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Planar Sensitivity

Source Pathfinder #105: The Inferno Gate pg. 64
You can sense and manipulate connections between the planes.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain access to the gatefinder and gatekeeper skill unlocks (see below).

Special: Sentient outsiders who have one or more ranks in Knowledge (planes) and who lack the native subtype are treated as having this feat.

Gatefinder (Perception)

You can notice soulgates compatible with your alignment.

Check: You are familiar with soulgates and might notice those with an alignment matching your own. To notice a soulgate that you’re not already familiar with, you must succeed at a DC 20 Perception check—this DC could be higher if the portal is obscured or damaged, or at the GM’s discretion. If the soulgate shares your exact alignment, you gain a +5 bonus on your check to notice the portal, feeling an instinctual draw toward it. If your alignment and the portal’s share none of the same components, you take a –5 penalty on your check to notice the portal. If your alignment is neutral with no other alignment components, you take no penalties on checks to find soulgates.

For example, a lawful good character would gain a +5 bonus on her Perception checks to find lawful good soulgates, but would take a –5 penalty on checks to find chaotic evil, chaotic neutral, and neutral evil soulgates, as she has no chaotic, neutral, or evil components to her alignment. A neutral character, however, gains a +5 bonus on checks to find neutral gates, but gains no bonus on checks to find chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, neutral good, and neutral evil soulgates. Additionally, she takes no penalty on checks to notice chaotic good, chaotic evil, lawful good, or lawful evil soulgates.

Once you are aware of a soulgate, you never need to succeed at a Perception check to find that particular gate again, as long as some remarkable event doesn’t change its appearance or location.

Gatekeeper (Knowledge [Planes])

You can attempt to open soulgates compatible with your alignment.

Check: Once you are aware of a soulgate, you can use your knowledge of the planes and your place as a child of the multiverse to attempt to open the portal. This attempt takes 1 minute to perform. The DC of the Knowledge (planes) check to open a soulgate is 30. If your alignment perfectly matches that of the soulgate, you gain a +5 bonus on this check. You can also attempt to open a soulgate with an alignment that is within one step of your own. However, unless you are neutral, you cannot open a soulgate with an alignment two or more steps away from your own.

For example, a lawful evil character would gain a +5 bonus on her attempt to open a soulgate connecting the Material Plane to Hell (lawful evil) or other planes of lawful evil alignment. She can also attempt to open soulgates to Abaddon (neutral evil), Axis (lawful neutral), and other planes that share those planes’ alignments, because their alignments are one step away from lawful evil. She can never open a soulgate to the Abyss (chaotic evil), the Boneyard (neutral), Elysium (chaotic good), Heaven (lawful good), the Maelstrom (chaotic neutral), Nirvana (neutral good), or any other plane with those alignments.

If your alignment is neutral with no other alignment components, you can open soulgates with an alignment two steps away from your own, but you take a –10 penalty on attempts to do so.

Once opened, you can keep a soulgate open for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. An open soulgate closes at the end of that time, or you can close it earlier as a standard action.