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Metamagic Invocation

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 24
You have further refined your combination of elemental power and spellcasting with metamagic techniques.

Prerequisites: Metakinesis class feature.

Benefit: Choose a metamagic feat from the following list: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Intuitive SpellOA, Logical SpellOA, Quicken Spell, Reach SpellAPG, or Tenacious SpellUI. When casting a spell via Kinetic Invocation, you can increase its burn cost to augment the spell with that metamagic feat.

The burn cost increase is equal to the spell level increase applied by the feat. Augmenting a spell increases its casting time as if it were cast spontaneously.

Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, select another metamagic feat; you can augment a spell with multiple feats by accepting additional points of burn equal to the total increased spell level.