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Callous Casting (Betrayal, Teamwork)

Source Champions of Corruption pg. 20
You don’t care if your allies are harmed by your spells. The smart ones know this and start running.

Prerequisites: Spellcraft 1 rank.

Benefit: You initiate this feat by including an abetting ally in the area of any spell that deals damage of a type to which the abettor is not immune. The callousness of the attack disheartens foes in the area, who must succeed at a Will save against the spell’s DC or be shaken for 1 round per spell level. After you resolve the spell’s effects, the abettor can move up to her speed as an immediate action. Any movement undertaken using this action is then subtracted from her speed until the end of her next turn. This movement can still provoke attacks of opportunity as normal. Once a foe has attempted a Will save against this feat, he is immune to this effect from that initiator for 24 hours thereafter.