Source Distant Shores pg. 53 School divination; Level 8 Casting Time 9 hours Components V, S, F (each caster must wear a ceremonial costume worth 500 gp), SC (up to 12) Skill Checks Knowledge (religion) DC 29, 3 successes; Perform (dance) DC 29, 3 successes; Perform (percussion) DC 29, 3 successes Range primary and secondary casters Duration 2 hours Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR no Backlash All casters become exhausted and gain 1 temporary negative level (DC = 16 + the primary caster’s Charisma bonus to remove after the first day). Failure All casters gain 1 temporary negative level (DC = 16 + the primary caster’s Charisma bonus to remove after the first day), and the primary caster takes 4d6 points of damage.EffectAt the completion of the festival, the primary and secondary casters are charged with magical energy. For the next 2 hours, any creature they touch gains a resistance bonus on their next 5 saving throws equal to 1 for every 5 Hit Dice the primary caster possesses. It’s considered auspicious if it rains during the festival, even more so if thunder and lightning crack through the sky. If the ritual is performed in these conditions, the benefit is doubled, instead granting the bonus on saving throws for the next 10 saves.
Since the casters must touch a celebrant to bestow the boon, the 2-hour period after the ritual turns into a huge parade as the casters wind through the city to greet the populace. Segadans gather along the streets to reach out and touch one of the casters as they pass.