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Vampiric Companion

Source Monster Codex pg. 237, Blood of the Night pg. 28
Just as your undead existence mocks nature, so too does your twisted companion reflect the vile nature of vampirism.

Prerequisites: Dhampir or vampire, nongood alignment, 10th level in a class that grants a familiar or animal companion.

Benefit: Your animal companion or familiar’s type changes to “undead.” The creature gains fast healing 5 as well as your vampire or dhampir weaknesses. If you are a vampire, the creature also gains the following abilities, depending on what type of vampire you are.

Jiang-Shi: While the creature is adjacent to or in your square, it gains the benefit of your prayer scroll ability. The creature crumbles into dust if destroyed ( just like a jiang-shi), but is not permanently destroyed unless measures are taken that would destroy a jiang-shi.

Moroi: If the creature is adjacent to or in your square when you assume gaseous form, it transforms with you and follows you; its transformation ends when yours does. If reduced to 0 hit points, it’s forced into gaseous form and must return to your coffin to reform (or the foot of your coffin if it cannot fit within it).

Nosferatu: If the creature is adjacent to or in your square when you assume swarm form, it transforms with you and follows you; its transformation ends when yours does. The creature can climb as if using the spider climb vampire ability, even if its anatomy is not suitable for climbing (such as a horse).

Special: If your animal companion or familiar is destroyed, dismissed, or lost, you can apply the effects of this feat to the replacement creature. If you are destroyed, the creature retains its undead type but loses all other special abilities from this feat. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one of them when you select this feat and apply its effects to that creature.

You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar.