General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

Greater Rending Fury (Combat)

Source Ultimate Combat pg. 103
When your claws latch on to an opponent, the effect is bloody and horrific.

Prerequisites: Improved Rending Fury, Rending Fury, base attack bonus +12, rend special attack.

Benefit: Whenever you rend an opponent, you deal 1d6 bleed damage to that opponent. This is an addition to the effects of the rend.

Combat Trick (from the Combat Stamina feat)

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 121
When you rend an opponent, you can spend 2 stamina points to deal 1d6+2 points of bleed damage to your opponent instead of 1d6 points of bleed damage.