General | Combat Stamina
Achievement | Alignment | Armor Mastery | Armor Style | Betrayal | Blood Hex | Called Shot | Combat | Combination | Conduit | Coven | Critical | Damnation | Esoteric | Faction | Familiar | Gathlain Court Title | Grit | Hero Point | Item Creation | Item Mastery | Meditation | Metamagic | Monster | Origin | Panache | Performance | Shield Mastery | Shield Style | Stare | Story | Style | Targeting | Teamwork | Trick | Weapon Mastery | Words of Power

Deflect Arrows (Combat)

Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 121
You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting you.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn't count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects can't be deflected.

Combat Trick (from the Combat Stamina feat)

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 117
You can spend 5 stamina points to deflect an arrow while you’re flat-footed. You must still be aware of the attack.

Mythic Deflect Arrows

Source Mythic Adventures pg. 63
You deflect projectiles and ray spells with uncanny skill.

Prerequisites: Deflect Arrows.

Benefit: When using Deflect Arrows, you can def lect an additional number of ranged attacks per round equal to half your tier. You can expend one use of mythic power as an immediate action to def lect a single ray from a ray spell or effect targeting you.