General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

Origin Feats

Description Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 16

Duskwalker Origin Feats

Description Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 16
Origin feats are duskwalker racial feats that grant additional powers based on the duskwalker’s original cause of death. Generally, a duskwalker can qualify for only a single origin feat, but at the GM’s discretion, a duskwalker whose death matches multiple origin feats may be allowed to take more than one.

Shabti Origin Feats

Description Source Pathfinder #139: The Dead Road pg. 73
These feats grant shabti powers or abilities based on the nature of their creators.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Chance DeathDuskwalkerReroll a failed attack or saving throw that would have resulted in your death
Deliberate DeathDuskwalkerWhen reduced below 0 hit points by a creature, you can attack them as an immediate action
Fan-Bearer at the King's Right HandShabtiChosen ally gains your defensive racial resistances
First General of the EastCharacter level 5th, shabtigain greater magic weapon as a spell-like ability
Lector PriestShabtiRoll twice and take the better result on Spellcraft skill checks
Lonely DeathDuskwalkerWhen reduced to below 0 hit points, you can move and hide as an immediate action
Overseer of the House of TruthShabtiGain additional uses of your suggestion suggestion spell-like ability
Servant in the House of TruthShabtiRoll twice and take the better result on Knowledge skill checks
Willing DeathDuskwalkerYou can cast paladin's sacrifice to prevent an ally from dying