General | Combat Stamina
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Nightmare Weaver (Combat)

Source Ultimate Combat pg. 112
You can use your ability to create magical darkness to terrorize enemies.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Nightmare Fist, Intimidate 2 ranks, ability to cast darkness.

Benefit: By spending a full-round action to cast darkness, you can also make Intimidate checks to demoralize all foes in the spell’s initial area.

Special: This feat counts as Dazzling Display for purposes of qualifying for Deadly Stroke and Shatter Defenses.

Combat Trick (from the Combat Stamina feat)

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 127
When you cast darkness as a standard action, you can spend 5 stamina points to also attempt Intimidate checks to demoralize all foes in the spell’s initial area.