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Planar Infusion (Conduit)

Source Planar Adventures pg. 31
After enduring hardship on another plane, your body, mind, and soul have become infused with that plane’s power.

Prerequisites: You must spend a significant amount of time on a plane other than your home plane or the Material Plane. Typically, this amount of time should coincide with an adventure set on that plane, but at the GM’s discretion, you can qualify for this feat in other ways, such as by being subjected to a powerful planar effect via the influence of an artifact associated with that plane, being exposed to raw energies from the plane, or even by dying on another plane and being brought back to life in that reality.

Benefit: Your body, mind, or soul gains a benefit of some sort as a result of your infusion with the plane of your choice for which you meet the prerequisite. Details on planar infusions can be found below.

Planar infusions that take actions to activate are supernatural abilities unless they specifically allow for the use of a spell, in which case they are spell-like abilities. Your caster level for spell-like abilities granted by a planar infusion is equal to your Hit Dice (maximum CL 20th). All other planar infusions are extraordinary abilities.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you must select another plane for which you qualify. In cases where the specific effects of Planar Infusion are identical, the effects do not stack.

Planar Infusions


Basic The horrific fecundity of the Abyss and its entropic drive to expand and consume have bolstered your body and enhanced your capacities for cruelty. You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves, a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize a foe, and a +2 bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.

Improved You can call upon the Abyss to infect and transform the surrounding terrain, afflicting it with horrors and nightmares. You can use curse terrain as a spell-like ability once per day.

Greater You can flood a creature’s mind with horrific truths and the overwhelming chaos and evil from the Abyss. You can use insanity as a spell-like ability once per day.


Basic Your link to Abaddon enhances your skill in hunting prey while avoiding being hunted yourself. You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves, you can move at full speed while hiding your tracks, and you a gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks.

Improved Mirroring Abaddon’s hunger for and mastery over souls, you gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against possession effects and effects that tamper with your soul, such as soul trap or an astradaemon’s devour soul ability. Furthermore, you can consume a soul gem created by a cacodaemon as a standard action. Immediately thereafter, for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice, you are treated as an evil outsider and gain fast healing 2.

Greater The waters of the River Styx infuse you. You are immune to effects that cause amnesia or otherwise alter your memory, including the effect of the Styx itself. Your touch can affect the memories of others as well. Three times per day, you can use mindwipe as a spell-like ability.

Akashic Record

Basic Your memories have been infused with energies from the Akashic Record, but it’s difficult to keep them all at the forefront of your thoughts. Once per day (typically when you wake from sleep), select one Knowledge skill. You gain a +2 bonus on checks using that skill for the remainder of the day. If you have at least 10 ranks in that skill, you instead gain a +4 bonus on checks using that skill.

Improved You can use divination once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use retrocognition once per day as a spell-like ability.

Astral Plane

Basic You gain a +2 bonus on saves against curses, diseases, and poisons. You also gain a +4 bonus on Wisdom checks to maneuver in subjective directional gravity.

Improved You always succeed at Wisdom checks to maneuver in subjective directional gravity. Increase your maximum lifespan and the number of years you must age to reach each age category by 10%. You can act under the effects of haste as a free action for 1 round; you can activate this ability a number of times per day equal to your Hit Dice divided by 4 (minimum of 1 round per day). These rounds need not be consecutive.

Greater Select one of the following afflictions: curses, diseases, or poisons. You become immune to the effects of that affliction. Increase your maximum lifespan and the number of years you must age to reach each age category by an additional 10% (20% total when combined with the improved infusion above), and you do not retroactively age or hunger when departing a plane with the timeless planar trait. You gain a fly speed of 60 feet (perfect) on the Astral Plane.


Basic The rigidity and order of Axis bolsters you physically, enhances your ability to notice tiny imperfections, and inspires your ability to create. You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves, a +2 bonus on one Craft skill of your choice, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks to find secret doors or hidden traps.

Improved You are never far from the comforts and safety of urban life. You can use secure shelter once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can transform yourself into a whirling cloud of glowing glyphs and symbols as a standard action. While in this form, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability and can move through small cracks as per gaseous form (but you are not prohibited from entering water). You gain DR 10/chaos and regeneration 5/chaos and are immune to precision damage and critical hits while in glyph form. You can remain in this form for up to 1 minute per level each day, but these minutes need not be used consecutively.


Basic The knowledge that the Boneyard awaits us all bolsters your ability to resist the pull of death and to aid others in doing the same. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves, a +2 bonus on Heal checks to stabilize a dying creature, and a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize yourself when your hit points are reduced below 0.

Improved You can use death ward once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater Once per day, you can attempt to revoke the unnatural energies that empower an undead creature’s animation. This spell-like ability functions as destruction, save that it is not a death effect and can target only undead creatures. As a spell-like ability, it does not require an expensive focus to function.


Basic You remain alert as you sleep and have more control over effects that force you to slumber. Perception check DCs are not modified for you when you are asleep, and you gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against sleep effects.

Improved You can use air walk once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use dream travel once per day as a spell-like ability. When you do so, you roll twice to determine how accurate your arrival is at the end of the journey and take the better of the two results as your actual result.

Dead Vault

Basic The Dead Vault’s inexorable strengths suffuse you, making you difficult to move against your will and enhancing your ability to detain others. You gain a +4 bonus to CMD against combat maneuvers that attempt to force you to change position (such as bull rush or reposition), and a +4 bonus on grapple checks to maintain an existing grapple.

Improved You can use dimensional anchor as a spell-like ability once per day.

Greater You can use forcecage as a spell-like ability once per day, but only to create a windowless cell.

Dimension of Dreams/Dreamlands

Basic You gain a +4 bonus on Charisma checks to arrive in the Dimension of Dreams at an advantage, and you can attempt one additional impossible action beyond the normal limit during a visit to a Dreamscape.

Improved You can use dream as a spell-like ability once per day.

Greater You can use dream council as a spell-like ability once per day.

Dimension of Time

Basic Once per day, you can roll twice for initiative and take the higher roll as your actual result. When you gain the improved infusion, you can use this basic infusion twice per day. When you gain the greater infusion, you can use this ability three times per day.

Improved Once per day, you can touch an object that was once alive, such as wood, paper, or a dead body. That object is protected from time, as if you had used a dose of unguent of timelessness on the object. You can maintain this effect on a number of objects equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) at any one time. If you exceed this limit, the oldest existing effect immediately ceases.

Greater You are immune to temporal stasis. In addition, once per day, when a creature within 30 feet of you casts time stop, you are treated as if you were under the effects of time stop as well and are free to act for as long as the spell effect allows. This ability activates automatically, whether you notice the casting of the spell or not.


Basic Elysium has inspired your artistic sense and quickened your agility. You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves, a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity, and a +2 bonus on a single type of Perform check of your choice.

Improved You can use confusion once per day as a spell-like ability. Lawful or evil targets take a –1 penalty on saves against this effect, while lawful evil targets take a –2 penalty on saves.

Greater Elysium’s blessing bolsters your bravery and sense of self. Whenever you are under the effects of an ongoing fear effect, a possession effect, or an effect that grants mental control over you (such as dominate person), at the beginning of each of your turns, you can attempt a new saving throw against that effect as though you were initially exposed to it. On a success, the effect immediately ends. You can attempt a number of additional saves this way each day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 4/day).

Ethereal Plane

Basic Your senses are sharp and attuned to the Ghost World. You gain a +3 bonus on Perception checks on the Ethereal Plane, against creatures native to the Ethereal Plane, or against creatures on the Material Plane that are ethereal. When on the Ethereal Plane, you can see twice as far (clearly to 600 feet, and indistinctly to 1,800 feet).

Improved Your sense of sight on the Ethereal Plane improves greatly, and you can see clearly in the Ghost World. You can gain nourishment and water from ectoplasm as if it were a tasteless food, and once per day you can use ectoplasmic snare as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can step from reality into the In-Between to travel and explore. Once per day you can use ethereal jaunt as a spell-like ability.

First World

Basic Traveling in the constantly changing First World has taught you to be ever ready for situations to shift in unpredictable ways. You gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks, initiative checks, and Charisma checks to shape the First World.

Improved Once per day, you can summon a fey creature from the First World to serve you, as if using summon nature’s ally IV as a spell-like ability. When you use this ability, you can choose to summon 1 boggart, 1 calpina, 1 huldra (a summoned huldra’s manipulate luck ability’s duration lasts only as long as the summoned huldra persists), 1 satyr, 1d3 liminal sprites, 1d3 pookas, 1d4+1 atomies, 1d4+1 brownies, 1d4+1 fauns, 1d4+1 grigs, or 1d4+1 mockingfeys.

Greater You can use fey form III as a spell-like ability once per day.

Hao Jin Tapestry

Basic You become sensitive to the reality-warping presence of extradimensional spaces and magical portals. You can use Perception or Knowledge (planes) in place of Spellcraft to identify magic items, spells, and magical effects associated with such effects as if using detect magic.

Improved You can use dimension door once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use mage’s magnificent mansion once per day as a spell-like ability.

Harrowed Realm

Basic Once per day, you can draw a card from a Harrow deck to randomly choose one of the six ability scores. (Players who don’t have an actual Harrow deck can instead roll 1d6 to randomly determine an ability score.) At any point during the next 24 hours, you can gain a +2 bonus on a single d20 roll modified by that ability score. You can add this bonus after the die is rolled, but must do so before you learn the outcome of the roll.

Improved The bonus granted by your basic infusion is now +4, and you can apply the bonus on two different d20 rolls during the day.

Greater The bonus granted by your basic infusion is now +6, and you can apply the bonus on three different d20 rolls during the day. Alternatively, you can expend all three uses for the day to apply the bonus on a d20 roll after you’ve learned the outcome of the roll.


Basic Your acceptance of Heaven has fortified your physical endurance and bolsters your presence. You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves, a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks against good creatures, and a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures.

Improved You can call down Heaven’s divine fury as a standard action, channeling it through your own body and expelling it all around you. Once per day, you can release this divine energy in a 30-foot-radius burst centered on you. Each evil creature within the area takes 1d8 points of damage per character level you have (maximum 10d8) and is blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). On a successful Will save, an affected creature takes only half damage and negates the blindness.

Greater You can keep Heaven’s champions from being called home before their work is complete. Twice per day, you can use breath of life as a spell-like ability. If the target is lawful good, you can use this ability as a move action. If the target is evil, it becomes staggered for 10 minutes unless it vows to repent for its evil ways.


Basic Hell’s influence grants you a silvered tongue and bolsters your arrogance. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves, a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to lie to or fool someone, and a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to adjust a creature’s attitude.

Improved Whenever you deal fire damage, you can instead deal hellfire damage (hellfire damage is half fire damage and half damage from unholy energy; evil-aligned creatures and creatures with the evil subtype take no damage from the unholy energy, but goodaligned beings and those with the good subtype take double the normal damage from it. Creatures under the effects of spells such as protection from evil are unaffected by this unholy energy, though they are still subject to the fire damage.). Secondary fires lit by your initial fire attack deal normal fire damage (including burn damage, if such damage occurs).

Greater You can inflict the agonizing pain of eternal damnation on the masses for a brief instant. You can use mass inflict pain once per day as a spell-like ability.


Basic The power of Jandelay infuses your being, granting you resistance against entropy. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against effects that reduce your body to dust (such as destruction or disintegrate) and on saving throws against confusion effects and spells with the chaos descriptor.

Improved You can use order’s wrath once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use dictum once per day as a spell-like ability.


Basic You can infuse the menace of Leng into everything you do. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize foes, and you increase the save DC of supernatural fear effects you create by 1.

Improved You can use confusion once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use contact entity IV once per day as a spell-like ability but must still supply the required material component.


Basic The Maelstrom grants you the ability to react to unpredictable situations, while also helping you to be more unpredictable. You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks, a +1 bonus on Reflex saves, and a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint in combat.

Improved The whimsical entropy of the Maelstrom runs through your veins. Once per day, you can use confusion as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can invoke the pure chaos of the Maelstrom with a word. Once per day, you can use word of chaos as a spell-like ability.

Material Plane

Basic none

Improved none

Greater none

Negative Energy Plane

Basic You have been infused with unlife and are affected by positive and negative energy as if you were undead. Undead creatures who gain this ability instead gain a +2 bonus to their channel resistance.

Improved You can use enervation once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater Negative energy suffuses your being and can be unleashed in a devastating burst once per day as an immediate action when are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. This creates an explosion of negative energy in a 20-foot burst, centered on you, that deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage per Hit Die you have (maximum 20d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. Each affected creature can attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) to take half damage. This negative energy damage does not heal undead. When this effect is triggered, you regain a number of hit points equal to your total Hit Dice; this healing applies immediately, and if it brings your hit point total above a negative number equal to your Constitution (or above 0 if you are undead), then the healing prevents your death.


Basic Nirvana’s influence has enlightened your mind. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves, a +1 bonus on Perception checks, and a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed.

Improved You can focus on Nirvana’s serenity, allowing you to restore a creature’s sense of self with a touch. This functions as restoration, but it cannot cure ability damage or drain to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, nor can it eliminate fatigue or exhaustion. You can use this ability once per day. As a spell-like ability, it does not require a diamond dust component unless the target is nongood, in which case you must supply the 100 gp or 1,000 gp of diamond dust as if you had cast the spell normally.

Greater You gain truespeech and can speak with any creature that has a language, as though you were using the tongues spell. You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against language-dependent effects, and any language-dependent effect you create that allows a saving throw has its save DC increased by 1.

Plane of Air

Basic You gain a +2 bonus on Fly checks and a +2 bonus on saving throws against air or electricity effects.

Improved You can use air walk once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use wind walk once per day as a spell-like ability.

Plane of Earth

Basic You gain a +2 bonus on Climb checks and a +2 bonus on saving throws against earth and acid effects.

Improved You can use acid pit once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use statue once per day as a spell-like ability.

Plane of Fire

Basic You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks and a +2 bonus on saving throws against fire effects.

Improved You can use wall of fire once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use delayed blast fireball once per day as a spell-like ability.

Plane of Water

Basic You gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks and a +2 bonus on saving throws against water and cold effects.

Improved You can use control water once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater You can use vortex once per day as a spell-like ability.

Positive Energy Plane

Basic You’ve been infused with raw life force, and whenever you’re healed by a positive energy effect (including all cure spells), you regain an additional number of hit points equal to your total Hit Dice. You gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize while dying.

Improved Thanks to your deeper understanding of positive energy, you can call upon it to restore yourself or others. Once per day you can touch a creature to create one of the following effects as a spell-like ability: cure serious wounds, lesser restoration, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or remove paralysis. If you use the ability on yourself, this ability requires only a move action to activate.

Greater Once per day as a spell-like ability, you can use raise dead as a spell-like ability. If you use this ability on a creature that has been dead no longer than 1 minute per Hit Die you have, the creature restored to life does not incur any negative levels and does not lose its prepared spells or spell slots, nor does this ability require an expensive material component. If you use this ability on a creature that has been dead longer than 1 minute per Hit Die you have, you must supply the material component as usual, and the target is subject to the normal side effects for raise dead.

Shadow Plane

Basic You can see clearly in shadowy conditions to a short range. In every square in your space, and in all squares adjacent to your space, you treat conditions of dim light as normal light.

Improved You have the ability to use shadow conjuration once per day as a spell-like ability.

Greater The essence of shadow so infuses your being that you sometimes exist only partially when subjected to damage. As an immediate action when you would take damage from an attack, spell, or other effect, you can reflexively dissolve the portion of your body that would be injured into quasi-real shadowstuff to gain a 50% chance to ignore all the damage from the effect. You can successfully ignore damage in this way up to three times per day—if you activate this ability and it fails to prevent damage, it does not count against your limited daily uses of the ability.


Basic The dread horrors of Xibalba infuse your being, and there is little that can further unnerve you. Increase the save DC of fear effects you create by 1, and you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.

Improved You can use phantasmal killer as a spell-like ability once per day.

Greater You can use insanity as a spell-like ability once per day.