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Eldritch Aid

Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 26
You have been trained to expend your own spell energy to boost the effects of an ally’s spell.

Prerequisites: Caster level 1st.

Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend a 1st-level or higher prepared spell or spell slot to grant additional magic energy to an allied spellcaster within close range (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels). If that ally casts an instantaneous spell of an equal or lower level before the beginning of your next turn, all level-dependent calculations and caster level checks the spell requires are made as if the ally’s caster level were 2 higher. If the prepared spell or spell slot you expended is at least twice the level of the spell your ally casts, your ally’s caster level is treated as 4 higher instead. If your ally is able to cast more than one spell before the beginning of your next turn, only the first spell cast gains this bonus.

Special: An arcanist can select this feat as an exploit. A wizard can select this feat as a bonus feat.