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Mud in Your Eye (Combat)

Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 29
You are used to fighting in muck and slime, and happily hurl it in your foes’ eyes in the heat of battle.

Prerequisites: Throw Anything.

Benefit: As a standard action when in urban or subterranean terrain, you can scoop filth, sewage, mud, or similar grime off a nearby surface and hurl it at a foe as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 5 feet. If the attack hits, you can immediately attempt a dirty trickAPG combat maneuver against the target as a free action; this dirty trick can be used only to blind the target. As a ranged touch attack, this action provokes attacks of opportunity, even if your dirty trick attempts normally wouldn’t provoke such attacks (such as via the Improved Dirty TrickAPG feat).

Special: A character with favored terrain (as the ranger class feature) can use this feat when in any of his favored terrains in addition to urban and subterranean.