Vermin CompanionSource Revenge of the Kobold King pg. 6, Pathfinder Campaign Setting pg. 219 Your understanding of creepy-crawlies has grown to the point where you can bond with one as a companion.
Prerequisites: Vermin Heart, animal companion class feature, wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: Add the following monsters to your list of potential animal companions at the indicated druid levels. 1st—giant ant (worker), giant fire beetle, medium monstrous centipede, medium monstrous scorpion, medium monstrous spider; 4th—giant ant (soldier), giant bee, giant bombardier beetle, Large monstrous centipede, Large monstrous scorpion, Large monstrous spider; 7th—giant praying mantis, giant stag beetle, giant wasp, huge monstrous centipede; 10th—gargantuan monstrous centipede, huge monstrous spider; 13th—huge monstrous scorpion; 16th—gargantuan monstrous spider.