Roiling OilThis viscous heap slides like an inky spill. It’s the color of a starless
night sky, and a thick odor permeates the air around it.Roiling Oil CR 6Source Bestiary 5 pg. 210 XP 2,400 N Large ooze Init -5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception –5DefenseAC 4, touch 4, flat-footed 4 (–5 Dex, –1 size) hp 103 (9d8+63) Fort +10, Ref -2, Will -2 DR 10/slashing; Immune electricity, fire, ooze traitsOffenseSpeed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. Melee slam +15 (3d6+15 plus nauseating film) Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks nauseating film, rolling infernoStatisticsStr 30, Dex 1, Con 24, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 Base Atk +6; CMB +17; CMD 22 (can’t be tripped) Skills Climb +18EcologyEnvironment any underground Organization solitary Treasure noneSpecial AbilitiesNauseating Film (Su) When a roiling oil makes a successful
slam attack, it coats a portion of its target in a clinging,
reeking film. Creatures affected must succeed at a DC 19
Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. On a
successful save, they are instead nauseated for 1 round.
This is a poison effect. Another creature can take a fullround
action to scrape off some of the film and reduce the
remaining duration of the nauseated condition by 1 round.
Rolling Inferno (Su) Roiling oil is both volatile and
flammable. Although the ooze is immune to fire and
electricity damage, any exposure to either energy
type, mundane or magical, causes it to ignite in an
explosion that deals 5d6 points of fire damage to
all creatures and objects in a 20-foot radius
(Reflex DC 21 half). When lit, a roiling oil
loses its nauseating film ability but
its slam attack deals an extra
2d6 points of fire damage on a
successful hit and the ooze gains
the burn special attack (Reflex DC
21 negates). Both DCs are Constitution-based.
While ablaze, the roiling oil gives
off smoke that creates concealment in
the roiling oil’s space and 5 feet beyond. This
smoke functions like a fog cloud in the range indicated.
Water does not extinguish the flames, but any cold
damage or a gust of wind or similar effect smothers the
flames. Otherwise, a roiling oil burns for 1 minute before
returning to its original state. While the ooze is ablaze, any
additional fire or electricity damage extends the duration
but doesn’t cause additional explosions.DescriptionA magical compound of pitch and alchemist’s fire, roiling
oil is a volatile and dangerous ooze. It hunts in subterranean
tunnels and even city sewer systems and waterways for
animal and vegetable material to consume. Thick, viscous,
and resembling a glistening spread of black wax, roiling oil
moves slowly across flat surfaces and up walls to find prey
it can batter with its greasy pseudopods. When a patch of
roiling oil attacks, the process of stretching and shifting
its form to strike exposes portions of its interior mass to
oxygen. This interaction creates a pungent odor of oil and
rancid fat. A roiling oil’s strikes slather its targets in an
equally malodorous film capable of overwhelming victims
with nausea. A roiling oil prefers to fully coat its prey in
this substance before it kills and devours them. Even more
dangerous, however, is the fact that creatures attempting to
burn away a roiling oil only make it more lethal. Even the
smallest spark or flame can turn this voracious ooze into
a moving inferno against which only cold or strong wind
act as any protection. The ooze itself feels no pain from the
flames and isn’t impeded by them, but such attempts can
result in burns to everyone and everything else in the area.