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Mount Traits

Black as Night [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Pony—Fell Pony
While astride a fell pony, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against enemies you are flanking.

Burst of Speed [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Horse—Dort Charger
Three times per day, while riding a Dort charger and making a charge attack, you can increase your mount’s speed by 15 feet as a free action.

Clever Mount [Link]

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 23
Requirement(s) Any animal can be a clever mount.
This mount can learn four tricks per point of Intelligence, instead of the typical three. Commanding the mount with the Handle an Animal use of the Handle Animal skill requires a successful DC 15 skill check instead of the usual DC 10, however, as it is willful and easily bored.

Cunning Breed [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Horse—Taldor Jennet
A Taldor jennet can learn a total of eight tricks when trained using the Handle Animal skill (as opposed to the standard six for having an Intelligence score of 2).

Fleet of Foot [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Horse—Chiardmar
While riding a chiardmar, you treat your mount’s base speed as +10 feet faster for the purpose of using the run or withdraw actions.

Keleshite Trade Camel [Link]

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 23
Requirement(s) Camel
Once per hour, a Keleshite trade camel can regurgitate the contents of its stomach, spitting the foul material at a single target within 10 feet as a ranged touch attack. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the camel’s Hit Dice + the camel’s Constitution modifier) or be nauseated for 1 round.

Lucky Hound [Link]

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 23
Requirement(s) Riding dog
Lucky hounds gain a +1 luck bonus on saves against spells or effects with the evil descriptor or which originate from evil outsiders or undead.

Mindspin Mountain Goat [Link]

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 23
Requirement(s) Ram
Mindspin mountain goats gain a +2 trait bonus on Climb checks, and Climb is a class skill for them.

Relentless Fortitude [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Camel—Qadiran Dromedary
Qadiran dromedaries heal nonlethal damage at a rate of 2 hit points per hour per Hit Die. This trait does not stack with other effects that increase a creature’s rate of healing nonlethal damage.

Stalwart Elk [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Elk—Chernasardo Riding Elk
While riding a Chernasardo riding elk, you gain a +4 trait bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and wild empathy checks to resist another creature’s unnatural aura.

Warthog [Link]

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 23
Requirement(s) Boar
Warthogs are quicker than they look, with a base speed of 45 feet instead of the boar’s 40 feet.

Water-Trained [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Horse—Lastwall Jasper
Lastwall jaspers gain a +2 trait bonus on Swim checks, and Swim is a class skill for them.

Weather-Beaten [Link]

Source Knights of the Inner Sea pg. 33
Requirement(s) Riding Dog—Erutaki Husky
Erutaki huskies gain a +4 trait bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments, and only take a –2 penalty on Perception checks made in inclement weather such as rain or snow (instead of the usual –4 penalty).