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We are the Wall (Story)

Source Pathfinder #131: The Reaper's Right Hand pg. 76
You embody your family’s legendary monster-hunters.

Prerequisites: Be a member of House Darahan, or have the Champion of the People, Duty, or Raider background.

Benefit: Three times per day as a move action, you can declare a single dragon, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid within 50 feet and in line of sight to be your mark. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against your mark. These bonuses last for 1 minute, until you designate a new mark, or until the mark is dead. After you have declared a creature as your mark, it can’t be your mark again for another 24 hours.

Goal: Protect a settlement you have lived in for at least a year from an invading force consisting of an appropriate number of dragons, magical beasts, or monstrous humanoids.

Completion Benefit: The bonus provided by your mark becomes +1 for every 4 character levels you have, to a maximum of +5.