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Familiar Feats

Description Source Familiar Folio pg. 18
The following feats can be taken by characters who have familiars that meet the listed prerequisites. Wizards can take a familiar feat as a bonus feat, and witches can select a familiar feat in place of a hex. If you lose your familiar and gain a new familiar that doesn’t meet the listed prerequisites for a familiar feat you possess, your new familiar doesn’t gain the benefits of that feat. A new familiar that meets the prerequisites automatically gains the benefits of that feat.

When you gain a new level, if your current familiar does not meet the prerequisite of a familiar feat you possess, you can learn a new familiar feat in place of the feat your familiar doesn’t qualify for. In effect, you lose the old familiar feat in exchange for the new one. The feat lost can’t be a prerequisite for another feat you possess, and your familiar must meet the new feat’s prerequisites. You can exchange only one feat in this way each time you gain a level.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Decoy's MisdirectionMust have a familiar with the decoy archetype (see page 10)Fool scry attempts using your familiar
Emissary's EmboldeningMust have a familiar with the emissary archetype (see page 10)Resist fear effects when your familiar is near
Figment's FluidityMust have a familiar with the figment archetype (see page 10)Your familiar can reshape itself
Guardian's ReturnMust have a familiar with the protector archetype (see page 11)Your familiar can teleport near when you are in danger
Mascot's AffectionMust have a familiar with the mascot archetype (see page 11)Your familiar can have more team members
Mauler's EnduranceMust have a familiar with the mauler archetype (see page 11)Familiar gains 2 hp/level
Polyglot FamiliarMust have a familiarYour familiar can speak with other creatures
Sage's GuidanceMust have a familiar with the sage archetype (see page 11)Your familiar’s knowledge grants you bonuses on attack/skills