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Shield Style Feats

Description Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 12
These styles use rules like those introduced for Armor Style Feats, except they can be used only while wielding a shield that satisfies the feat’s shield proficiency prerequisite. Shield gauntlet style is also a weapon fighting style, and its feat counts as a style feat for all purposes except that it includes Weapon Focus with a specific weapon as a prerequisite and can be used only in conjunction with that weapon.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Mobile Bulwark Style*Str 13, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1Add your shield bonus to AC to your CMD vs bull rush and overrun manuevers
Mobile Fortress*Str 15, Mobile Bulwark Style, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +4Add half your shield bonus to AC to your touch AC
Mobile Stronghold*Str 17, Mobile Bulwark Style, Mobile Fortress, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +7Gain cover vs spells and total cover vs one attack as an immediate action
Shield Gauntlet Style*Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shields.Treat your off-hand gauntlet as a buckler
Shielded Gauntlet Attack*Shield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shieldsIncrease damage when using a gauntlet and use it to perform disarm or steal maneuvers as an attack of opportunity
Shielded Gauntlet Master*Shielded Gauntlet Attack, Shield Gauntlet Style, Weapon Focus (gauntlet or spiked gauntlet), proficiency with bucklers and light shieldsKeep your gauntlets shield bonus when attacking with it
Upsetting Shield Style*Dex 13, proficiency with bucklersUse a buckler to shield bash
Upsetting Strike*Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Upsetting Shield Style, proficiency with bucklers.Foes that miss you provoke an attack of opportunity
Upsetting Vengeance*Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Improved Shield Bash, Upsetting Shield Style, Upsetting Strike, proficiency with bucklers.Use Upsetting Strike against foes attacking your allies
Vanguard Hustle*Dex 13, BodyguardAPG, Combat PatrolAPG, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Saving ShieldAPG, Vanguard Style, Vanguard Ward, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Add half your shields enhancement bonus when using Saving Shield
Vanguard Style*BodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Use Bodyguard to improve your allies Reflex saving throw
Vanguard Ward*BodyguardAPG, Combat Reflexes, Vanguard Style, proficiency with light or heavy shields.Use Bodyguard and Vanguard Style with the same action