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Mask of Virtue (Damnation)

Source Champions of Corruption pg. 17
Your alignment is known to you and you alone.

Benefit: Those who try to learn your true alignment find it hidden or receive a false result. Depending on the number of damnation feats you possess, spells or special abilities that would normally reveal your alignment return a vague or incorrect result. If this feat disguises your alignment, you can use either your true alignment or the false one when using magic items with alignment prerequisites.

One Damnation Feat: The spell or special ability returns an inconclusive result.

Two Damnation Feats: Upon gaining this power, choose an alignment within one step of your actual alignment. Your alignment is always revealed as being that false alignment.

Three Damnation Feats: Upon gaining this power, choose an alignment within two steps of your actual alignment. Your alignment is always revealed as being this false alignment.

Four Damnation Feats: You immediately know when someone is attempting to use a spell or special ability to learn your alignment. You learn the name and alignment of the creature using the effect. Additionally, you can choose any alignment as the result returned by the spell or ability.