranksChoose your readied action when it triggers
Cushioning ArmorArmor training class feature, proficiency with medium or heavy armor.Tranfer half your falling damage to your armor
Cushioning Shield⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Tranfer half your falling damage to your shield
Dance of ChainsDex 15, Chain Mastery, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 1 rankAdd Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with spiked chains, reach with spiked chains 5 feet during your turn
Dangerous TailBase attack bonus +5, LizardfolkGain a tail swipe attack
Darting RetrievalInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved DisarmKick disarmed items out of the way before the enemy can retrieve them
Darting ViperBase attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven dorn-dergarSwitch between reach and normal with the dorn-dergar as a swift action
Dastardly Finish Sneak attack +5d6Deliver coup de grace to cowering or stunned target
Dastardly TrickInt 13; Amateur SwashbucklerACG or panacheACG class feature; Combat Expertise; Improved Dirty TrickAPGYour dirty tricks are harder to remove
Dazing Assault Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11.Trade melee attack bonus to daze opponents
Dazing FistDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4Daze with unarmed strikes
Dazzling DisplayWeapon FocusIntimidate all foes within 30 feet
Deadhand InitiateWis 19, Deadhand Style†, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentYou feast upon your own fears
Deadhand MasterWis 23, Deadhand Initiate, Deadhand Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (religion) 14 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentYour unarmed strikes inflict negative levels
Deadhand StyleWis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentYou are hard to scare and your unarmed strikes can make foes shaken
Deadly AimDex 13, base attack bonus +1Trade ranged attack bonus for damage
Deadly Finish Base attack bonus +11Foes you knock out must make a Fort save or die
Deadly GrapplerDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeDeal more damage with attacks during a grapple
Deadly HornsBase attack bonus +1, tieflingGain a gore attack
Deadly StrokeGreater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, base attack bonus +11Deal double damage plus 1 Con bleed
Deafening CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +13Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is deafened
Death from AboveGain +5 bonus on attack rolls when charging from higher ground or flying
Death from BelowBase attack bonus +1+2 bonus on readied/opportunity attacks against flying opponents
Death or Glory Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6Gain +4 on attack, damage, and critical rolls vs. Large or larger opponents
Death RollBite attack, reptilian subtypePerform a death roll when grappling a foe of your size or smaller to knock that foe prone
Deathless Initiate Str 13, Con 13, orc or half-orc, Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +6Not staggered while using Diehard; gain +2 on melee damage rolls
Deathless Master Str 13, Con 15, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide, base attack bonus +9Do not lose hit points while using Diehard
Deathless Zealot Str 13, Con 17, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide, base attack bonus +12Foes must reroll critical confirmation attacks
Deceitful IncompetenceCombat ReflexesGain a cumulative insight bonus to attack rolls of attacks of opportunity for every time you miss an attack of opportunity
Dedicated AdversaryNo levels in a class that has the favored enemy class featureGain a favored enemy
Defended Movement⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Gain +2 AC vs attacks of opportunity
Defensive Combat TrainingUse your total Hit Dice as your base attack bonus for CMD
Defensive Weapon Training Int 13, base attack bonus +5Gain +2 dodge bonus against a single fighter weapon group
Deflect ArrowsDex 13, Improved Unarmed StrikeAvoid one ranged attack per round
Demon HunterKnowledge (planes) 6 ranksGain Knowledge and combat bonuses vs. demons
Demonic MomentumDemonic Style, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +5Gain damage bonus based on how far you charge when you bull rush
Demonic NemesisDemon HunterISWG, Knowledge (planes) 6 ranksGain bonus damage against followers of a specific demon lord.
Demonic SlaughterCleave, Demonic Momentum, Demonic Style, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +9Use Great Cleave as part of a charge
Demonic StylePower Attack, base attack bonus +1Gain +1 on attacks and +2 on damage rolls on the attack at the end of a charge
Demoralizing Lash Base attack bonus +1, Intimidate 1 rank, hobgoblinStrike a demoralized foe with a whip to increase the demoralized duration
Demoralizing StareMesmerist level 9th, painful stare class featurePainful stare causes the shaken condition
Dented Helm Hard-Headed, base attack bonus +6, dwarf+1 AC vs critical hits when wearing a helmet, apply half damage of critical hit towards helmet
Dervish DanceDexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitarUse Dex modifier instead of Str modifier with scimitar
Desperate BattlerGain +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage when alone
Desperate Swing Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +1, halfling+4 critical confirmation when fighting defensively, make an attack with total defense 1/day
Destroy IdentityCritical Focus, base attack bonus +11, worshiper of LamashtuDeal Charisma damage and stagger target on a critical hit
Destroyer's Blessing Half-orc or orc, rage class featureRegain rage and heal by sundering in combat
Destructive PersuasionStr 13, Power Attack, Intimidate 1 rankSmash objects to gain bonuses on Intimidate
Devastating Strike Vital Strike, base attack bonus +9Deal extra damage when using Vital Strike bonus
Diabolic HumiliationCombat Reflexes, Diabolic Style; Vital Strike; Improved Unarmed Strike or Weapon Focus (unarmed strike); base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7thGain enhanced effects when you use Diabolic Style to humiliate a target
Diabolic JudgementCombat Reflexes; Diabolic Humiliation; Diabolic Style; Improved Vital Strike; Vital Strike; Improved Unarmed Strike or Weapon Focus (unarmed strike); base attack bonus +12 or monk level 11thApply Vital Strike on attacks of opportunity
Diabolic StyleCombat Reflexes; Improved Unarmed Strike or Weapon Focus (unarmed strike); base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1stHumiliate targets that provoke attacks of opportun
Dimensional AwarenessArcane Strike or Disruptive; Banishing Critical; Combat Reflexes; Spellcraft 8 ranks; arcane pool class featureFree attack against nearby summoned/called creature
Dimensional DisruptionArcane Strike or Disruptive; Banishing Critical; Combat Reflexes; Dimensional Awareness; Spellcraft 8 ranks; arcane pool class featureQuickly send summoned/called creatures back to their home plane before they have a chance to act
Directed DisarmInt 13, Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +11Disarmed weapons land farther from the wielder
Dirty Critical HitInt 13, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, base attack bonus +11Inflict dirty trick conditions on a critical hit
Dirty DisarmInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +6Learn to perform a combined dirty trick and disarm
Dirty FightingIgnore a flanking bonus in order to prevent attacks of opportunity on your combat maneuvers
Dirty GrappleDex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6Combine a dirty trick and grapple combat maneuver
Dirty Trick MasterGreater Dirty Trick, Improved Dirty Trick, base attack bonus +11Worsen the condition of a previously inflicted dirty trick
Disarm PartnerBase attack bonus +1Attempt a disarm when an ally fails at one
Disarming Strike Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +9Attempt a disarm on a successful critical hit
Disconcerting StareMesmerist level 5th, painful stareOA class featureYour painful stare causes creatures to be more vulnerable to traps
Disengaging Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved FeintFeint lets you move your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity
Disengaging Flourish Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Improved FeintSuccessful feint causes your starting square to not count as threatened
Disengaging Shot Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Dodge, Improved Feint, MobilityWhen using Disengaging Flourish, you may make a single attack
Disheartening DisplayDazzling Display, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +6, proficiency with chosen weaponUse Dazzling Display to increase a fear effect
Disorienting Blow Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +11Confuse the enemy with your stunning fist attack.
Disrupting FistChannel Smite, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9, channel positive energy 4d6Destroy an undead on a critical unarmed strike
Disrupting Shot Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, fighter level 6th.Ranged attacks increase enemy's DC to cast spells
Disruptive6th-level fighterIncreases the DC to cast spells adjacent to you
Disruptive CompanionAnimal companionCompanion hinders spellcasting
Distance Thrower Str 13Reduce ranged penalties for thrown weapons by 2
Distracting ChargeWhen an ally with this feat charges, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the creature charged
Diva AdvanceCha 17, Combat Expertise, Diva Strike, Diva Style, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +11 or bard level 11thYou don't provoke attacks of opportunity from foes you feinted against
Diva StrikeCha 15; Combat Expertise; Diva Style; Improved Feint; base attack bonus +7 or bard level 7thDeal additional damage t o a target that is denied its Dex bonus to AC
Diva StyleCha 13; base attack bonus +1 or bard level 1stUse Perform instead of Bluff to feint
Diversion ShotStealthy, Target of OpportunityUCUse Target of Opportunity to give allies a chance to hide
Divert HarmInt 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6, evasion class featurePull an opponent into an area-of-effect attack to take damage in your place
Divine Fighting TechniqueMust worship a single patron deity that has an established divine fighting techniqueGain a deity’s fighting technique
Djinni Spin Con 15, Wis 17, Djinni Style, Djinni Spirit, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11thUse Elemental Fist to surround yourself with electricity
Djinni Spirit Con 15, Wis 15, Djinni Style, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9thGain 1 additional use of Elemental Fist per day, and electricity resistance
Djinni Style Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5thGain 1 additional use of Elemental Fist per day and bonus to electricity damage
DodgeDex 13+1 dodge bonus to AC
Dolphin CircleDolphin Dart, Dolphin Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Swim 10 ranks, base attack bonus +10 or monk level 10thBe treated as though you are in mulitple squares for threatening squares, flanking, and being attacked
Dolphin DartDolphin Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Swim 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thSwim before and after melee attack
Dolphin StyleImproved Unarmed Strike, Swim 3 ranks, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdGain bonuses when enemies are grouped together and bypass bonuses from aid another
Domain Strike Domain class feature, Improved Unarmed StrikeUse a domain power through unarmed strike
Domino CrashInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, Whipcrack, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 3rdYou can reposition a creature into an occupied square
Dorn-Dergar MasterTwo-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +4, proficiency with the dwarven dorn-dergarUse a dorn-dergar as a one-handed weapon
Double SliceTwo-Weapon FightingAdd your Str bonus to off-hand damage rolls
Drag Down Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved TripIf tripped, you can attempt a trip against that foe
Dragon Ferocity Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranksGain bonus on unarmed attacks, and you can cause opponents to be shaken
Dragon Roar Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 8 ranksGain +1 use of Stunning Fist per day, and you can emit a concussive roar
Dragon ShotAmateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, Spellcraft 5 ranksSpend grit to change the damage type of your gun to energy damage
Dragon Style Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranksGain +2 bonus against sleep, paralysis, and stun effects, and can ignore difficult terrain
Dragonfly FlightDex 15, Wis 15, Dragonfly Style, Dragonfly Wings, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 10 ranks, Climb 10 ranksFly short distances in Dragonfly Style
Dragonfly StyleWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 2 ranks, Climb 2 ranksYou are treated as though you were on higher ground when making attacks adjacent to objects
Dragonfly WingsDex 15, Wis 15, Dragonfly Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranksYou can jump off of adjacent creatures to gain the high ground when in Dragonfly Style
DragonslayerKnowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, base attack bonus +4Forgo critical hit damage in order to prevent the enemy from using its breath weapon
Draining StrikeDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Cause fatigue with unarmed strikes
Dramatic Display Dazzling DisplayGain +2 on Performance checks, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks
Dramatic SlamDazzling Display, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Savage Slam, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 6thDemoralize as a swift action when you successfully use Savage Slam
Dreadful Carnage Str 15, Power Attack, Furious Focus, base attack bonus +11.Make a free Intimidate check when you knock down a foe
Drunken BrawlerEndurance, worshiper of Cayden CaileanAlcohol bestows a –2 penalty on Reflex saves, but grants temporary hit points and more
Dueling Cape DeedAmateur Swashbuckler† or panache† class feature; Dodge, Sleight of Hand 1 rankUse your cape as a snaring buckler
Duelist of the Roaring FallsAldori Dueling Disciple, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), base attack bonus +5Add Dex bonus to damage rolls against foes that are afraid
Duelist of the Shrouded LakeAldori Dueling Disciple, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), base attack bonus +5Gain offensive and defensive bonuses with certain combat maneuvers
Dwarven FuryDwarven Hatred Style, Dwarven Seething, base attack bonus +7, defensive training and hatred racial traits, Medium sizeUse Dwarven Seething against any number of opponents
Dwarven Hatred StyleBase attack bonus +1, defensive training and hatred racial traits, Medium sizeApply hatred on both attack/damage and increase to +2
Dwarven SeethingDwarven Hatred Style, base attack bonus +5, defensive training and hatred racial traits, Medium sizeApply hated/defensive training to different types/subtypes
Earth Child Binder Wis 13, dwarf or gnome, defensive training racial trait, Earth Child Style, Earth Child Topple, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 9 ranksYou can trip a giant of any size. You use Stunning Fist after the attack of opportunity against a standing giant has hit
Earth Child Style Wis 13, dwarf or gnome, defensive training racial trait, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranksDefensive training AC increases to +6 against giants
Earth Child Topple Wis 13, dwarf or gnome, defensive training racial trait, Earth Child Style, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 6 ranksYou may trip a giant of up to Huge size
Efreeti Stance Con 15, Wis 15, Efreeti Style, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day and fire resistance
Efreeti Style Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day and a bonus on fire damage
Efreeti Touch Con 15, Wis 17, Efreeti Style, Efreeti Stance, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11thCan emit a cone of fire that may light opponents on fire
Eidolon MountEidolon able to choose quadruped or serpentine as a base formYour eidolon is capable of serving as a combat-trained mount
Eldritch Claws Str 15, natural weapons, base attack bonus +6Natural weapons treated as magic and silver
Electric Eel ConduitWis 17, Electric Eel Shock, Electric Eel Style, Elemental FistAPG, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 9thContinuously electrocute a target you have grappled
Electric Eel ShockWis 15, Electric Eel Style, Elemental FistAPG, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 7thStagger foes you hit with Elemental Fist
Electric Eel StyleWis 13, Elemental FistAPG, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5thGain a bonus on grapple combat maneuvers when you hit a creature with Elemental Fist
Elemental Fist Con 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Deal 1d6 energy damage with an unarmed strike
Elemental StrikeIfrit, oread, sylph, or undineDeal +1 damage of an energy type linked to your race
Elephant StompStr 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +1Get an immediate attack against an opponent you overrun
Elven Accuracy ElfReroll miss chance due to concealment when using a bow
Elven Battle FocusInt 13, Elven Battle Style, Elven Battle TrainingARG, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4, weapon familiarity racial traitAdd INT modifier to weapon damage when using Elven Battle Style
Elven Battle StyleElven Battle TrainingARG, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1, weapon familiarity racial traitDon’t provoke attacks of opportunity when making combat maneuver checks with elvish weapons
Elven Battle TorrentInt 13, Elven Battle Focus, Elven Battle Style, Elven Battle TrainingARG, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +10, weapon familiarity racial traitEnemies provoke attacks while you’re fighting defensively
Elven Battle Training Base attack bonus +1, elfGain bonuses with traditional elven weapons
Empty Quiver FlexibilityEmpty Quiver Style, Rapid Shot, Stabbing ShotAPG, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponApply ranged fighting feats to melee attacks
Empty Quiver FlurryEmpty Quiver Flexibility, Empty Quiver Style, Rapid Shot, Stabbing ShotAPG, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponUse ranged weaons to make melee attacks and avoid attacks of opportunity
Empty Quiver StyleWeapon Focus with the chosen weaponFight in melee with your ranged weapon
Enfilading Fire Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, one other teamwork featWhen ally flanks opponent, you gain +2 on ranged attack rolls against opponent
EnforcerIntimidate 1 rankDemoralize opponent as free action when you inflict nonlethal damage
Engulf HorrorEngulf Revulsion; engulf or smother universal monster abilityEngulfed or smothered foes are staggered
Engulf RevulsionEngulf or smother universal monster abilityEngulfed or smothered foes are shaken
Enhanced Ki Throw Ki pool class feature, Ki Throw (see the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide)Spend 1 ki point to deal damage when throwing an opponent to the ground.
Enrage OpponentCha 13, Amateur SwashbucklerACG or panache class featureACG, PersuasiveLower angered opponent's defenses until she attacks you
Entreating CriticalCha 15, Call Truce, Critical Focus, Persuasive, base attack bonus +11, Diplomacy 5 ranksUse a critical hit to convince foes to a agree to a truce
Equipment TrickBase attack bonus +1Learn unique tricks with a piece of equipment
Erastil's BlessingWeapon Focus (longbow), must be a worshiper of ErastilUse Wisdom on ranged attack rolls when using a bow
Eroding StrikesWeapon Focus with bludgeoning weaponUse a bludgeoning weapon to reduce a creature's damage reduction
Exceptional PullDex 13, Deadly Aim, base attack bonus +3Get more out of a weapon’s str rating, use them with a lower str modifier
Excoriating StareMesmerist level 11th, painful stare class featurePainful stare causes the sickened condition
Exhausting CriticalTiring Critical, base attack bonus +15Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is exhausted
Exotic Weapon ProficiencyBase attack bonus +1No penalty on attacks made with one exotic weapon
Expanded Hunter TacticsHunter tacticsACG class featureGrant teamwork feats to allies
Expert SniperStealth 3 ranksReduce the penalty on Stealth checks to stay hidden while sniping by 10
Explosive EscapeDex 13, Str 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeSend your opponents flying when breaking a grapple
Explosive WeaponArcing Weapon, diverse training class feature.Channel an area spell through your weapon
ExsanguinateBlood drain universal monster ability, grab universal monster ability.Double blood drain damage once per round
Extend the BulwarkExtend the protection of your armor to your allies
Extended Combat MeditationWis 13, Combat Meditation, Meditation Master, character level 9thIncrease the duration of Combat Meditation by your Wisdom modifier
Extra Hail of ArrowsHail of arrows class feature.Gain an additional use of hail of arrows
Extra Impromptu Sneak AttackImpromptu sneak attack class featureGain one additional impromptu sneak attack per day
Extra StaminaCombat Stamina, base attack bonus +5Increase your stamina pool by 3 points
Extreme PrejudiceSeething Hatred, sneak attack +3d6, studied target class featureWhen you succeed at a sneak attack with Seething Hatred, roll d8s for damage instead of d6s
Faerie's StrikeNature Magic or the ability to cast druid or ranger spells; Vital Strike, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranksIlluminate foes with Vital Strike
Falling Water GambitAldori Dueling Disciple, Duelist of the Roaring Falls, Duelist of the Shrouded Lake, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), base attack bonus +8Increase threat ranged of Aldori dueling sword versus foes you feint against
False Opening Dex 13, Dodge, Close Quarters Thrower or Point-Blank Master, Weapon Focus with selected ranged weaponMay choose to provoke attacks of opportunity; gain +4 AC vs. attacks
Far ShotPoint-Blank ShotDecrease ranged penalties by half
Fatiguing StareMesmerist level 7th, painful stare class featurePainful stare causes the fatigued condition
Fearsome BarricadeIntimidate 5 ranks, Ulfen Guard TPA 20Demoralize opponents that attack your allies
Fearsome FinishIntimidating Prowess, worshiper of Lamashtu+4 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize when you reduce an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points
Feint Defender⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, Sense Motive 1 rank.Increase the DC required to feint you
Feint Partner Bluff 1 rankWhen ally successfully feints, opponent loses Dex bonus against your next attack
Feinting Flurry Dex 15, flurry of blows class feature, Combat ExpertiseWeave a feint attempt with your flurry of blows.
Felling Escape Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved TripTrip a foe when you break a grapple
Felling Smash Int 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6Trip a foe when you make a power attack
Fencing GraceDex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)Use Dexterity on rapier damage rolls
Feral Combat Training Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weaponUse Improved Unarmed Strike feats with natural weapons
Feral GraceWeapon Finesse, base attack bonus +3, animal companionGain bonus to damage from fighting with finesse
Ferocious BeastIntimidate 1 rank, animal companionGain bonuses on Intimidate checks
Ferocious FeintBluff 1 rank, animal companionGain bonuses to feint
Ferocious Tenacity Ferocity racial trait, half-orc or orc, rage class featureSpend rounds of rage to reduce damage that would otherwise kill you
Fighting FrenzyCha 13, rage class featureAvoid an AC penalty while in rage if allies are close by
Filthy WeaponsKnowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, Knowledge (nature) 1 rankCover your weapons in disgusting filth
Final Embrace Str 13, Int 3; naga, serpentfolk, or creature that has the constrict special attack as a racial ability; base attack bonus +3Gain constrict and grab special attacks
Final Embrace Horror Str 15, Int 3; naga, serpentfolk, or creature that has the constrict special attack; Final Embrace; base attack bonus +6Creatures that take constriction damage from you are also shaken
Final Embrace Master Str 17, Int 3; naga, serpentfolk, or creature that has the constrict special attack; Final Embrace; Final Embrace Horror; base attack bonus +9Your constrict attack deals double the number of damage dice
Finishing CascadeBase attack bonus +11 or monk level 11th; at least one combination featDouble the effect's of a combination feat once per round
Fire Hand GoblinWield torches as weapons, +1 attack with fire in melee
Firebrand Worshiper of AsmodeusUse a torch as a deadly weapon.
FlagbearerCha 15Grant bonuses to allies who see your flag
Flame Blade DervishAbility to cast flame blade as a spell or spell-like abilityIncreased damage and maneuverability when using a flame blade
Flame WarriorFire subtype, giant subtypeMetal melee weapons you wield gain 1d6 fire damage
Flanking FoilFoes you strike lose their flanking bonus against you
Flaying CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +11Reduce the opponent’s natural armor when scoring a critical hit
Flexible FoeBase attack bonus +5, favored enemy (any humanoid or any outsider), favored enemy class featureChange the subtype of your humanoid or outsider favored enemy once per day
FlingFlyby Attack, Powerful Wings, Snatch and Drop, Throw AnythingThrow grappled enemies a short distance
Flinging ChargeQuick Draw, base attack bonus +6Attack with a thrown weapon during a charge and then end the charge with a melee weapon attack
Focused Aberration ExpertiseFavored enemy (aberration) class featureGain a bonus on saving throws against either transformative effects or mind-affecting effects
Focused Animal ExpertiseFavored enemy (animal) class featureGain a bonus on Stealth checks
Focused Construct ExpertiseFavored enemy (construct) class featureBypass hardness and some types of damage reduction
Focused DisciplineGain temporary combat bonuses after resisting fear effects
Focused Dragon ExpertiseFavored enemy (dragon) class featureGain a bonus to saving throws against breath weapons and fear effects
Focused Fey ExpertiseFavored enemy (fey) class featureGain a bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits
Focused Magical Beast ExpertiseFavored enemy (magical beast) class featureGain cover against creatures attacking you with multiple natural attacks
Focused Ooze ExpertiseFavored enemy (ooze) class featureGain acid resistance and a bonus to your combat maneuver defense
Focused Outsider ExpertiseFavored enemy (outsider) class featureIgnore an amount of alignment-based damage reduction
Focused Plant ExpertiseFavored enemy (plant) class featureGain a bonus to Reflex saving throws and CMD against binding effects
Focused Shot Int 13, Point-Blank Shot, Precise ShotAdd Int modifier on damage rolls with bows or crossbows
Focused TargetStudied targetACG class feature (second studied target).Reduce the number of focused targets you have to increase the bonuses against one creature
Focused Undead ExpertiseFavored enemy (undead) class featureGain a bonus to saving throws against ability damage, energy drain, and negative energy
Focused Vermin ExpertiseFavored enemy (vermin) class featureGain damage reduction against vermin and swarms
Following Step Dex 13, Step Up.Move up to 10 feet as an immediate action
Follow-Up StrikeInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thMake an attack as a swift action after you disarm a creature
FootslasherTarget a creature's feet to reduce its speed
Forest AmbushStealth 1 rank, Survival 1 rankLearn better ways to hide in natural environments and gain extra precision damage when attacking out of your hiding spot
Fortified Armor Training Proficient with armor or shieldBreak armor or shield to turn critical hit into a normal hit
Fortuitous VigorCon 13, Combat Vigor, character level 4thSpend vigor when you roll a natural 20
Fox InsightInt 13, Fox StyleYou are difficult to feint against and demoralize
Fox StyleInt 13Feint and distract with martial training
Fox TrickeryInt 13, Combat Expertise, Fox Insight, Fox Style, Improved Dirty TrickAPGPerform dirty tricks as attacks of opportunity
Freeze in PlaceStealth 5 ranks, wyrwoodGain the freeze universal monster ability
Friendly Fire ManeuversPoint-Blank Shot, Precise ShotStay out of each other’s way with ranged and area attacks
Friendly RivalryHuman (Taldan)Gain +2 morale bonus on melee attacks against foes only you threaten if an ally is the only one threatening a different foe
Frightening AmbushIntimidate 1 rankUse Intimidate to demoralize for free when attacking flat-footed creatures
Frost WarriorCold subtype, giant subtypeMetal melee weapons you wield gain 1d6 cold damage
Furious Focus Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Do not take the Power Attack penalty on the first attack each round
Fury of the Tainted Cha 13, rage class feature, tiefling+4 save vs. good spells and effects while raging.
Fury's FallImproved TripAdd your dexterity bonus to your CMB when making a trip attempt
Fury's SnareFury’s Fall, Improved TripEntangle an opponent in your whip when tripping them
Gang Up Int 13, Combat ExpertiseFlank an opponent if at least two allies are adjacent to it
Garen's DisciplineAlertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), base attack bonus +4Gain a bonus to a saving throw when fighting defensively
Gate BreakerStr 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Deal bonus damage to objects
GhostslayerBase attack bonus +1, Knowledge (religion) 1 rankDamage incorporeal creatures as though weapon were magical or Ghost Touch
Giant Killer Str 13, Cleave, Goblin Cleaver, Orc Hewer, Power Attack, Strike Back, base attack bonus +11, dwarfTarget additional creatures during cleave if larger than you, gain +2 attack against them
Giant-Killer StancePower AttackTreat reach weapons as if they had the brace quality against larger opponents
Giant's CrushStr 13, Power Attack, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +6, giant subtypeKnock smaller creatures prone when using power attack and vital strike
Giant's SmashStr 13, Power Attack, giant subtypeIgnore 5 hardness on objects, +5 Strength to break down doors
Giant's WallopStr 13, Power Attack, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +6, giant subtypeDaze smaller creatures when using power attack and vital strike
Giantslaying TeamDex 13, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4, defensive training racial traitAttack a giant as an immediate action when the giant’s attack of opportunity misses an ally with this feat
Gloom Strike Blind-Fight, fetchling+1 attack when within dim light or darkness
GloomstormKnowledge (planes) 4 ranks, shadow weapon class featureCreate new shadow weapons as a free action
Gnome Weapon Focus Base attack bonus +1, gnome, proficient with all martial weapons+1 attack with all gnome weapons
Goblin Cleaver Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, dwarfTarget additional creatures during cleave if smaller than you, gain +2 attack against them
Goblin Gunslinger GoblinWield Medium firearms without penalty
Gorgon's FistScorpion Style, base attack bonus +6Stagger a foe whose speed is reduced
Gory Finish Dazzling Display, Weapon FocusMake an Intimidate check if you reduce an opponent to negative hit points
Got Your BackInt 13, Combat ExpertiseUse aid another to prevent allies from becoming flanked or flat-footed
Grab and GoCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +1Pick up improvised weapons as part of a movement action
Grabbing DragGrabbing Style, Improved Grapple; base attack bonus +8, brawler level 4th, or monk level 4thMove farther with dragged foes
Grabbing MasterGrabbing Drag, Grabbing Style, Improved Grapple; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8thGrab two foes instead of just one
Grabbing StyleImproved Grapple; base attack bonus +6, brawler’s flurry class feature, or flurry of blows class featureTake no penalty for grabbing a foe one-handed, retain your Dex bonus to AC when pinning
Graceful StealDex 13, Agile Maneuvers, Improved StealAPG, Sleight of Hand 3 ranksSteal outside of combat and from containers
Grasping StrikeNature Magic or the ability to cast druid or ranger spells; Vital Strike, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranksEntangle those you hit with Vital Strike
Gravitational Vital StrikeVital Strike; Heavy Gravity Acclimation or Light Gravity AcclimationDeal additional damage in heavy or light gravity
Great CleaveCleave, base attack bonus +4Make an additional attack after each attack hits
Great Hatred Gnome, hatred racial traitAdditional +1 attack against targets of your hatred
Great RendBite attack, rend, trollDeal additional damage with your rend when biting
Greater Awesome BlowStr 25, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, size Large or largerYour awesome blows send enemies further
Greater Balor WhipBalor Whip, Improved Balor Whip, Weapon Focus (whip), Whip MasteryUC, base attack bonus +16Increase your critical threat range when using Improved Balor Whip
Greater Beast HunterBeast Hunter; Improved Beast Hunter; base attack bonus +6; Knowledge (nature) or Survival 6 ranksAct normally in surprise round when surprised by an animal in chosen terrain; +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits against animals native to that terrain
Greater Blind-Fight Perception 15 ranks, Improved Blind-FightTotal concealment is considered normal concealment
Greater Bull RushImproved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +6Enemies you bull rush provoke attacks of opportunity
Greater Dirty Trick Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty Trick, base attack bonus +6Dirty trick penalty lasts 1d4 rounds
Greater DisarmImproved Disarm, base attack bonus +6Disarmed weapons are knocked away from your enemy
Greater Drag Str 13, Improved Drag, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6Enemies you drag provoke attacks of opportunity
Greater FeintImproved Feint, base attack bonus +6Enemies you feint lose their Dex bonus for 1 round
Greater GrappleImproved Grapple, base attack bonus +6Maintain your grapple as a move action
Greater Hunter's BondImproved Hunter’s Bond, hunter’s bond (hunting companions) class feature, ranger level 12thSelect targets equal to your Wisdom modifier to benefit from your hunter's bond
Greater Ironclad ReactionsCombat Reflexes, Ironclad Reactions, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor trainingclass feature, proficiency with medium armor.Use Ironclad Reactions more than once per round.
Greater Mesmerizing FeintMesmerizing Feint, Bluff 10 ranks, hypnotic stare class feature, psychic inception bold stareFeint against mindless creatures
Greater OverrunImproved Overrun, base attack bonus +6Enemies you overrun provoke attacks of opportunity
Greater Penetrating StrikePenetrating Strike, 16th-level fighterYour attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction
Greater Ray Shield⊤⊤Dex 17, Missile Shield, Ray ShieldAPG, Spellbreaker.Your shield is unaffected when using Ray Shield
Greater Rending Fury Improved Rending Fury, Rending Fury, base attack bonus +12, rend special attackWhen you rend an opponent, you deal bleed damage
Greater Reposition Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, base attack bonus +6Enemies you reposition provoke attacks of opportunity
Greater Serpent LashSerpent Lash, base attack bonus +4Reposition enemies with Serpent Lash
Greater Shield FocusShield Focus, 8th-level fighterGain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield
Greater Shield Specialization Proficiency with selected shield, Greater Shield Focus, Shield Focus, Shield Specialization with selected shield, fighter level 12th+2 bonus to AC against criticals, and negate critical hit once per day
Greater Snap Shot Dex 17, Improved Snap Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, base attack bonus +12Gain bonus on damage and critical confirmation when using ranged weapons
Greater Spring AttackDex 17, Acrobatic Steps, Dodge, Improved Spring Attack, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +16Attack up to three targets instead of one when you use Spring Attack
Greater Steal Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Steal, base attack bonus +6Enemies don’t notice theft until after combat
Greater Subjective SlamCon 15; Wis 15; Subjective Mobility; Subjective Slam; base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7thLessen check penalty and increase maximum damage when using Subjective Slam
Greater SunderImproved Sunder, base attack bonus +6Damage from sunder attempts transfers to your enemy
Greater TripImproved Trip, base attack bonus +6Enemies you trip provoke attacks of opportunity
Greater Two-Weapon FightingDex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11Gain a third off-hand attack
Greater Uncivilized TacticsStr 13, Improved Uncivilized Tactics, Power Attack, Uncivilized Tactics+2 bonus to use Uncivilized Tactics, foes take longer to recover limbs or attacks affected
Greater Vital StrikeImproved Vital Strike, base attack bonus +16Deal four times the normal damage on a single attack
Greater Weapon FocusWeapon Focus, 8th-level fighter+1 bonus on attack rolls with one weapon
Greater Weapon of the ChosenImproved Weapon of the Chosen, Weapon Focus with deity’s favored weapon, Weapon of the Chosen, worship and receive spells from a deityRoll twice with your favored weapon and take the better roll
Greater Weapon SpecializationWeapon Specialization, 12th-level fighter+2 bonus on damage rolls with one weapon
Greater Whip Mastery Improved Whip Mastery, Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery, base attack bonus +8Grapple using a whip
Greater Wilding StrikeStr 18, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Wilding Strike, Wilding, Wilding Strike, base attack bonus +16Your unarmed strike damage increases to 1d10 (or 1d8 if you are Small)
Ground-GrabberCon 13+2 CMD against larger enemies
Grudge Fighter Orc+1 attack/damage against those who attack you
Gruesome SlaughterIntimidating Prowess, Killing Flourish, Intimidate 11 ranks, slayer level 11thCreatures demoralized by Killing Flourish could become sickened
Guarded Charge⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Don't provoke for making a bull rush or overrun at the end of a charge
Guided StarStarry GraceUI, worshiper of DesnaAdd the returning property and Wisdom to damage rolls with a starknife 1/day
Halfling SlingerHalfling+1 racial attack bonus with slings
Hamatula GraspHamatula Strike, Improved Grapple, Strength 13, base attack bonus +9Lower the penalty to attack an impaled creature and deal more damage
Hamatula StrikeImproved Grapple, Strength 13, Base Attack Bonus +7Impale creatures with piercing weapons
HamatulatsuImproved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)Unarmed attacks can inflict piercing damage and sicken foes
Hammer the Gap Base attack bonus +6With a full-attack action, each hit against the same opponent deals extra damage
Hammer ThrowInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +1, dwarfTrip opponents with a thrown bludgeoning weapon
Harder They FallStr 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Power AttackGrant ally a +2 bonus on bull rush or trip attempt
Hard-HeadedBase attack bonus +1, dwarf+1 attack/CMB/CMD when using a helmet, +2 save vs. staggered or stunned effects
Harrying PartnersAny teamwork feat, base attack bonus +6Uses of aid another to improve AC last longer
Haunted Gnome Cha 13, gnome magic racial trait, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rankGain haunted fey aspect
Haunted Gnome Assault Cha 13, gnome magic racial trait, Haunted Gnome, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranksGain independent use of gnome magic
Haunted Gnome Shroud Cha 13, gnome magic racial trait, Haunted Gnome, Haunted Gnome Assault, Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranksGain additional use of gnome magic
Heaven's StepDex 15, Following Step, Step Up, Step Up and Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +10Make two attacks with Step Up and Strike
Hellcat PounceHellcat Stealth, Skill Focus (Stealth), sneak attack +2d6Make a second attack in the surprise round
Hemorhaging VenomSpit Venom, Virulent Venom, base attack bonus +7, nagajiInflict bleed damage with your racial poison
Heroic InterpositionDex 13, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, worshiper of an empyreal lordMove your speed as an immediate action to move next to an enemy attacking an ally
Heroic LeaderCha 13; any combat feat; ability to gain an animal companion, cohort, eidolon, familiar, or mountCertain allies do not count as threatening opponents for certain feats
Hero's Display Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus, and proficiency with the selected weapon. Gain +2 on performance combat checks; may demoralize opponents
Hex Strike Hex class feature, Improved Unarmed StrikeUpon successful unarmed strike, you may use a hex
Hold the Blade Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +10Disarm an opponent after being attacked.
Holy Water AssaultBase attack bonus +1, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranksUse holy water for a variety of other special effects
Hook FighterBase attack bonus +1Use a grappling hook as a one-handed weapon
Horn of the CriosphinxBase attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thAdd double your Strength bonus to damage when charging with a two-handed weapon
Horn RiderBase attack bonus +1Defend yourself using the horn/tusk of your mount
Horn Rider's ChargeHorn Rider, base attack bonus +1Use your mount’s momentum as part of your own attack
Horrific GorgingBite attack, Large or larger, swallow whole universal monster abilitySwallow one foe to make its allies shaken
Horse Master Expert trainer class feature (Advanced Player’s Guide 33), Ride 6 ranksUse your character level to determine powers and abilities for your mount
Hurricane PunchStr 13, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power AttackBull rush a creature you strike multiple times
HurtfulStr 13, Power AttackMake a melee attack after a succesful intimidation
IconoclastDivine Defiance, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Intimidate 3 ranksIntimidate nearby creatures when sundering a holy symbol
Illusive Gnome BewildermentInt 13, Combat Expertise, Gnome Weapon FocusARG, Illusive Gnome Style, Illusive Gnome Surprise, Improved Feint, gnome magic and weapon familiarity racial traitsGain a special benefit when feinting an opponent
Illusive Gnome StyleInt 13, Combat Expertise, Gnome Weapon FocusARG, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +1, gnome magic and weapon familiarity racial traitsSacrifice spells to gain a bonus when feinting
Illusive Gnome SurpriseInt 13, Combat Expertise, Gnome Weapon FocusARG, Illusive Gnome Style, Improved Feint+2 bonus on dirty tricks and Bluff checks to feint; additional benefits with Illusive Gnome Style
Impact Critical Shot Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +9You can bull rush on a critical hit
Impaling Critical Critical Focus, Weapon Specialization with selected piercing melee weapon, base attack bonus +11May impale and deal extra damage to opponent with a critical hit
ImplacableBonus on saving throws against pain, DR/piercing or slashing drunk
Imposing BearingPoised Bearing, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor training class feature, proficiency with heavy armor.Treat your size as two category larger for combat maneuvers
Improved Armor FocusArmor Focus, base attack bonus +6, proficiency with selected armor.Decrease selected armor types armor check penalty by 1
Improved Awesome BlowStr 13; Awesome Blow or awesome blow class feature; Power Attac+2 on awesome blow combat maneuver checks and to CMD against such attacks, and movement due to awesome blow provokes from allies
Improved Awesome ThrowStr 25, Awesome Throw, Greater Bull Rush, Throw Anything or rock throwing, size Large or largerYour awesome throws knock enemies back farther
Improved Balor WhipBalor Whip, Weapon Focus (whip), Whip MasteryUC, base attack bonus +12Get a free attack when you succeed on a drag check to move a foe adjacent to you
Improved Beast HunterBeast Hunter; base attack bonus +3; Knowledge (nature) or Survival 3 ranksGain bonuses on combat maneuver checks, CMD, and Reflex saves when fighting animals larger than you in chosen terrain
Improved Blind-Fight Perception 10 ranks, Blind-FightIgnore miss chance for less than total concealment
Improved BraveryCha 13, bravery class featureBravery applies to against all mind-affecting effects
Improved Bull RushPower Attack+2 bonus on bull rush attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Charging Hurler Charging Hurler, Point-Blank ShotYour target may be at any range
Improved Cleaving Finish Str 13, Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Great Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6May use Cleaving Finish any number of times/round
Improved CriticalProficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +8Double the threat range of one weapon
Improved Devastating Strike Devastating Strike, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +13Gain bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits
Improved Dirty Trick Int 13, Combat Expertise+2 bonus on dirty trick attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved DisarmCombat Expertise+2 bonus on disarm attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Disarm PartnerDisarm Partner, base attack bonus +5Make attacks of opportunity and disarm checks when an ally fails to disarm someone
Improved Drag Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1+2 bonus on drag attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved FeintCombat ExpertiseFeint as a move action
Improved Feint Partner Bluff 1 rank, Combat Reflexes, Feint Partner, base attack bonus +6When ally successfully feints, you gain attack of opportunity against opponent
Improved Feinting Flurry Dex 17, flurry of blows class feature, Combat Expertise, Feinting Flurry, base attack bonus +6Deny your opponent their Dex bonus when using Feinting Flurry.
Improved Fury of the Tainted Cha 13, Fury of the Tainted, base attack bonus +8, rage class feature, tieflingGain SR 10+levels against good spells while raging.
Improved GrappleDex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike+2 bonus on grapple attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Hammer ThrowInt 13, Combat Expertise, Hammer Throw, Improved Trip, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6, dwarfTrip larger opponents from further away when using Hammer Throw
Improved Hunter's BondHunter’s bond (hunting companions) class feature, ranger level 9thGrant your allies full favored enemy bouns
Improved Impaling Critical Impaling Critical, Critical Focus, Weapon Specialization with selected piercing melee weapon, base attack bonus +13Impaled opponent must succeed at a grapple maneuver to pull your weapon out
Improved Initiative+4 bonus on initiative checks
Improved Intercept BlowIntercept Blow, base attack bonus +6, animal companionFurther reduce damage while using Intercept Blows
Improved Ki Throw Improved Bull Rush, Ki ThrowThrow opponent into occupied square as a bull rush
Improved Low Blow Base attack bonus +4, halfling, low-blow racial trait+2 critical confirmation against larger opponents, 1/day reroll a confirmation roll
Improved OutflankOutflankAPG, base attack bonus +6Flank foe without having to be on opposite sides
Improved OverrunPower Attack+2 bonus on overrun attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved ParryInt 13, Combat ExpertiseParry an opponent to make it flat-footed
Improved Position of StrengthPosition of Strength; Two-Weapon Fighting or Multiattack; Intimidate 5 ranksGain the bonus from Position of Strength even when target is armed
Improved Precise ShotDex 19, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +11No cover or concealment chance on ranged attacks
Improved Precise StrikeDex 13, Precise StrikeAPG, base attack bonus +4Deal bleed damage with Precise Strike
Improved Punishing StepDex 13, Dodge, Punishing Step, base attack bonus +8Creature's that charge you and miss are flat-footed against your attacks
Improved Rending Fury Rending Fury, base attack bonus +9, rend special attackDeal extra damage on a successful rend
Improved Reposition Int 13, Combat Expertise+2 bonus on reposition attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Sabotaging SunderStr 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Sabotaging Sunder, Disable Device 9 ranksUse Sabotaging Sunder on more objects and without provoking attacks of opportunity
Improved Second Chance Int 13, Combat Expertise, Second Chance, base attack bonus +11Take a –5 penalty on later attacks to reroll missed attack
Improved Shield BashShield ProficiencyKeep your shield bonus when shield bashing
Improved Shield FocusShield Focus, base attack bonus +6.Decrease shield's armor check penalty by 1
Improved Sidestep Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, SidestepSidestep without using your 5-foot step on your next turn
Improved Snap Shot Dex 15, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +9You threaten an additional 10 feet with Snap Shot
Improved Spring AttackDex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +9Attack up to two targets intead of one when you use Spring Attack
Improved Steal Int 13, Combat Expertise+2 bonus on steal attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved SunderPower Attack+2 bonus on sunder attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Surprise Follow-Through Str 13, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Surprise Follow Through, base attack bonus +8Deny opponents their Dex bonus when using Great Cleave
Improved Swap PlacesSwap PlacesWhen you use Swap Places, your ally can be smaller or larger and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity
Improved TripCombat Expertise+2 bonus on trip attempts, no attack of opportunity
Improved Two-Weapon Feint Dex 17, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Feint, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6Make a Bluff check instead of your first attack
Improved Two-Weapon FightingDex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6Gain additional off-hand attack
Improved Unarmed StrikeAlways considered armed
Improved Uncivilized TacticsStr 13, Power Attack, Uncivilized Tactics+2 bonus to use Uncivilized Tactics, stop provoking attacks when using
Improved Underhanded TeamworkCombat Expertise, Improved Dirty Trick, Underhanded Teamwork, base attack bonus +6Attempt a dirty trick when a nearby ally does so
Improved Vital StrikeVital Strike, base attack bonus +11Deal three times the normal damage on a single attack
Improved Weapon of the ChosenWeapon Focus with your deity’s favored weapon, Weapon of the ChosenGain the benefits of Weapon of the Chosen until the start of your next turn
Improved Whip Mastery Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery, base attack bonus +5Threaten with your whip and grasp Tiny objects
Improved Wilding StrikeStr 16, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wilding, Wilding Strike, base attack bonus +11Your unarmed strike damage increases to 1d8 (or 1d6 if you are Small)
Improvisational FocusCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +1Gain proficiency and Weapon Focus with improvised weapons
Improvised DefensesCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +1Gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when wielding an improvised weapon
Improvised Weapon MasteryCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +8Make an improvised weapon deadly
In Harm's Way BodyguardTake the damage of a successful attack upon an adjacent ally
Incite ParanoiaInt 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful Greater Feint, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6Ruin your foes' teamwork and spread doubt among them
Indomitable MountMounted Combat, Handle Animal 5 ranks, Ride 5 ranks, Lastwall affinityMake ride checks in place of your mount's saving throw
Indomitable Mountain AvalancheWis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Indomitable Mountain Peak, Indomitable Mountain Style, base attack bonus +9Make attack of opportunity to push back a foe when a foe fails a combat maneuver against you
Indomitable Mountain PeakWis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Indomitable Mountain Style, base attack bonus +6Gain +2 to CMD against combat manuever checks or Acrobatics checks to avoid provoking your attacks of opportunity when a previous attempt succeeds
Indomitable Mountain StyleWis 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4Gain +4 morale bonus to CMD and to the DC of Bluff checks used for feint attempts against you if you don't move
Infused Spell CartridgesInt 15, Arcane Strike, Spell Cartridges, ability to cast 4th-level arcane spells, proficient with firearmsYou can deliver a touch spell through a force bullet
Inner Flame Scorching Weapons, character level 7th, ifrit+4 save vs. fire/light spells, deal extra damage with Scorching Weapons
Inspired Sneak AttackInspiration pool; sneak attack or studied strike class featureExpend uses of inspiration to reroll sneak attack dice
Inspiring BraveryCha 13, bravery class featureGrant your bravery to allies within 30 feet
Intense BlowsStr 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, armor training class feature, proficiency with heavy armor.Gain a bonus to CMD when using Power Attack
Intense PainMesmerist level 7th, painful stare class featurePainful stare deals more damage
Intercept BlowBase attack bonus +1, animal companionShield master from attacks
Intercept ChargeMove up to your speed to intercept charging foe as an immediate action
Interweave Composite BlastKinetic blast class featureWork together to unleash a composite blast
Intimidate AnimalsGreater Wild Empathy, Intimidate 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, wild empathy class featureAdd your Wisdom Modifier on Intimidate checks in addition to Charisma modifier when intimidating animals
Intimidating GlanceHypnotic stare class featureDemoralize hypnotic stare target as a swift action
Intimidating ProwessAdd Str to Intimidate in addition to Cha
Intrepid RescuerCombat Reflexes, worshiper of KurgessThose you threaten that attack helpless, prone, or stunned allies provoke an attack of opportunity
Ironclad ReactionsBase attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, armor training class feature, proficiency with medium armor.Take a bonus 5-foot step when struck in combat
Jabbing DancerDodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jabbing Style, Mobility; base attack bonus +9, brawler level 5th, or monk level 5thMove 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity whenever you hit with an unarmed strike
Jabbing MasterDodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jabbing Dancer, Jabbing Style, Mobility, Power Attack; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8thIncrease the damage dealt with Jabbing Style
Jabbing StyleImproved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +6, brawler’s flurry class feature, or flurry of blows class featureGain bonus damage when two or more unarmed strikes hit the same opponent during your turn
Jaguar PounceBase attack bonus +4Gain benefits of Improved Critical feat when charging or Spring Attacking a flat-footed or helpless foe
Janni Rush Improved Unarmed Strike, Janni Style, Janni Tempest, Acrobatics 8 ranks, Perform (dance) 8 ranksAlways count as having a running start for jumping, and deal double damage on a jumping charge
Janni Style Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks, Perform (dance) 3 ranksTake only a –1 AC penalty when charging, flanking opponents only gain +1 attack bonus against you
Janni Tempest Improved Unarmed Strike, Janni Style, Acrobatics 5 ranks, Perform (dance) 5 ranksAfter successful unarmed attack, gain +4 on combat maneuver checks to bull rush or trip
Jawbreaker Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Heal 6 ranksWith successful Stunning Fist, you may cripple opponent's mouth
Joyless ToilDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Nauseate a creature that you strike
Juggle LoadAmmo Drop, Sleight of Hand 1 rank, proficient with slingLoad slings as a free action
JukeDex 13, Dodge, Mobility, SidestepAPGDodge charging opponents
Just Out of ReachDex 13, Dodge, Mobility+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. melee attacks with > 5 ft. reach
Ki DiversityKi pool class feature, Wis 13, Kusari-Gama 25 TPALearn to channel your ki into a new ability
Ki Throw Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed StrikeThrow opponent into adjacent square with a trip attack
Kick UpDex 12, Acrobatic, Acrobatics 1 rank; slayer level 1st or swashbuckler level 1stRetrieve an unattended item as a swift action
Killing FlourishIntimidating Prowess, Intimidate 4 ranks, slayer level 4thWhen melee attacks reduce a foe to below 0 hit points, demoralize those around you
Kirin Path Int 13, Kirin Strike, Kirin Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, or religion) 5 ranksYou may take 10 to identify a creature using Knowledge (local, nature, planes, or religion)
Kirin Strike Int 13, Kirin Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, or religion) 3 ranksGain +2 insight bonus to identify a creature
Kirin Style Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, or religion) 1 rankMay make Knowledge check against opponent as swift action to gain bonuses
Kitsune StyleInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickAPGPerform a dirty trick at the end of a charge
Kitsune TricksInt 13; Combat Expertise; Improved Dirty TrickAPG; Kitsune Style; base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdApply two conditions with a single dirty trick
Kitsune VengeanceInt 13; Combat Expertise; Improved Dirty TrickAPG; Kitsune Style; Kitsune Tricks; base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thUse dirty tricks with attacks of opportunity
Knocking BlowsStr 13, Intense Blows, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor training class feature, proficiency with heavy armor.Creatures you Power Attack take a penalty to CMD for 1 round
Knotted NetsExotic Weapon Proficiency (net), base attack bonus +1Work together with multiple allies to use nets against larger creatures
Know WeaknessBardic knowledge class feature+1 attack/damage against creatures you make a Knowledge check against
Kobold Ambusher Stealth 4 ranks, koboldUse stealth at full speed with no penalty, run or charge while stealthed with reduced penalty
Kobold Flood Combat Expertise, Kobold Groundling, Kobold Style, Small size or smaller.Grapple opponents to keep them prone
Kobold Groundling Combat Expertise, Kobold Style, Small size or smaller.Prone creatures are denied their Dex bonus to AC
Kobold Sniper Stealth 1 rank, koboldTake half penalty on Stealth checks when sniping
Kobold Style Combat Expertise, Small size or smaller.+4 CMB vs. enemies denied their Dex bonus to AC
Kraggodan's StanceCon 13, proficiency with heavy armor and shieldsInterlock your armor and shield, gaining +2 AC until you move
Kraken StyleWis 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdImprove your grapple damage by Wisdom
Kraken ThrottleWis 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kraken Style, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thChoke your opponent while grappling
Kraken WrackWis 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kraken Style, base attack bonus +7 or monk level 7thCrush your opponent while grappling, damaging their gear
Kudzu InvasionDex 13, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kudzu Grappler, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6th, vine leshyDamage creatures when using Kudzu Grappler
Kudzu TakeoverDex 13, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6th, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kudzu Grappler, Kudzu Invasion, vine leshyIncrease the miss chance inflicted with Kudzu Grappler
Kyton CutWis 17, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Kyton Shield, Kyton Style, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 6th, Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, ki pool class featureSpiked chain attacks can hurt both you and the target, and hinder concentration
Kyton ShieldWis 15, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Kyton Style, base attack bonus +5, Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, ki pool class featureSpiked chain acts as both weapon and shield
Kyton StyleWis 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, ki pool class featureUse a spiked chain as a monk weapon and deliver Stunning Fist through it
Landing Roll Dex 13, Dodge, MobilityIf tripped, move 5 feet as an immediate action
Lantern GlareLantern Light, Lantern Style, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, good or lawful alignment, caster level 11th or monk level 11thCreatures you attack with Lantern Style are shaken
Lantern LightLantern Style, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, good or lawful alignment, caster level 7th or monk level 7thBypass damage reduction when using Lantern Style
Lantern StylePoint-Blank Shot, good or lawful alignment, caster level 1st or monk level 1stYour thrown weapons shed light for one round
Large TargetProficient with slingDo more damage with a sling the larger your opponent is
Lashing TailGrasping Tail, you must have a tailGain a tail slap natural attack
Latching HorrorAttach universal monster abilityA foe is shaken when you attach to it
Lead by ExampleCha 15, half-orcGrant allies a +2 moral bonus to attack when you confirm a critical hit
Lead from the Back Goblin, Intimidate 1 rankGive allies encouagement from cover.
LeapfrogAcrobatics 3 ranksSpring off of your opponent
Leaping EvasionLightning Reflexes, evasion class featureUse Acrobatics to leap out of large area effects
Let Them ComeDwarf, Ninth Battalion TPA 25Treat all one- or two-handed melee weapons as if they had the brace special feature
Lightning DrawQuick Draw, swashbuckler initiativeACG deed, swashbuckler level 7thDraw weapons reflexively
Lightning StanceDex 17, Wind Stance, base attack bonus +11Gain 50% concealment if you move
Linnorm Hunter CoordinationCha 13, Dex 13, Dodge, Linnorm Hunter Retreat, Linnorm Hunter Style, base attack bonus +6, must have or be an animal companionAs a full-round action, you can make a single attack that deals extra damage
Linnorm Hunter RetreatCha 13, Dex 13, Dodge, Linnorm Hunter Style, base attack bonus +4, must have or be an animal companionMove 5 ft. as an immediate action when your ally attacks
Linnorm Hunter StyleCha 13, must have or be an animal companionEnemies that provoke an attack of opportunity from your ally also provoke from you
Linnorm StyleWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdRetaliate against attackers
Linnorm VengeanceWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Linnorm Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thAllow an attack to hit you to gain combat bonuses against your attacker
Linnorm WrathWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Linnorm Style, Linnorm Vengeance, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thWhen you use the Linnorm Vengeance feat to allow an enemy to hit you, you can make a retaliatory unarmed strike attack against that opponent as an immediate action. This acts as an attack of opportunity, and counts against the number of attacks of opportunity you can make each round. Additionally, once per day when a melee attack deals enough damage to knock you unconscious or kill you, the attacker must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be stunned for 1 round. This save occurs after you make the retaliatory unarmed strike granted by the Linnorm Vengeance feat.
Lob ShotFar Shot, Point-Blank ShotIgnore all cover bonuses when making a ranged attack unless they have cover from above
LookoutAct in surprise round if ally can act
Low Profile Dex 13, Small size or smaller+1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks
Lucky Strike Base attack bonus +5, adaptive luck racial trait, halflingReroll weapon damage using Adaptive Luck
LungeBase attack bonus +6Take a –2 penalty to your AC to attack with reach
Mad MagicBloodrage class feature or perfect clarity rage powerCast spells from any of your classes during a bloodrage, keep rage benefits when using moment of clarity
Maddening ObliterationWis 19, Cha 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Maddening Strike, Maddening Style, Stunning Fist, Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentYour unarmed strikes weaken foes against madness and can disintegrate the fallen
Maddening StrikeWis 17, Cha 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Maddening Style†, Stunning Fist, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentUse ki to deal substantial Wisdom/sanity damage
Maddening StyleWis 15, Cha 11, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, ki pool class feature, nongood alignmentain additional use of Stunning Fist, increase DC of madness effects, and deal Wisdom/sanity damage with Stunning Fist
Magical HeartArcane Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike, wyrwoodGain temp hp when you use Arcane Strike on your unarmed strikes
Makeshift ManeuversCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +1Improvised weapons you wield have the disarm and trip weapon properties
Manifold StareMesmerist level 3rd, painful stareOA class featureUse painful stare more than once per round
Mantis Style Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Heal 3 ranksGain +1 use of Stunning Fist per day, and increase stunning fist DC by +2
Mantis Torment Heal 9 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mantis Style, Mantis Wisdom, Stunning FistGain +1 use of Stunning Fist per day, and may dazzle and stagger, then fatigue an opponent
Mantis Wisdom Improved Unarmed Strike, Mantis Style, Stunning Fist, Heal 6 ranksTreat half your non-monk levels as monk levels for Stunning Fist effects
ManyshotDex 17, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6Shoot two arrows simultaneously
Marid Coldsnap Con 15, Wis 17, Elemental Fist, Marid Spirit, Marid Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11thUnleash a 30-foot line of frigid water
Marid Spirit Con 15, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Marid Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day, and cold resistance
Marid Style Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day, and deal cold damage
Martial DominanceBase attack bonus +5, Intimidate 1 rankIntimidate with martial training and on critical hits
Martial FocusBase attack bonus +5+1 damage with a weapon group; access Weapon Mastery for that group
Martial Mastery Martial Versatility, fighter level 16th, humanCombat feats can be applied to all weapons in the same group
Martial Versatility Fighter level 4th, humanOne combat feat can be applied to all weapons within the same weapon group
Martial Weapon ProficiencyNo penalty on attacks made with one martial weapon
Massed ChargeMounted Combat, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Ride 9 ranks, Lastwall affinitySuffer no penalites when squeezing with other riders and gain bonuses to combat maneuvers
Master Combat Performer Performing Combatant or at least three performance feats, base attack bonus +6Make a performance combat check as a free action
Master Hammer ThrowInt 13, Combat Expertise, Hammer Throw, Improved Hammer Throw, Improved Trip, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6, dwarfTrip multiple creatures per round when using Hammer Throw
Master Siege Engineer Siege Weapon Engineer, Knowledge (engineering) 10 ranksCrew can load siege engine as a move action
Master SniperExpert Sniper, Rapid Shot, Stealth 6 ranksLearn to make two attacks while sniping
Masterful Display Dazzling Display, any two performance feats.Gain benefits of two performance feats
Masterful FlourishWeapon training class featureAdd weapon training to performance checks
Measure FoeStreet Smarts, base attack bonus +1Measure a foe's combat prowess and gain bonuses
Measured ResponseBase attack bonus +1, worshiper of AbadarWhen you hit with a melee or ranged weapon attack, you can choose to deal the average amount of damage
Medusa's WrathGorgon's Fist, base attack bonus +11Make 2 extra attacks against a hindered foe
Merciful TakedownYou can knock a creature out with a coup de grace
Merciless BeatingInt 13, Combat Expertise, Gang UpAPGForgo a flanking bonus to grant +1 to the attacks of two other allies
Merciless ButcheryDastardly Finish, sneak attack +5d6, studied target class featureAttempt a coup de grace against a cowering, helpless, or stunned studied target as a standard action
Merciless RushImproved Bull Rush, worshiper of RovagugWhen your bull rush exceeds your target’s CMD by 5 or more, deal damage equal to your Strength modifier
Mesmerizing FeintHypnotic stare class featureLower penalties for feinting against creatures of other types
Meteor SwingWeapon Focus with bludgeoning weapon, base attack bonus +6You can knock a target off balance with a bludgeoning weapon
Mighty BiteBase attack bonus +6, bite attack, rend, trollIncrease the critical threat of your bite by rending
Mind StrikeRanged legerdemain class feature.Inflict a penalty to Will saving throws with sneak attack damage
Mirror MoveInt 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +4Mirror uses of your opponents’ feats
Misdirection AttackInt 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Misdirection Redirection, Misdirection Tactics, Bluff 10 ranksWhen using Misdirection Tactics, attacker provokes an attack of opportunity
Misdirection RedirectionInt 13, Combat Expertise, Misdirection Tactics, Deceitful, Bluff 10 ranksWhen using Misdirection Tactics, redirect attack to another creature
Misdirection TacticsInt 13, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Bluff 4 ranksWhile using total defense, use Bluff to negate a hit
Missile Shield Dex 13, Shield FocusDeflect one ranged attack per round with shield
Mobile Bulwark StyleStr 13, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1Add your shield bonus to AC to your CMD vs bull rush and overrun manuevers
Mobile FortressStr 15, Mobile Bulwark Style, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +4Add half your shield bonus to AC to your touch AC
Mobile StrongholdStr 17, Mobile Bulwark Style, Mobile Fortress, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +7Gain cover vs spells and total cover vs one attack as an immediate action
MobilityDodge+4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement
Mocking Dance Acrobatics 4 ranks or Perform (dance) 4 ranksMay either move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity, or your speed with them
Modification MasterCreative Armorsmith, Armor Adept, and Craft (armor) 7 ranks, or Creative Weaponsmith, Weapon Adept, and Craft (weapons) 7 ranks; Knowledge (engineering) 7 ranksYou can add an armor or weapon modification to an item that already has a modification
Modification TrainerCha 13, Armor Adept or Weapon Adept, fighter level 4thYou can train others to use modified armor or weapons
Modified Weapon ProficiencyProficiency with the selected weaponAlways have proficiency with modified versions of a single weapon
Monastic Legacy Still mind class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike.Count half your non-monk levels as monk levels for unarmed strike damage
Monkey LungeLunge, Acrobatics 1 rankUse Lunge without lowering your AC
Monkey Moves Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monkey Style, Acrobatics 8 ranks, Climb 8 ranksAdd Wisdom bonus on Climb checks, and climb and crawl at half speed
Monkey Shine Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monkey Moves, Monkey Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 11 ranks, Climb 11 ranksAfter successful Stunning Fist, you may enter an adjacent square
Monkey Style Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranksAdd Wisdom bonus on Acrobatics checks, and take no penalty for attacking while prone
Moonlight StalkerInt 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Bluff 3 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial traitGain +2 on damage and attack rolls when you have concealment vs. foe
Moonlight Stalker FeintInt 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Moonlight Stalker, Bluff 6 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial traitMake a Bluff check to feint with concealment vs. foe
Moonlight Stalker Master Int 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Stalker Feint, Bluff 9 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial traitWhile concealed, miss chance increases by 10%
Motivating DisplayCha 13, Dazzling Display, Weapon FocusMotivate your allies while demoralizing your foes
Mountain-Splitting StrikeWis 13, Improved Unarmed StrikeUnarmed and stunning fist attacks are mroe effective on a charge
Mounted ArcheryMounted CombatHalve the penalty for ranged attacks while mounted
Mounted CombatRide 1 rankAvoid attacks on mount with Ride check
Mounted Shield Mounted Combat, Shield FocusApply shield bonus to mount’s AC
Mounted Skirmisher Ride rank 14, Mounted Combat, Trick RidingMake a full attack if mount moves its speed or less
Mud in Your EyeThrow AnythingUse mud and dirt to perform dirty tricks
Multiattack Three or more natural attacksReduce the penalty of your secondary attacks from -5 to -2.
Multiweapon Fighting Dex 13, three or more handsReduce the penalties for fighting with multiple weapons from -6/-10 to -2/-6.
Murderer's Circle Dodge, Acrobatics 4 ranksWhen you make a performance combat check after a critical, move 5 feet
Murderous SniperDeath attack class feature.You can make a death attack from range
Musketeer's DaringDex 15, derring-do deed, swashbuckler level 6thReroll derring-do on a natural 5
Musketeer's DodgeExotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UC, gunslinger level 3rd, gunslinger’s dodge deedIncrease the bonus from gunslinger's dodge and your movement doesn't provoke
Musketeer's RepositionExotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UC, gunslinger level 6th, pistol-whip deedWhen you use the pistol-whip deed, you can reposition instead of tripping
Musketeer's SidestepDodging panache deed, swashbuckler level 3rdIncrease the bonus from dodging panahce and your movement doesn't provoke
Mutual HatredBonus to attack/damage against creatures who hate you
My Blade is YoursInt 13, Combat Expertise, Sense Motive 3 ranksUse a weapon special quality from adjacent ally's weapon
Natural JousterCentaur (or any tauric creature at the GM’s discretion)Wield a lance with improved proficiency
Neckbreaker Bonebreaker, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jawbreaker, Stunning Fist, Heal 12 ranksMay deal Str or Dex damage to pinned opponent
Net Adept Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), base attack bonus +1May treat a net as a one-handed weapon
Net and Trident Dex 15, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Net Adept, Two-Weapon FightingMay wield a one-handed or light weapon with a net
Net Maneuvering Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Net Adept, base attack bonus +3May use a net to trip or disarm
Net Trickery Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Net Adept, Net Maneuvering, base attack bonus +6May use a net to blind your opponent
Nightmare Fist Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 1 rank, ability to create magical darknessWhile fighting in magical darkness, you deal +2 damage
Nightmare Striker Improved Unarmed Strike, Nightmare Fist, Nightmare Weaver, Stunning Fist, Heal 5 ranks, ability to cast faerie fireWhile opponent is under the effects of faerie fire, your DC for Stunning Fist increases by 2
Nightmare Weaver Improved Unarmed Strike, Nightmare Fist, Intimidate 2 ranks, ability to cast darknessCan demoralize foes while casting darkness.
Nimble Striker Dex 13, base attack bonus +1, catfolk, sprinter racial traitDo not take the -2 AC penalty when cleaving, lunging, or charging
Notorious VigilanteDazzling Display, Weapon Focus, any nongood alignment, great renown social talent, proficiency with chosen weaponUse Dazzling Display as a standard action based on your reputation alone
Numbing BlowInt 13, Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Power AttackTemporarily disable a creature's arm when you disarm them
Obscuring BeaconUse your light to dazzle foes
Octopus FocusDex 13, Dodge, Octopus Style, Acrobatics 3 ranks, Perception 3 ranksGain a bonus on attack rolls equal to the number of enemies that threaten you
Octopus StyleDex 13, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 1 rank, Perception 1 rankAs a move action, designate a number of creatures who can't flank you while in Octopus Style
Octopus ThrashDex 13, Dodge, Improved Trip, Octopus Focus, Octopus Style, Acrobatics 7 ranks, Perception 7 ranksTrip two adjacent creatures in Octopus Style
One-Inch PunchImproved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, brawler’s flurry class feature or flurry of blows class featureForgo multiple attacks to make a single attack that deals increased damage and bull rushes
OnslaughtStr 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1, sneak attack class featureGet sneak attack damage on your first power attack during a surprise round
Open UpInt 13, Combat ExpertiseUses of aid another to improve attacks also ignore AC bonuses granted by a shield
Opening VolleySuccessful ranged attack grants +4 on next melee attack roll
Opportunistic GrapplerMake a dirty trick manuever against a creature grappling you
Orc Fury StyleBullying BlowARG, Intimidating Prowess, Intimidate 3 ranks, weapon familiarity racial traitUse Bullying Blow with the first attack each round
Orc Hewer Str 13, Cleave, Goblin Cleaver, Power Attack, dwarf+2 bonus to attack when cleaving orcs
Orc RampageBullying BlowARG, Intimidating Prowess, Orc Fury Style, Intimidate 5 ranks, weapon familiarity racial traitBonus to attack/damage against shaken opponents
Orc SnarlBullying BlowARG, Intimidating Prowess, Orc Fury Style, Orc Rampage, Intimidate 7 ranks, weapon familiarity racial trait+4 save vs. effects created by shaken foes
Orc Weapon Expertise Base attack bonus +1, orcLearn unique abilities with orc weapons
Ostentatious RagerIntimidate 5 ranks, rage class featureRage as a performance for money or to distract enemies
Ostentatious WeaknessBase attack bonus +5, favored enemy class featureAdd favored enemy bonuses to performance checks
Osyluth GuileBluff 8 ranks, DodgeAdd your Charisma bonus to AC when fighting defensively
Outflank Base attack bonus +4Gain +4 bonus on attack rolls when flanking
Outslug SprintInt 13; Combat Expertise or brawler’s cunningACG class feature; Lunge; Outslug Style; Outslug Weave; Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponMove an additional 5 feet when making a 5-foot step with Outslug Style
Outslug StyleInt 13; Combat Expertise or brawler’s cunningACG class feature; Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon+1 to AC and damage when taking a 5-foot step with a chosen weapon
Outslug WeaveInt 13; Combat Expertise or brawler’s cunningACG class feature; Lunge; Outslug Style; Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponNo penalty to AC when using Lunge with Outslug Style; +2 to AC/damage from Outslug Style instead of +1
Overhead FlipStr 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Savage Slam, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 6thSavage Slam staggers the target
Overwatch StylePrecise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponReady two ranged attacks
Overwatch TacticianOverwatch Style, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponReady two ranged attacks as a standard action instead of full-round
Overwatch VortexOverwatch Style, Overwatch Tactician, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +11Ready up to four ranged attacks with Overwatch Style instead of two
OverwhelmFlank larger opponents with ease
Owl DiveDex 17, Owl Style, Owl Swoop, Skill Focus (Stealth), base attack bonus +7 or monk level 5th, Acrobatics 1 rank, Fly 1 rank, Stealth 1 rankUse Fly with martial training and chrage through any creatuer
Owl StyleDex 13, Skill Focus (Stealth), Stealth 1 rankUse Stealth with martial training and charge with Stealth
Owl SwoopDex 15, Owl Style, Skill Focus (Stealth), Acrobatics 1 rank, Stealth 1 rankUse Acrobatics with martial training and while charging
Pack Attack Base attack bonus +1Ally's attack allows you to take a 5-foot step
Pack FlankingInt 13, Combat Expertise, ability to acquire an animal companionYou and your companion creature flank regardless of position
Pack IntimidationHalf-orc, intimidating racial traitWhen you use Intimidate to demoralize, gain a +2 circumstance bonus for every ally with this feat within 30 feet
Painful BlowVital Strike, base attack bonus +6, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranksDamage you deal with vital strike continues to distract until your next turn
Painful CollisionStr 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power AttackWhen you bull rush one creature into another, both take damage
Paired Opportunists+4 bonus on attacks of opportunity
Panther Claw Wis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Panther StyleRetaliate as a free action instead of as a swift action
Panther Parry Wis 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Panther Claw, Panther StyleRetaliatory attacks are resolved before the attack
Panther Style Wis 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike.Retaliate against opponents that take attacks of opportunity against you
Paralyzing StrikeDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +14Paralyze with unarmed strikes
Parting Shot Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, base attack bonus +6.Make a ranged attack when withdrawing
Passing Trick Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Feint, Mobility, size Small or smallerSuccessful Acrobatics check allows you to feint
Patient StrikeInt 13Ready an attack as a full-round action for a +2 bonus on the attack
Penetrating StareMesmerist level 7th, painful stare class featurePainful stare ignores damage reduction
Penetrating StrikeWeapon Focus, 12th-level fighterYour attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction
Perfect AwarenessWis 17, Combat Meditation, Meditation Master, character level 9thTake 20 on Perception 1/day.
Perfect CenterWis 21, Combat Meditation, Meditation Master, character level 17thTake 10 on any skill check/concentration check, even if not normally allowed.
Perfect Strike Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Roll twice for attacks with monk weapons and take the better roll
Perfect StyleWis 13; base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thGain energy resistance 5
Performance Weapon MasteryAll weapons you are proficient with act as if they had the performance quality
Performing Combatant Dazzling Display, any one performance featCan make combat performance checks in any combat
Pernicious StabSneak attack +2d6Forgo sneak attack damage to increase a poison’s effectiveness
Perturbing StareMesmerist level 5th, painful stare class featurePainful stare removes foe's Dexterity bonus to AC
Phalanx FormationBase attack bonus +1When wielding reach weapons, allies do not provide soft cover
Phase StrikeKnowledge (planes) 10 ranksMake a weapon attack as a touch attack
Piercing GrappleDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Quick Draw, Intimidate 7 ranksImpale a foe while grappling
Pile OnStr 13, Hurtful, Power AttackDeal less damage in order to extend the duration of a fear condition
Pin Down Combat Reflexes, fighter level 11thOpponents that take 5-foot step or withdraw provoke attack of opportunity from you
Pinning Knockout Dex 13, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thAgainst a pinned opponent, you may double nonlethal damage with grapple check
Pinning Rend Dex 13, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thAgainst pinned opponent, you may deal bleed damage with Grapple check
Pinpoint JabImproved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, ki pool or martial flexibility class featureYou can use a limited form of the swashbuckler's targeted strike deed
Pinpoint Poisoner Poison use class feature, Craft (alchemy) 6 ranks, Adder Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting or flurry of blows class featureWhen using Adder Strike, you may poison two blowgun darts that can be used in melee
Pinpoint TargetingImproved Precise Shot, base attack bonus +16No armor or shield bonus on one ranged attack
Piranha StrikeWeapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1Take a -1 penalty to attacks to get a +2 bonus to damage with light weapons (scales with BAB)
Point-Blank Master Weapon Specialization with selected ranged weaponDo not provoke attacks of opportunity while firing one ranged weapon
Point-Blank Shot+1 attack and damage on targets within 30 feet
Poised BearingBase attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, armor training class feature, proficiency with medium or heavy armor.Treat your size as one category larger for combat maneuvers
Porcupine DefenseCombat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +6Raise your defenses against combat maneuvers from larger creatures
Position of StrengthIntimidate 5 ranksGain bonuses to Intimidate when you are armed and target is not
Power AttackStr 13, base attack bonus +1Trade melee attack bonus for damage
Powerful WingsStr 13, Skill Focus (Fly), base attack bonus +8Gain two wing attacks and improve abilities related to your wings
Practical KataImproved Unarmed Strike, ki pool class featureRegain ki by striking an opponent multiple times
Precipice StrikeDex 15, base attack bonus +6, cragkin half-orcTreat creatures as flat-footed if you are both in difficult terrain
Precise ShotPoint-Blank ShotNo penalty for shooting into melee
Precise Strike Dex 13, base attack bonus +1Deal +1d6 points of precision damage with melee attacks
Press to the WallStep Up, base attack bonus +3Gain flank bonuses when your opponent is up against an object
Primal StrikeWis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Confuse your target on a successful unarmed strike
Prone ShooterBase attack bonus +1Take a reduced penalty to your AC against melee attacks while prone
Prone SlingerMay use a sling while prone
Protective LineExotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UCDon't provoke attacks of opportunity while reloading a firearm
Psychic CombatantInt 13, Psychic Sensitivity or the ability to cast psychic spells or use psychic spell-like abilities, character level 3rdGain free manifestation points in psychic duels
Psychovore MasterImproved Unarmed Strike, Psychovore Strike, Psychovore Style, Sense Motives 15 ranksInflict Intelligence and Wisdom damage when you confirm a critical hit while using Psychovore Style
Psychovore StrikeImproved Unarmed Strike, Psychovore Style, Sense Motive 9 ranksConfuse creatures you attack while you are in Psychovore Style
Psychovore StyleImproved Unarmed Strike, Sense Motive 3 ranksGain a Dodge bonus to AC while fighting thinking creatures
Pummeling BullyImproved Reposition, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pummeling Style; base attack bonus +9, brawler level 5th, or monk level 5thWhen using Pummeling Style, attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver as a free action
Pummeling ChargeImproved Unarmed Strike, Pummeling Style; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8thPummel after a charge
Pummeling StyleImproved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +6, brawler’s flurry class feature, or flurry of blows class featureCombine your unarmed strikes together
Punch ThroughBase attack bonus +6Help your allies ignore a target’s damage reduction.
Punishing Kick Con 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Knock down or push back foes with unarmed strikes
Punishing StepDex 13, DodgeGain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack against creatures that fail to use a maneuver on you
Pure Legion AssaultBluff 1 rank, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, Pure Legion Recruit trait (Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands 21) +2 bonus on saving throws against divine spells and effects and abilities from outsiders.
Pursuit of GloryHuman (Ulfen)Gain a +2 morale bonus on one attack roll made as part of a charge if you start or end the charge adjacent to an ally
Push the LimitsCon 13, Combat Stamina, base attack bonus +1Gain a secondary stamina pool to use in the event your primary runs out
Pushing Assault Str 15, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Push a foe back with a two-handed weapon
Quarterstaff Master Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +5Use a quarterstaff one-handed
Quick Bull Rush Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6May bull rush in place of one of your melee attacks
Quick Dirty Trick Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty Trick, base attack bonus +6May perform a dirty trick in place of one of your melee attacks
Quick Drag Str 13, Improved Drag, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6May perform a drag maneuver in place of one of your melee attacks
Quick DrawBase attack bonus +1Draw weapon as a free action
Quick Reposition Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, base attack bonus +6May reposition in place of one of your melee attacks
Quick Steal Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Steal, base attack bonus +6May steal in place of one of your melee attacks
Quick StowQuick Draw, base attack bonus +1Quickly sheath or stow items
Quick StudyInt 13, bravery +3 class feature, fighter level 10thStudy with an ally to learn a combat feat
Quiet DeathDex 19, Stealth 10 ranks, rogue level 10thDrop your foes before they make a sound
Quillbreaker DefenseProficiency with armor spikesUse your armor spikes to reduce damage
Quivering Palm Adept Quivering palm class featureAdd +2 to the saving throw DC of quivering palm.
Quivering Palm Versatility Quivering palm class feature, base attack bonus +13Alter the way you use your quivering palm.
Raging RegenerationRage class ability, regeneration, trollPrevent your regeneration from stopping while raging
Ranged DisarmDex 13, Deadly Aim, base attack bonus +1Use a ranged weapon to disarm
Ranged FeintBase attack bonus +2, Bluff 3 ranksFeint with a ranged weapon
Ranged TripDex 13, Deadly Aim, base attack bonus +1Attempt a trip maneuver using a ranged weapon
Rapid Grappler Dex 13, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thSpend a swift action to make a combat maneuver check to grapple while using Greater Grapple.
Rapid Reload Weapon Proficiency (crossbow type chosen) or Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm).Reload your weapon quickly
Rapid ShotDex 13, Point-Blank ShotMake one extra ranged attack
Rat CatcherKnowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, base attack bonus +1Gain a bonus when fighting much smaller creatures; take less damage from a swarm
Rat StackDex 13, swarming racial traitYou and two allies can share the same space
Ray Shield Dex 15, Missile Shield, SpellbreakerDeflect one ranged touch attack per round with shield
Reach DefenseDex 15+2 armor class against attacks of opportunity from non-adjacent enemies
Ready for AnythingAlertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6 or uncanny dodge class featureAlways act on the surprise round
Reap the InfirmBase attack bonus +3Deal extra damage to diseased creatures
Rebounding Leap Leaping lance class feature, Acrobatics 5 ranks, Ride 11 ranksRemount your steed as a swift action with successful Acrobatics check
Rebuffing Reduction Str 13, damage reduction, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Bull Rush opponent who fails to pierce your DR
Recall AmmunitionAmateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, base attack bonus +9, Spellcraft 5 ranksYou can spend grit to teleport a missed bullet back into your gun
Reckless Aim Point-Blank Shot, Precise ShotTake -1 AC for +2 attack, risk hitting random adjacent creature on natural 1.
Redirect AttackDex 15, Int 15, DodgeRedirect attacks to target other foes
Redirected ShotAmateur GunslingerUC or the grit class feature, Deadly Aim, Point-Blank Shot, Precise ShotHelp redirect your allies’ poorly aimed ranged attacks
Redistributed MightCon 13 or Wis 13, Enhanced Morale, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Iron Will, base attack bonus +4Apply bonuses to your Strength to your Dexterity instead
Reflexive InterceptionIntercept Blow, base attack bonus +3, animal companion, evasionProvide evasion to master
Relentless ShotPoint-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6Continue to threaten an opponent you trip with ranged attacks
Relic BreakerStr 13, Gate Breaker, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1When you sunder objects, creature holding them catches of fire
Rending Claws Str 13, two claw natural weapon attacks, base attack bonus +6Deal 1d6 extra damage if both claws hit
Rending Fury Base attack bonus +6, rend special attackNeed half the normal number of attacks to deal rend damage
Rending SwarmDex 15, Rat Stack, swarming racial traitWhile swarming, rend creature hit by more than one of you
Repositioning Strike Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, base attack bonus +9Attempt a reposition attack on a successful critical hit
Resisting GrapplerDex 13Creatures attempting to grab you provoke an attack of opportunity
Restorative VigorCon 15, Combat Vigor, character level 8thUse your vigor pool to recover ability damage
Returning ThrowPoint-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sleight of Hand 3 ranks, goblinoid subtypeWhen an ally misses with a thrown weapon attack, you can catch the weapon and use it to attack the original target
Revelation Strike Revelation class feature, Improved Unarmed StrikeAffect an opponent with revelation as part of a melee attack
Reverse Somersault ThrowStr 13, Improved Drag, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 3rdYou can end a drag manuever by launching the creature over your head
Reverse-Feint Toughness, base attack bonus +1, orcAllow an opponent to easily hit you so you can make a quick counter attack
Rhino ChargePower Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +5Gain the ability to ready charge attacks
Ride-By AttackMounted CombatMove before and after a charge attack while mounted
Riptide AttackImproved DragAPG, Improved Trip, worshiper of GozrehDrag tripped foes as a swift action
Risky StrikerBase attack bonus +1, halfling-1 AC to gain +2 damage vs. larger enemies, scales with BAB
River Raider+2 bonus on Swim and Stealth checks in non-stormy water, can take more actions than normal in surprisse rounds where you're in water
Riving StrikeArcane Strike, ability to cast arcane spellsThose damaged by your Arcane Strike take a penalty on saves against spells and spell-like abilities
Roll With It Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rankAvoid damage by rolling away.
Rubble SkirmisherDex 13, Nimble Moves, base attack bonus +2Gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks and CMD when in naturally occuring difficult terrain
Runic ChargeCaster level 5thCast and deliver a touch spell as part of a charge
Rushing WindsTurbulent Takeoff, Fly 10 ranksCreate a shockwave while flying to buffet other creatures
Ruthless OpportunistHuman (Chelaxian)When an ally with this feat hits a foe using an attack of opportunity, gain +2 on attacks against that foe for 1 round
Sabotaging SunderStr 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Disable Device 7 ranksBreak objects through sabotage rather than force
Saddle Shrieker Goblin, Ride 1 rankTake a penalty on attacks to grant your mount a bonus to attack and damage.
Sand StrikeImproved Unarmed Strike, dwarf, proficiency with the cestusIncrease the durability of your cestus and use dirty tricks to blind your opponents
Sap Adept Sneak attack +1d6Gain bonus damage on nonlethal attacks
Sap Master Sneak attack +3d6, Sap AdeptDeal twice your sneak attack damage when dealing nonlethal damage
Savage Display Dazzling DisplayGain +2 on Performance checks and +1d6 on damage rolls
Savage LeapImproved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Savage Slam, base attack bonus +12 or monk level 10thYou can move half your speed when using Savage Slam
Savage SlamImproved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 1stRelease a grapple by slamming the target into the ground
Savage SurgeIntimidating Prowess, rage class featureImprove your performance combat check by expending rounds of rage
Saving Shield Shield ProficiencyGrant shield bonus to an adjacent ally
School Strike Wizard school class feature, Improved Unarmed StrikeMay deliver magic school effect as swift action after melee attack
Scorching Weapons Ifrit+2 save vs. fire/light spells, deal fire damage with weapons you wield
Scorpion StyleImproved Unarmed StrikeReduce target's speed to 5 ft.
Sculpting the RiverDodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thUse unarmed strikes to reduce a creature's attack bonus against creatures other than you
Scurrying SwarmerRatfolk, swarming racial traitUse allies with swarming and teamwork feats
Sea Hunter Combat Expertise, merfolkKnock a swimming opponent off balance using trip
Searing DistractionCatch Off-GuardBlind and dazzle creatures with a torch
Second Chance Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6Exchange later attacks to reroll missed first attack
Second WindEnduranceSuppress a negative condition
Secured ArmorBase attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor training class feature, proficiency with medium or heavy armor.25% chance to negate a critical hit or sneak attack
Seething HatredStudied target class featureSelect a favored enemy and gain greater benefits when such a creature is your studied target
Seize AdvantageOpportune parry and riposte deedAdd foe’s Power Attack damage to your riposte
Seize the Moment Combat Reflexes, Improved CriticalWhen ally confirms a critical threat, you gain an attack of opportunity
Serpent LashWeapon Finesse, proficient in whipMake additional disarm/trip attempts with a whip after you successfully disarm/trip
Serren's MasterstrokeExotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), base attack bonus +6Deal bonus precision damage to a foe you successfully feint against
Shadow Strike Base attack bonus +1Deal precision damage against targets with concealment
Shadows of FearHidden strike +2d8 or sneak attack +2d6Flank a scared creature once per round
Shaitan Earthblast Con 15, Wis 17, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Shaitan Skin, Shaitan Style, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11thUnleash a 20-foot column of acid
Shaitan Skin Con 15, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Shaitan Style, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day, and acid resistance
Shaitan Style Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5thGain +1 use of Elemental Fist per day, and deal acid damage
Shapeshifter SavageShapeshifter Style, Shapeshifter Twist, base attack bonus +8, change shape ability, shapechanger subtypeWhile in Shapeshifter Style, you can make a single attack as part of the action used to shapeshift
Shapeshifter StyleBase attack bonus +3, change shape ability, shapechanger subtypeYou can slightly alter your body to gain one of a number of benefits
Shapeshifter TwistShapeshifter Style, base attack bonus +5, change shape ability, shapechanger subtypeWhile in Shapeshifter Style, you gain a bonus to CMD and can more easily escape grapples
Shared QuarryHunter’s bond class feature, quarry class featureAnimal companion or allies gain the benefit of quarry
Shark LeapImproved Unarmed Strike, Shark Style, Shark Tear, Swim 10 ranks, base attack bonus +10 or monk level 10thMake a special charge while underater that deals bonus damage and knows the target off-balance
Shark StyleImproved Unarmed Strike, Swim 3 ranks, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdCan use your unarmed strikes to deal piercing damage and bleed damage
Shark TearImproved Unarmed Strike, Shark Style, Swim 6 ranks, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thGain scent and combat bonuses against bleeding creatures
Sharpclaw RatfolkGain two claw attacks
Shatter ControlChannel positive energy 4d6Use channel to cut the control of undead creatures
Shatter DefensesDazzling Display, base attack bonus +6Hindered foes are flat-footed
Shatter Mental MaskPsychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells or use psychic spell-like abilities, character level 2ndOffensive manifestations with Will saves reveal opponent’s true form
Shatterspell Disruptive, Spellbreaker, dwarf, 10th-level fighterSunder ongoing spell effects
Shield Brace⊤⊤Shield Focus; base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st; proficiency with light shields, heavy shields, or tower shields.Wield a polearm or spear while using a shield
Shield FocusShield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield
Shield Gauntlet StyleWeapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shields.Treat your off-hand gauntlet as a buckler
Shield MasterShield Slam, base attack bonus +11No two-weapon penalties when attacking with a shield
Shield Material Expertise⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Gain a benefit based on your shield's special material
Shield Material Mastery⊤⊤Shield Focus, Shield Material Expertise, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Use Shield Material Experties two additional times per day
Shield of Swings Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Reduce damage with a two handed weapon to gain a +4 shield bonus
Shield ProficiencyNo penalties on attack rolls when using a shield
Shield SlamImproved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6Free bull rush with a bash attack
Shield SnagImproved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6Disarm enemies with your shield and use it to stabilize yourself
Shield Specialization Proficiency with selected shield, Shield Focus, fighter level 4th+2 bonus to AC against criticals with one type of shield
Shield Wall Shield ProficiencyIncrease your shield bonus to AC
Shielded Gauntlet AttackShield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shieldsIncrease damage when using a gauntlet and use it to perform disarm or steal maneuvers as an attack of opportunity
Shielded Gauntlet MasterShielded Gauntlet Attack, Shield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shieldsKeep your gauntlets shield bonus when attacking with it
Shielded Mage⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.Cast spells while using a shield
Shielded Staff AmbushDex 15, Shielded Staff Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +4Attempt a free combat maneuver when you hit an opponent with a shielded staff
Shielded Staff MasterDex 17, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Shielded Staff Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +8Add your shield's enhancement bonus to your shieled staff's shield bonus
Shielded Staff StyleDex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff, any weapon from the polearms fighter weapon group, or any weapon from the spears fighter weapon group), proficiency with bucklers and light shieldsYou can create a shielded staff by attaching a buckler or light shield to a polearm, spear, or staff
Shielded Stand⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.Guard yourself or an ally while standing up
Shikigami ManipulationCatch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, Shikigami Mimicry, Shikigami Style, Use Magic Device 5 ranksTreat magic items as magically enhanced improvised weapons
Shikigami MimicryCatch Off- Guard or Throw Anything, Shikigami StyleAdd weapon properties to a wielded improvised weapon
Shikigami StyleCatch Off-Guard or Throw AnythingDeal damage with improvised weapons as though they were larger
Shocking BellowIntimidating ProwessDemoralize for free during the surprise round
Shot on the RunDex 13, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +4Make ranged attack at any point during movement
Shrapnel StrikeStr 15, Improved Sunder, Power AttackGain a bonus to break objects which can shatter
Shrewd TacticianAlertness, Combat ReflexesFlanking is less efficient against you
Shrug OnBase attack bonus +1, medium armor proficiencyQuickly don your armor
Sickening CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +11Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is sickened
Sidestep Dex 13, Dodge, MobilityMake 5-foot step immediately after an opponent misses
Siege Commander Craft (siege weapon) 5 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks or Profession (siege engineer) 1 rankGrant weapon crew +4 on assemble or move checks
Siege Engineer Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks or Profession (siege engineer) 5 ranks, proficiency with one siege engine.You are considered proficient with all siege weapons
Siege Gunner Siege Engineer, Profession (siege engineer) 5 ranksTake no size penalties for aiming a direct fire siege weapon
Signature Strike StylePrecise Shot; Weapon Focus; base attack bonus +7; Intimidate 7 ranks; Improved Called Shot, targeted strike swashbuckler deed, or targeting gunslinger deedFrighten your target when you use an aimed attack
Signature Strike TauntPrecise Shot, Signature Strike Style, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +9, Intimidate 9 ranksInflict an AC penalty when you use Signature Strike Style
Signature Strike TriumphPrecise Shot, Signature Strike Style, Signature Strike Taunt, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +11, Intimidate 11 ranksInspire your allies when you use Signature Strike Style
Silent KillStealth 12 ranks; assassinate advanced slayer talent or ninja master trickKill during the surprise round and slip back into shadows
Simple Weapon ProficiencyNo penalty on attacks made with simple weapons
Sin-Sharing CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +13Share your curses with an opponent after confirming a critical hit
Siphoning BladeVoracious Blade, Weapon Focus (rhoka sword), base attack bonus +8, urdefhanUse Voracious Blade to deal bleed damage and heal yourself
Sisterhood DedicationCha 13, Shield Focus, Shield WallAPG, Sisterhood Rampart, Sisterhood Style, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +6Sisterhood Style bonuses increase, use teamwork feats more easily
Sisterhood RampartCha 13, Shield Focus, Shield WallAPG, Sisterhood Style, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +4Grant adjacent female allies greater protection from Shield Wall
Sisterhood StyleCha 13, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (longsword), base attack bonus +2+1 on Reflex and Will saves and use teamwork feats more easily
Skyseeker ImpactCon 13, Skyseeker Style, Skyseeker Thrash, Step Up, base attack bonus +9Treat your weapon as one size category larger against creatures larger than yourself
Skyseeker StyleStep Up, base attack bonus +1Dodge towards creatures attacking you with reach weapons
Skyseeker ThrashCon 13, Skyseeker Style, Step Up, base attack bonus +4Gain a damage bonus against larger creatures
Slashing GraceDex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with chosen weaponTreat a slashing weapon as a piercing melee weapon
Slayer's FeintDex 15, Acrobatic or slayer level 1st, Combat Expertise, Acrobatics 1 rankUse Acrobatics instead of Bluff to feint
Sleeper Hold Greater Grapple, base attack bonus +8Put your opponent to sleep when grappled.
Sliding Axe ThrowDex 13, base attack bonus +1Use your throwing axes to ignore shields and trip your opponents
Sliding DashDex 15, Acrobatics 10 ranks or acrobatic charge class feature, Bluff 3 ranksCharge through a foe for a flank attack
Sling Flail Weapon Focus (sling), base attack bonus +1Make melee attacks with a sling
Slipslinger BombardmentQuick Draw, Slipslinger Grenadier, Slipslinger Style, Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial traitARGUse a sling to hurl multiple alchemical weapons
Slipslinger GrenadierSlipslinger Style, Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial traitARGUse sling to hurl alchemical splash weapons
Slipslinger StyleWeapon Focus (sling) or weapon training (thrown) class feature, warslinger racial traitARG+1 damage with slings, do not provoke attacks of opportunity when reloading
Slow TimeWis 15, Combat Meditation, Meditation Master, character level 7thGain a brief amount of haste after meditation.
Slurk RiderKoboldYou are skilled at riding slurks into battle
Smash Power Attack, half-orcIgnore 5 points of hardness when breaking an object
Smashing CrushStr 13, Improved Sunder, Smashing Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponReduce the hardness of objects you sunder
Smashing DentStr 13, Improved Sunder, Smashing Crush, Smashing Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +6Reduce the armor bonus of armor you sunder and increase the armor check penalty
Smashing ImpactStr 15, Crushing Impact, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power AttackDamage a barrier by bull rushing a creature into it, possibly knocking them through the barrier
Smashing StyleStr 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponGet a free bull rush or trip when making a sunder attack against armor
Smiting ReversalPower Attack, ToughnessGet an attack of opportunity when targeted with a smite attack
Snake Fang Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Sidewind, Snake Style, Acrobatics 6 ranks, Sense Motive 9 ranksIf opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action
Snake Sidewind Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Style, Acrobatics 3 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranksGain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits
Snake Style Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 1 rank, Sense Motive 3 ranksGain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Snap Shot Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +6Threaten squares within 5 feet of you when wielding a ranged weapon
Snapping FlankBase attack bonus +9, bite attackMake a bite attack as a swift action when flanking
Snapping JawsBase attack bonus +1, gnollUse your bite as a natural weapon
Snapping Turtle Clutch Snapping Turtle Style, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdYour shield bonus applies to your CMD and touch AC
Snapping Turtle Shell Snapping Turtle Clutch, Snapping Turtle Style, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5thAC bonus increases by 2, and opponents receive –4 on critical confirmations
Snapping Turtle StyleImproved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1 or monk level 1stGain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free
Snatch and DropFlyby Attack, Powerful WingsFly grappled targets into the air in order to drop them
Snatch ArrowsDex 15, Deflect ArrowsCatch one ranged attack per round
Sneaking CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +9, sneak attack class featureRoll additional sneak attack dice on a critical hit
SnoutgripCombat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +12 or 10th-level monkUse your grappling prowess to keep an enemy from opening its mouth
Social BraveryCha 13, bravery class featureApply bravery against various social acts
Solitary SurvivorStr 17, base attack bonus +4, half-orcDeal extra damage when you have no allies within 30 ft.
Solo Maneuvers+1 CMB/CMD whenever you are the only one threatening a creature
Sorcerous Strike Sorcerer bloodline class feature, Improved Unarmed StrikeApply a bloodline ability as part of a melee attack
SoulbladeKnowledge (religion) 1 rank, Perception 1 rank. Damage a haunt with a weapon
Soulwrecking StrikeVital Strike, base attack bonus +6Damage a possessing creature by attacking its host
Spear DancerWeapon Focus (any two-handed reach weapon), Perform (dance) 4 ranksWhen you hit a creature with a two-handed reach weapon they are dazzled for 1 round
Spear Dancing ReachDex 17, Spear Dancing Spiral, Spear Dancing Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponGain reach when using the Spear Dancing Style
Spear Dancing SpiralDex 15, Spear Dancing Style, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponGain Weapon Finesse while using Spear Dancing Style
Spear Dancing StyleDex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponGain the Double feature with a polearm weapon
Spectacular ExitDex 15, Dodge, Acrobatics 7 ranksWithdraw gracefully without hurting your performance
Spell CartridgesArcane Strike, ability to cast arcane spells, proficient with firearmsShoot force bullets instead of mundane ammunition
SpellbreakerDisruptive, 10th-level fighterEnemies provoke attacks if their spells fail
Spiked DestroyerProficient with armor spikesUse your armor spikes against foes you bull rush or overrun
Spinning Throw Combat Expertise, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki ThrowSpend a swift action to bull rush opponent, move it, then knock it prone
Spirit of the CorpsDuplicate morale bonuses from teammates
Spirited ChargeRide-By AttackDouble damage on a mounted charge
Spit Venom NagajiSpit poison up to 10 feet to blind your opponent
Sprightly ArmorDex 13, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th, armor training class feature, proficiency with light armor.Gain your armor's enhancement bonus to initiative
Spring AttackMobility, base attack bonus +4Move before and after melee attack
Spring-Heeled ReapingDex 17, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Spring-Heeled Sprint, Spring-Heeled Style, base attack bonus +11, proficiency with light armorAttack two creatures when using Shot on the Run or Spring Attack
Spring-Heeled SprintDex 15, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, Spring-Heeled Style, base attack bonus +7, proficiency with light armorMove up to twice your speed when using Shot on the Run or Spring Attack
Spring-Heeled StyleDex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4, proficiency with light armorGain a bonus on attack rolls when moving
Squash FlatImproved Bull Rush, Merciless Rush, worshiper of RovagugWhenever you exceed a bull rush attempt by 5 or more, trip the target as a free action
Squirming PileAcrobatics 5 ranks, swarming racial traitWhile swarming, gain fortification against critical hits and sneak attack
Stabbing Shot Rapid Shot, elfUse arrow as a melee attack to push enemies back
Stag HornsDex 13, Charging Stag Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, MobilityAttempt a free grapple check at the end of an unarmed attack with charging stag style
Stag SubmissionCharging Stag Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stag HornsAfter successfully pinning an opponent with charging stag style, additionally knock them prone or deal more damage
Stage Combatant Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +5Take no penalty to deal nonlethal damage
Staggering BlowStr 13, Power Attack, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +8Use your vital strike to stagger an opponent
Staggering CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +13Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is staggered
Staggering FistDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2Stagger foes with unarmed strikes
Stance of the XornWis 15, base attack bonus +3Prevent flanking creatures from gaining a bonus against you
Stand StillCombat ReflexesStop enemies from moving past you
Starry GraceDex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (starknife)Use Dexterity on starknife damage rolls
Startling GetawayStartling appearance class featureMove away after a startling appearance
Startoss CometDex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponMake an extra attack with thrown weapon as a standard action
Startoss ShowerDex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Startoss Comet, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +4Make attacks at other opponents near initial target while using Startoss Style
Startoss StyleDex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponGain bonus damage with thrown weapons
Steadfast SlayerGain bonuses to damage based on your size
Steady EngagementCombat Reflexes, Stand Still, worshiper of IroriWhen you use Stand Still, you can attempt to disarm or trip as an immediate action
Step UpBase attack bonus +1Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action
Step Up and Strike Dex 13, Following Step, Step Up, base attack bonus +6Follow adjacent creature and attack as an immediate action
Stick TogetherGain extra movement when a nearby ally moves
Stick-Fighting CounterStick-Fighting Style, base attack bonus +4One opponent who misses you provokes an attack of opportunity
Stick-Fighting ManeuverStick-Fighting Counter, Stick-Fighting Style, base attack bonus +6Perform a free combat maneuver when making a full attack
Stick-Fighting StyleBase attack bonus +1Treat stick-weapons as though they were masterwork and had certain weapon properties
Stock-Striker StylePistol-whip gunslinger deedGain bounses while using the pistol-whip deed
Stock-Striker SweepStock-Striker Style, base attack bonus +7, pistol-whip gunslinger deedFollow through when using the pistol-whip deed
Stock-Striker TakedownPoint-Blank Shot, Stock-Striker Style, Stock-Striker Sweep, base attack bonus +9, pistol-whip gunslinger deedExecute a creature you knock to the ground with the pistol-whip deed
Stone-HandedStr 13, Stunning FistMake an attack that ignores hardness
Stony RampartKnowledge (planes) 3 ranksCause a low stone wall to spring up from the ground
Storm of ArrowsHail of arrows class feature.Target more creatures with hail of arrows
Storm of BladesWeapon Focus with slashing weapon, base attack bonus +6Deal damage to all adjacent creatures with a slashing weapon
Strangler (UC) Dex 13, sneak attack +1d6, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeDeal sneak damage to grappled opponent
Street CarnageStr 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Street Style, Street Sweep, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7thGain x3 critical multiplier with unamed strike
Street StyleStr 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4 or monk level 3rdDeal extra damage and bullrush in urban areas
Street SweepStr 15, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Street Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5thFollow up attack to knock bull-rushed foes prone
Strike BackBase attack bonus +11Attack foes that strike you while using reach
Strike TrueCombat Expertise, base attack bonus +6Gain +4 bonus on next melee attack as a move action
Structural StrikeKnowledge (engineering) 5 ranks, precise strike class feature or precise strikeACG deedUse precise strike against creatures normally immune
Stumbling Bash⊤⊤Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Creatures you shield bash take an AC penalty for 1 round
Stunning Assault Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +16Trade melee attack bonus to stun opponents
Stunning CriticalStaggering Critical, base attack bonus +17Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is stunned
Stunning FistDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Stun opponent with an unarmed strike
Stunning Fist Adept Stunning Fist, base attack bonus +3Add +1 to the saving throw DC of stunning fist.
Stunning IrruptionStr 15, Power Attack, base attack bonus +5Stun your opponents by breaking through objects
Stunning Pin Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning FistUse Stunning Fist against pinned opponents
Stupefying StrikeDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8On a successful unarmed strike, the target temporarily loses their skill ranks and feats
Subjective SlamCon 13; Wis 13; Subjective Mobility; base attack bonus +4 or monk level 3rdTake half falling damage and you can intentionally fall against targets to damage them while on planes with subjective directional gravity
Sun StrikerCritical Focus, Weapon Focus (scimitar), character level 7th, worshiper of SarenraeCritical hits against undead bypass DR and gain additional properties
Sunder BlessingDisruptive, fighter level 8thSunder ongoing divine spells or effects
Sundering Strike Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, base attack bonus +9Attempt a sunder attack on a successful critical hit
Superior Dirty TrickInt 13, Combat Expertise, Greater Dirty TrickAPG, Improved Dirty TrickAPG, base attack bonus +8Targets must spend a full-round action to remove some of your dirty tricks
Suppress RegenerationAllies take advantage of an enemies’ halted regeneration
Suppressive FireFar Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, keen senses racial traitWhen you damage a target with a ranged attack, it can’t make attacks of opportunity against allies who have this feat
Surprise Follow-Through Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Deny an opponent his Dex bonus when cleaving
Surprise Strike Cautious Fighter, Desperate Swing, base attack bonus +6, halfling1/day when fighting defensively or using Desperate Swing, negate the attack penalty
Surprising CombatantImproved Initiative, Bluff 3 ranksTrick your foes into discounting you as a combatant
Surprising StrategyRiposte class feature.Make a combat manuever against a creature when you riposte
Swap PlacesSwitch places with an adjacent ally
Sweeping DisarmInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +1After a successful disarm maneuver, make a second maneuver against an adjacent creature
Sweeping DodgeDex 13, DodgeGain evasion when making a dueling dodge while wearing a cloak
Swift Aid Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6Attempt to aid another as a swift action
Swift Iron StyleStr 13, Dex 13, proficiency with medium armorIncrease your maneuverability in armor
Swift RefugeStr 13, Dex 13, Swift Iron Style, proficiency with medium armorTake minimum damage from an attack
Swift SprintStr 13, Dex 13, Swift Iron Style, Swift Refuge, proficiency with medium armorIgnore the speed penalty on your armor
Swipe and StashSleight of Hand 5 ranksPlant objects on others
Sword and Pistol Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6Ranged attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity
Swordplay DeflectionCombat Expertise, Improved Feint, Swordplay Style, Swordplay Upset, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +7Forgo an attack to disrupt an enemy’s
Swordplay StyleCombat Expertise, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +3+1 shield bonus to AC when fighting defensively, avoid the penalty on the first attack with Combat Expertise
Swordplay UpsetCombat Expertise, Improved Feint, Swordplay Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +5Feint against an opponent that misses you
Sword's ShadowDeft Hands, base attack bonus +7, wyrwoodAfter your first attack, your target is flat-footed against your next attack
Sympathetic Rage Half-orc or orc, nonlawfulEnter a rage-like state when a nearby ally rages
Tactical Reposition Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved RepositionAPGUse reposition to move enemies into hazardous areas
Tail Terror Base attack bonus +1, koboldUse your tail as a weapon, learn to use tail attachments
Tail WeaponBase attack bonus +1, serpentfolkGain a tail slap attack with your tail
Take a BreatherCon 13, Combat Vigor, character level 4thSpend vigor instead of making an attack of opportunity
Taldan DuelistDex 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata), Shield Proficiency (buckler), Weapon Focus (falcata)Gain +1 shield bonus to AC, +2 on Acrobatics checks
Tandem EvasionDex 13, DodgeGain evasion against a dragon’s breath weapon and tail sweep when close to an ally
Tandem TripWhen you make a trip against an opponent threatened by any ally, roll twice and take the higher result
Tangle Feet Dodge, Mobility, Underfoot, goblin, Small size or smallerTrip up larger opponents when you use Acrobatics to move through their square
Tangled LimbsInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponWhen you use a reach weapon to trip a creature, it doesn't get a bonus to its CMD for having more than 2 legs
Target of Opportunity Point-Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6When an ally hits with a ranged attack, youmay make an attack as an immediate action
Taskmaster Demoralizing Lash, Intimidate 5 ranks, hobgoblinSpur an ally into combat to increase their offense at the cost of defense
Tatzlwyrm Claw StyleDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Escape Artist 1 rankUnarmed attacks deal slashing damage, force a creature to release a grappled ally.
Tatzlwyrm GrapplerDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Tatzlwyrm Claw Style, Escape Artist 3 ranksUse Escape Artist instead of CMD when resisting a grapple.
Tatzlwyrm RakeDex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Tatzlwyrm Claw Style, Tatzlwyrm Grappler, Escape Artist 8 ranksMaintain a grapple without using your hands
Team Up Int 13, Combat Expertise, Gang Up, base attack bonus +6Aid another as a move action with two adjacent allies
Technology AdeptDex 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms), Point-Blank ShotGain a bonus on save DCs to resist the effects of technological firearms
Telekinetic MasteryUse Magic Device 5 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +7Cast telekinesis with a transmutation-crafted item
Teleport Tactician Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, SpellbreakerTeleporting creatures provoke attacks of opportunity
Terrifying AssaultFrightening Ambush, Intimidate 5 ranksMake a target frightened instead of shaken when demoralizing
Terrorizing Display Dazzling Display, Demoralizing Lash, Taskmaster, Weapon Focus, Intimidate 10 ranks, hobgoblin, proficiency with selected weaponSpur nearby allies with Taskmaster when using Dazzling Display
Thousand CutsWeapon Focus with slashing weaponUse a slashing weapon to inflict bleed damage
Thrill of the HuntSurvival 1 rank; base attack bonus +4 or track class featureDesignate a creature you are tracking as your prize to gain bonuses against it
Thrilling VengeanceBase attack bonus +3, rage class featureBonus to performance combat check while raging if you’ve recently dealt damage
Throat SlicerBase attack bonus +1Deliver a quick coup-de-grace with lighter weapons
Throw AnythingNo penalties for improvised ranged weapons
Throw Back ArrowsDex 17, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snatch ArrowsThrow a caught piece of ammunition when using snatch arrows
Thunder and Fang Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klarFight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth-breaker and klar.
Tiger Claws Improved Unarmed Strike, Tiger Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5thMake a single attack with both hands, and combine the results
Tiger Pounce Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Tiger Claws, Tiger Style, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 8thMay apply the penalty from Power Attack to AC
Tiger Style Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 3rdGain +2 to CMD against bull rush, overrun, and trip, and deal slashing damage
Tiring CriticalCritical Focus, base attack bonus +13Whenever you score a critical hit, the target is fatigued
Titan's TangleInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Tangled Limbs, Weapon Focus with the chosen weaponTrip larger creatures when using a reach weapon
To the LastDiehard, Endurance, worshiper of GorumYou are no longer staggered when disabled
Topple FoeCombat Expertise, Improved TripAssist your allies in tripping a creature
Toppling Bash⊤⊤Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, Stumbling Bash, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Trip creatures you shield bash as a swift action
Toppling PileupInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved TripMake an additional trip maneuver if the first one is successful
Torch BearerTreat torch as a light weapon that deals damage as a mace
Touch of Serenity Wis 18, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8Foes hit by unarmed strikes cannot attack or cast spells
Tower Shield ProficiencyShield ProficiencyNo penalties on attack rolls when using a tower shield
Tower Shield Specialist⊤⊤Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Reduce the armor check penalty of a tower shield
Toxic SpraySpit Venom, Viscous Venom, nagajiPoison an area with your racial poison
Tracer FirePoint-Blank Shot, Precise ShotGlowing ammunition makes an enemy easier to hit
Traditional WeaponsInt 13Gain a bonus to CMB and CMD against creatures wielding exotic weapons
TrampleMounted CombatOverrun targets while mounted
Tree Hanger Acrobatics 1 rank, vanaraUse your tail to defend against trips and hang from nearby objects
Tribal HunterAnimal AffinityFlank large creatures easier when you are adjacent to the target with a friend
Trick Riding Ride 9 ranks, Mounted CombatAutomatically pass simple Ride skill checks
Trick ShooterDex 13, Deadly Aim, base attack bonus +1+2 bonus when making ranged combat maneuvers
Tripping Staff Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +6Treat a quarterstaff as if it had the trip weapon special feature
Tripping Strike Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, base attack bonus +9Attempt a trip attack on a successful critical hit
Tripping Twirl Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Tripping Staff, Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff), base attack bonus +12Use a quarterstaff to make a trip attempt against all adjacent enemies
Tumbling UpsetInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Acrobatics 7 ranksWhen you move through an enemy's space, you can attempt to trip them
Turbulent TakeoffFly 5 ranksPrevent creatures from gaining an attack of opportunity when you takeoff
Twin Fang LungeDex 15; Quick Draw; Twin Fang Strike; Twin Fang Style; Two-Weapon Fighting; Acrobatics 8 ranks; base attack bonus +8 or monk level 8thMove up to twice your speed and use Twin Fang Strike
Twin Fang StrikeDex 15; Quick Draw; Twin Fang Style; Two- Weapon Fighting; Acrobatics 6 ranks; base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6thYou can make two attacks as an attack action
Twin Fang StyleDex 15, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +1, Acrobatics 1 rankReduce a targets armor bonus when you hit with both weapons
Twin Thunders Dwarf or gnome, defensive training racial trait, Two-Weapon Fighting or flurry of blows class feature, Weapon Focus with both wielded weaponsIncrease the damage with your off-hand weapon when fighting giants
Twin Thunders Flurry Dwarf or gnome; defensive training racial trait; Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Fighting, or flurry of blows class feature; Twin Thunders; Weapon Focus with both wielded weapons; base attack bonus +6Trip a giant of up to Huge size, and deal +2 damage against giants
Twin Thunders Master Dwarf or gnome; defensive training racial trait; Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Fighting, or flurry of blows class feature; Twin Thunders; Twin Thunders Flurry; Weapon Focus with both wielded weapons; base attack bonus +9Opponent struck by Twin Thunders is shaken
Twinned FeintCha 13After succeeding at a feint, you can attempt a feint against a second target
Two-Handed Thrower Str 15Gain Str bonus when using two hands to throw a one or two-handed weapon
Two-Weapon DefenseTwo-Weapon FightingGain +1 shield bonus when fighting with two weapons
Two-Weapon DrunkardCatch Off-Guard, Two-Weapon FightingUse a tankard as a mace and holy symbol
Two-Weapon Feint Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon FightingForgo first melee attack to feint
Two-Weapon FightingDex 15Reduce two-weapon fighting penalties
Two-Weapon GraceDex 15; Fencing GraceUI, Slashing GraceACG, or Starry GraceUI; Two-Weapon Fighting; Weapon FinesseUse Fencing Grace, Slashing Grace, or Starry Grace while dual-wielding
Two-Weapon RendDouble Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11Rend a foe hit by both your weapons
Unbalancing BlowDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4On a successful unarmed strike, target is flatfooted and unbalanced
Unblinking Flame FeintInt 13; Wis 13; Combat Expertise; Perfect Style; base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thUse Wis mod instead of Cha mod to feint
Unblinking Flame FistInt 13; Wis 13; Combat Expertise; Perfect Style; Stunning Fist; Unblinking Flame Feint; base attack bonus +13 or monk level 13thStunning fist save DC is +2 vs flat-footed foes
UnbreakableCon 13, Endurance, Toughness, fighter level 4thGain additional hp from favored classes
Uncanny Defense Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +3, halflingGain bonus to Reflex saves and CMD when fighting defensively or taking total defense
Uncivilized TacticsStr 13, Power AttackPrevent a target from using certain limbs/attacks with combat maneuvers
Unconquerable ResolveResolve class feature, samurai level 1st (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 18)Gain temporary hit points whenever you use resolve
Under and Over Agile Maneuvers, Small size or smallerFailed grapples against you cause attacker to fall prone
Underfoot Dodge, Mobility, Small size or smaller+4 on Acrobatics checks to move past larger opponents
Underfoot (BotB)Dodge, swarming racial traitCan share a space with an enemy
Underhanded TeamworkCombat Expertise, Improved Dirty TrickIncrease the length of an ally’s dirty trick use
Undersized MountRide 1 rankRide creatures of your size
Unfair GripStr 13, Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1Gain a bonus on checks to maintain grapples, those grappled take a penalty to escape
Unfolding Wind RushDex 13; Wis 13; Dodge; Mobility; Perfect Style; Quick Draw; Unfolding Wind Strike; base attack bonus +13 or monk level 13thMove and make a full attack with thrown weapons
Unfolding Wind StrikeDex 13; Wis 13; Perfect Style; Quick Draw; base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thDouble range increment of thrown weapons
Unhindering Shield⊤⊤Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, proficiency with bucklers.Treat your buckler hand as free for all purposes
UnseatImproved Bull Rush, Mounted CombatKnock opponents from their mounts
Untwisting Iron SkinStr 15; Wis 13; Perfect Style; Toughness; Untwisting Iron Strength; base attack bonus +13 or monk level 13thGain DR/adamantine, and gain DR/— when you break certain objects
Untwisting Iron StrengthStr 15; Wis 13; Perfect Style; base attack bonus +9 or monk level 9thIgnore some of target's hardness
Unyielding FerocityCon 19, ferocityMake a full attack when reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, with restrictions
Upsetting Shield StyleDex 13, proficiency with bucklersUse a buckler to shield bash
Upsetting StrikeDex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Upsetting Shield Style, proficiency with bucklers.Foes that miss you provoke an attack of opportunity
Upsetting VengeanceDex 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Upsetting Shield Style, Upsetting Strike, proficiency with bucklers.Use Upsetting Strike against foes attacking your allies
Urdefhan BladebreakerBase attack bonus +1, proficiency with the rhoka sword, urdefhan+2 to sunder an opponent’s weapon when wielding a rhoka sword
Vanguard HustleDex 13, BodyguardAPG, Combat PatrolAPG, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Saving ShieldAPG, Vanguard Style, Vanguard Ward, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Add half your shields enhancement bonus when using Saving Shield
Vanguard StyleBodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Use Bodyguard to improve your allies Reflex saving throw
Vanguard WardBodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, Vanguard Style, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Use Bodyguard and Vanguard Style with the same action
Vast Hatred Gnome, hatred racial traitExpand your hatred to another two creature types
Venomous SpraySerpentfolkSpit venom as a ranged attack
Vicious Stomp Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed StrikeWhen opponent falls prone, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you
Vigilant ChargerStr 13, Dex 13, Combat ReflexesReady an action to charge an enemy
Vim and VigorCon 13, Combat Vigor, Endurance, character level 3rdYou are less fatigued by using vigor
Violent DisplayDazzling Display, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +6Use Dazzling Display whenever you land a sneak attack or confirm a critical hit
Virulent VenomSpit Venom, nagajiInflict acid damage with your racial poison
Visceral ThreatIntimidating ProwessUse Intimidate instead of Bluff to feint
Viscous VenomSpit Venom, nagajiEntangle creatures with your racial poison
Vital StrikeBase attack bonus +6Deal twice the normal damage on a single attack
Volley FirePoint-Blank Shot+1 for each ally attacking the same target at range
Voracious BladeWeapon Focus (rhoka sword), base attack bonus +4, urdefhanChannel your daemonic energy through a rhoka sword
Vulpine Pounce Swift Kitsune Shapechanger, base attack bonus +10, kitsuneGain pounce when charging and shifting in the same round.
Warning ShotPoint-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weaponMake ranged touch attacks to demoralize at greater range
Wave Strike Weapon expertise class feature or Quick Draw, Bluff 1 rankSpend a swift action to make a Bluff check to feint
Weapon AdeptModified weapons are easy for you to wield
Weapon FinesseUse Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons
Weapon FocusProficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +1+1 bonus on attack rolls with one weapon
Weapon of the ChosenWeapon Focus with deity’s favored weapon, must worship and receive spells from a deityAs a swift action, your first attack with weapon counts as magical
Weapon SpecializationWeapon Focus, 4th-level fighter+2 bonus on damage rolls with one weapon
Weapon TrickBase attack bonus +1Learn weapon tricks with a specifics style of weapon
Weapon VersatilityWeapon Focus, base attack bonus +1Deal different types of damage with your favored weapon
Weathered WarriorEnduranceAvoid some penalties on your ranged attacks in strong or severe winds
Wheeling ChargeMounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Ride 5 ranks, Lastwall affinityTurn your mount while charging
Whip Mastery Weapon Focus (whip), base attack bonus +2Using a whip does not provoke attacks of opportunity
WhipcrackInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, base attack bonus +3 or monk level 1stYou can use a reposition manuever to throw the creature
Whip-SlingerProficient with slingThreaten the area around you with a sling
Whirling HoldImproved Grapple, Improved Unarmed StrikeYou can sicken your opponent with a successful check to maintain the grapple
Whirlwind AttackDex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4Make one melee attack against all foes within reach
Wilding StrikeStr 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, WildingYour unarmed strike damage increases to 1d6 (or 1d4 if you are Small)
Wind StanceDex 15, Dodge, base attack bonus +6Gain 20% concealment if you move
WingclipperBase attack bonus +9Forgo critical damage to prevent your enemy from flying
Wings of the AndrosphinxInt 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Reposition, base attack bonus +1 or monk level 1stGain +2 AC against charging foes, use reposition as an immediate action against a failed charge
Winter's StrikeNature Magic or the ability to cast druid or ranger spells; Vital Strike, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranksTarget of your Vital Strike must successfully save or become fatigued
WitchbreakerIron WillGain a +2 bonus on saves against effects from hags and witches; can potentially break their mind-affecting effects on allies with successful critical hits
Wolf SavageWis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wolf Style, Wolf Trip, Knowledge (nature) 9 ranksDo ability damage or fatigue prone foe when you deal at least 10 points of damage to it with a natural weapon or unarmed strike
Wolf StyleWis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (nature) 3 ranksDecrease a foe's speed when you deal at least 10 points of damage with an attack of opportunity
Wolf TripWis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Wolf Style, Knowledge (nature) 6 ranksGain a +2 bonus on trip attempts you make as part of an attack of opportunity
Woodland WraithDex 15, Dodge, base attack bonus +6Gain concealment when withdrawing or taking multiple actions and ending movement in naturally occurring difficult terrain
Wounded Paw GambitBroken Wing Gambit, Bluff 5 ranksWhen you use Broken Wing Gambit, nearby allies can attempt a ranged attack against the attacker
Wrist GrabDex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6Immediate disarm when your opponent misses by 5 or more
Wyvern Fury StyleExotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Acrobatics 3 ranks, brawler’s flurryACG class feature or flurry of blows class featureUse daggers and whips with your flurry.
Wyvern StingExotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Wyvern Fury Style, Acrobatics 6 ranks, brawler’s flurryACG class feature or flurry of blows class featureWhen using Wyvern Style, you can use a whip to force an enemy to focus on you.
Wyvern WingExotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Wyvern Fury Style, Wyvern Sting, Acrobatics 10 ranks, brawler’s flurryACG class feature or flurry of blows class featureMake an additional 5ft step between attacks when using Wyvern Style