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Monster Feats

Description Source Horror Adventures pg. 78
Monster feats were introduced in Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, though without a separate tag (all feats in Bestiary are monster feats except Craft Construct). Most of these feats apply specifically to monsters and might grant abilities that could be disruptive in the hands of PCs, although with the GM's permission PCs can take one of these feats if they meet the prerequisites.

Some monster feats allow a creature to apply metamagic feat-like effects to its spell-like abilities. You can select a spell-like ability duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to 1/2 the monster's caster level (round down) – 1 or 2, depending on the ability. Table 3–1: Metamagic Spell-Like Abilities summarizes these feats and what spell-like abilities they can affect by caster level.Table 3–1: Metamagic Spell-Like Abilities
Spell LevelCaster Level1Caster Level2
1 Bouncing, disruptive, intensified, lingering, or scarring ability.
2 Fearsome, sickening, or traumatic ability.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Ability FocusSpecial attackIncrease the DC of a special attack by 2.
Awesome Blow*Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or largerLearn a maneuver to send opponent’s flying backwards.
Bouncing Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higherFailed spell-like ability bounces to another target
Disruptive Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higherSpell-like ability interferes with spellcasting
Empower Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 6th or higherGain more uses of a spell-like ability as an empowered version.
Fearsome Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 6th or higherSpell-like ability makes damaged foes shaken
Flyby AttackFly speedTake a standard action during your move action while flying.
Gruesome ShapechangerShapechanger subtypeBloody transformation sickens foes and makes area slippery
HoverFly speedHover without needing to make a Fly check.
Improved Natural ArmorNatural armor, Con 13Increase your natural armor by 1.
Improved Natural AttackNatural weapon, base attack bonus +4Increase the damage dice for one of your natural attacks.
Intensified Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higherSpell-like ability has a higher damage dice cap
Lingering Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higher.Instantaneous spell-like ability lasts another round
Multiattack*Three or more natural attacksReduce the penalty of your secondary attacks from -5 to -2.
Multiweapon Fighting*Dex 13, three or more handsReduce the penalties for fighting with multiple weapons from -6/-10 to -2/-6.
Possess CreatureCha 20, any evil outsider with 10 or more Hit DicePowerful fiends have the ability to merge with creatures and spread their foul influence
Possess LocationCha 16, any evil outsider with 8 or more Hit DiceSome fiends have the ability to merge with the land or a structure and spread their foul influence
Possess ObjectCha 18, any evil outsider with 9 or more Hit DiceSome fiends have the ability to merge with an object and spread their foul influence
Quicken Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at CL 10th or higherGain more uses with a spell-like ability as a Quickened version.
Reach Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higherSpell-like ability gains a longer range
Scarring Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 4th or higherSpell-like ability causes penalties against emotionUM effects
Sickening Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 6th or higherSpell-like ability sickens damaged foes
Skin SuitInt 7, undead creature that was originally humanoid.Hide in false flesh during the day
SnatchSize Huge or largerStart a grapple when hitting a creature with your claw or bite attack, as if you had the Grab ability.
SpawnlinkInt 13, create spawn monster ability.See through spawn’s eyes
Traumatic Spell-Like AbilitySpell-like ability at caster level 6th or higherSpell-like ability causes nightmares
WingoverFly speedTurn up to 180 degrees while flying once per round without the need of a fly check.