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Monitor Obedience

Source Concordance of Rivals pg. 3
Your daily prayer and minor sacrifices to a particular monitor demigod grant you special boons.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, must worship a monitor demigod.

Benefit: Each monitor demigod requires a different obedience, but all obediences take only 1 hour to perform. Once you've performed the obedience, you gain the benefit of a special ability or resistance as indicated in the Obedience entry for the demigod.

If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your monitor demigod upon undertaking your obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the monitor demigod's second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the monitor demigod's third boon. Unless a boon lists a specific duration or number of uses per day, its effects are constant.

If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, you lose access to the benefits and boons granted by this feat until you next perform the obedience.