General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

Grit Feats

Description Source Ultimate Combat pg. 78
Grit feats interact with the gunslinger's grit class ability or the grit granted by the Amateur Gunslinger feat, usually by adding to her set of deeds. Sometimes these feats increase the number of grit points a character has or how that character regains grit points. Gunslingers can take grit feats as bonus feats.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Battering RamCraft (alchemy) 3 ranks; grit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger; pistol-whip gunslinger deed; quick clear gunslinger deedUse the pistol-whip deed to remove your gun's broken condition after a misfire
Blowout Shot DeedCraft (alchemy) 3 ranks, grit class feature or Amateur GunslingerUC featCreate concussive blasts with a specially prepared black powder mix
Casterbane Shot*Amateur GunslingerUC or the grit class feature, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4Make it harder for spellcasters to concentrate while under fire
Deft ShootistGrit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Dodge, MobilityDo not provoke attacks of opportunity while shooting or reloading firearms as long as you have 1 grit point
Dragon Shot*Amateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, Spellcraft 5 ranksSpend grit to change the damage type of your gun to energy damage
Extra GritGrit class feature or the Amateur Gunslinger featGain 2 extra grit points per day, and maximum grit increases by 2
FabulistAmateur GunslingerUC feat or grit class featureBonus to Perform checks, regain grit by successfully lying
Gun TwirlingAmateur GunslingerUC feat or grit class feature, Dazzling Display, Weapon FocusUtilize grit to feint with your firearm
Leaping ShotDex 13, grit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4.May move your speed and make firearm attacks
Musketeer's Dodge*Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UC, gunslinger level 3rd, gunslinger’s dodge deedIncrease the bonus from gunslinger's dodge and your movement doesn't provoke
Musketeer's Reposition*Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)UC, gunslinger level 6th, pistol-whip deedWhen you use the pistol-whip deed, you can reposition instead of tripping
Named BulletAmateur GunslingerUC feat or grit class feature, GunsmithingUC, base attack bonus +5Inscribe names of your targets on bullets to grant them bane against that target
No NameGrit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Bluff 4 ranks.Gain +2 on Bluff checks, and spend grit to gain +10 on Disguise checks
Poison Shot DeedAmateur GunslingerUC or gritUC class featurePrepare bullets to deliver poison
Recall Ammunition*Amateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, base attack bonus +9, Spellcraft 5 ranksYou can spend grit to teleport a missed bullet back into your gun
Redirected Shot*Amateur GunslingerUC or the grit class feature, Deadly Aim, Point-Blank Shot, Precise ShotHelp redirect your allies’ poorly aimed ranged attacks
Ricochet Shot DeedGrit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Blind-FightRicochet your shots off of a wall or other solid terrain
Secret Stash DeedGrit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger feat, Sleight of Hand 1 rankSpend 1 grit point to recover powder or ammunitionfrom your person
Signature DeedGrit class feature, gunslinger level 11thUse 1 deed for 1 fewer grit point
Sizzling ShotGrit class feature or Amateur Gunslinger, base attack bonus +4Cause your firearm attacks to be half fire damage
Whip-Shot DeedGrit class feature or Amateur GunslingerUC feat, pistol-whip deedFire your gun at the same time you use pistol-whip