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Shield Mastery Feats

Description Source Armor Master's Handbook pg. 18
To some combatants shields are just as important, if not more so, than weapons or armor. Shields are multipurpose, capable of defense or offense. They slide on and off far faster than armor, and allow adventurers to change their tactics on a whim.

A handful of specialists train to maximize a shield’s use in battle. Presented here are new feats categorized as shield mastery feats, each requiring Shield Focus as a prerequisite. Characters with the armor training class feature can ignore the Shield Focus feat as a prerequisite for shield mastery feats. Shield mastery feats count as combat feats for all purposes, including which classes can select them as bonus feats. You gain the benefits of a shield mastery feat only while wielding a shield with which you are proficient. Characters with the Shield Focus feat also qualify for the Improved Shield Focus feat below.

*combat feat
Cushioning Shield*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Tranfer half your falling damage to your shield
Defended Movement*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Gain +2 AC vs attacks of opportunity
Feint Defender*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, Sense Motive 1 rank.Increase the DC required to feint you
Greater Ray Shield*Dex 17, Missile Shield, Ray ShieldAPG, Spellbreaker.Your shield is unaffected when using Ray Shield
Guarded Charge*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Don't provoke for making a bull rush or overrun at the end of a charge
Shield Brace*Shield Focus; base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st; proficiency with light shields, heavy shields, or tower shields.Wield a polearm or spear while using a shield
Shield Material Expertise*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Gain a benefit based on your shield's special material
Shield Material Mastery*Shield Focus, Shield Material Expertise, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Use Shield Material Experties two additional times per day
Shielded Mage*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.Cast spells while using a shield
Shielded Stand*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.Guard yourself or an ally while standing up
Stumbling Bash*Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th.Creatures you shield bash take an AC penalty for 1 round
Toppling Bash*Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, Stumbling Bash, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Trip creatures you shield bash as a swift action
Tower Shield Specialist*Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +11 or fighter level 8th.Reduce the armor check penalty of a tower shield
Unhindering Shield*Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6 or fighter level 4th, proficiency with bucklers.Treat your buckler hand as free for all purposes