General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

False Opening (Combat)

Source Ultimate Combat pg. 100
When you make a ranged attack while threatened, you can fool your opponent into thinking he has an opening.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge, Close Quarters Thrower or Point-Blank Master, Weapon Focus with selected ranged weapon.

Benefit: Choose a ranged weapon or a thrown weapon. When you make a ranged attack using that weapon, you can choose to provoke an attack of opportunity from one or more opponents who threaten you. You gain a +4 dodge bonus against such attacks. An opponent that makes such an attack and misses you loses his Dexterity bonus to AC against you until the end of your turn.

Combat Trick (from the Combat Stamina feat)

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 119
When you use this feat, you can spend 5 stamina points to make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who misses you with the provoked attack (after it loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against you).