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Item Mastery Feats

Description Source Weapon Master's Handbook pg. 26
Using an item mastery feat is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, similar to activating a command word item, though you do not need to speak to use the feat. Creating these effects requires you to assault the existing magic of the item through your force of will and channel the item’s inherent magic through your own body; this act is thus governed by the user’s fortitude. All effects created by item mastery feats act as spell-like abilities and use your base attack bonus as the caster level. Any spell-like ability’s save DC is equal to 10 + the spell level + your Constitution modifier. If a spell-like ability calls for a calculation using your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma bonus or modifier, use your Constitution bonus or modifier instead.

Magic item mastery is stressful for the item as well as the user and can’t be performed on items that can be used only a limited number of times or that must be recharged (such as elixirs, potions, scrolls, staffs, and wands)-it requires items with constant effects or daily uses. Magic item mastery doesn’t affect an item’s normal properties or deplete any of its daily uses.

The following magic item mastery feats are available to any character who qualifies.

*combat feat
armor mastery feat
⊤⊤shield mastery feat
⊤⊤⊤weapon mastery feat

Ability MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +4Gain an enhancement bonus to an ability score with a suit of magic armor or transmutation-crafted item
Compulsion MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +6Cast suggestion with an enchantment-crafted item
Concealment MasteryStealth 3 ranks, Use Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Cast invisibility with an illusion-crafted item
Curative MasteryUse Magic Device 1 rank, base Fortitude bonus +2Cast healing spells with a conjuration-crafted item
Curse MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +6Cast bestow curse with a necromancy-crafted item
Dispel MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +6Cast dispel magic with an abjuration-crafted item
Energy MasteryUse Magic Device 1 rank, base Fortitude save bonus +4Cast burning hands or lightning bolt with an evocation-crafted item
Flight MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +6Cast fly with a transmutation-crafted item
Force Shield MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Cast shield with an abjuration-crafted item
Illusion MasteryUse Magic Device 2 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +4Cast minor image with an illusion-crafted item
Implement MasteryImplementsOA class feature, mental focusOA class featureTreat your implements as magic items of their associated school for Item Mastery feats.
Racial Item MasteryUse Magic Device 6 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Use a magic item to recharge your racial spell-like abilities.
Resistance MasteryUse Magic Device 3 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Gain a resistance bonus to saves or energy resistance with a suit of magic armor or abjuration-crafted item
Restoration MasteryHeal 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 5 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Cast lesser restoration with a conjuration (healing)-crafted item
Symbolic MasteryUse Magic Device 4 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +2.Launch destructive blasts from your holy symbol
Telekinetic Mastery*Use Magic Device 5 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +7Cast telekinesis with a transmutation-crafted item
Teleportation MasteryUse Magic Device 4 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +6Cast dimension door with a conjuration-crafted item
Vision MasteryUse Magic Device 2 ranks, base Fortitude save bonus +4Cast darkvision or see invisibility with a divination-crafted item
Weapon Evoker MasteryUse Magic Device 2 ranks, base Fortitude saving throw bonus +3Amplify the power of a magic weapon that deals energy damage