Aligned Sneak Attack (Su) (Distant Realms pg. 13): When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction that can be overcome by weapons of a particular alignment (such as DR 5/good), the rogue’s attack reduces that damage reduction by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack dice rolled until the end of the rogue’s turn.
Blood Reader (Ex) (Advanced Class Origins pg. 21): While able to see a studied target, a slayer with this talent knows exactly how many hit points his opponent has remaining. This only works against living targets.
Castling (Ex) (Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 9): The slayer treats soft cover granted by creatures of her size or larger as though it were cover instead. Cover the slayer gains from this talent does not allow her to attempt Stealth checks.
Catfolk Rogue Talent (Dirty Tactics Toolbox pg. 22): A catfolk slayer can select one of the following catfolk rogue talents (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 92) in place of a slayer talent: deadly scratch, graceful faller, nimble climber, or vicious claws. Any talent effects based on rogue level use the slayer’s class level. The slayer must fulfill any prerequisites.
Deadly Range (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 53): A slayer with this talent increases the range at which he can deal sneak attack damage by 10 feet. A slayer can select this talent more than once; its effects stack. A slayer must be at least 4th level before selecting this talent.
Eternal Opposition (Ex) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. While most imperial dragons, undead, and other long-enduring foes can count on outlasting their mortal adversaries, the samsaran slayer has pledged to oppose their machinations across all his lifetimes. When his studied target is of the dragon, fey, outsider, or undead type, the slayer gains a +2 insight bonus to his AC against its attacks and on saving throws against its abilities.
Experience Across Ages (Ex) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. Once per day, a samsaran slayer can draw upon insights from his previous lifetimes to help identify a foe or recall a key piece of information. As a swift action, the slayer can attempt a Knowledge check as if he had a number of ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill equal to his slayer level. A slayer can use this talent one additional time per day for every 5 slayer levels he has.
Extra Earthcraft (Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 9): The slayer gains 2 additional earthcraft points each day. The slayer must have the earthcraft ability to select this talent.
Focused Poison (Ex) (Potions and Poisons pg. 13): The slayer can focus his poison delivery to be especially deadly to his studied target. When the slayer studies a target, he can immediately reduce the number of additional studied targets he can maintain. Reducing this number does not require an action. For each target reduced in this way, the DC of poisons used against his studied target increases by 1. The slayer must be at least 6th level and have the poison use talent to select this talent.
Foil Scrutiny (Advanced Class Guide pg. 53): A slayer with this talent is able to obscure his thoughts and intentions. He gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise checks, as well as on Will saving throws to resist mind-reading spells and effects (such as detect thoughts and discern lies).
Fortified Position (Ex) (Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 9): Whenever the slayer gains a bonus on Reflex saves due to cover, she gains an equal bonus on Fortitude saves.
Inured to Terror (Ex) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. With their knowledge of the cyclical nature of existence, there are few experiences that can daunt samsaran slayers for long. As an immediate action when a slayer fails a saving throw against a fear effect, he can attempt the saving throw a second time to reduce the severity of the effect from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to unaffected. Additionally, the DC of Intimidate checks to demoralize him increases by 2.
Jaguar's Grace (Ex) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 4): A slayer with this talent does not take the normal –4 penalty when dealing nonlethal damage using a weapon that normally deals lethal damage. Attacks made this way can apply nonlethal sneak attack damage. The slayer must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Jaguar's Pounce (Ex) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 4): When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver as an immediate action as if the target were flat-footed (losing its Dexterity bonus to CMD). This combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The slayer must have the jaguar’s grace talent to select this talent.
Jaguar's Protection (Ex) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 4): When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he draws the target’s attention away from his allies. The affected enemy takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made against anyone other than the slayer for 1 minute. The slayer must have the jaguar’s pounce talent to select this talent.
Mountainside Ambush (Ex) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. Fighting in the mountains of Zi Ha has trained samsaran slayers to strike the unwary with deadly attacks from above. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a creature that is unaware of his presence while he is standing on higher ground than his target, he does not have to roll sneak attack damage; instead, the sneak attack deals maximum damage. The samsaran must be standing on solid ground to use this ability.
Mystic Veil (Sp) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. Samsaran slayers are adept at obscuring the passes of their mountain homes from intruders. The slayer can cast silent image as a spell-like ability once per day for every 2 slayer levels he has, using his slayer level as his caster level. The slayer uses his Intelligence modifier on concentration checks when using this ability, and the DC to disbelieve the illusion is equal to 11 + the slayer’s Intelligence modifier. The slayer must have an Intelligence score of at least 11 to select this talent.
One of Those Faces (Sp) (Spymaster's Handbook pg. 21): Investigators and slayers can also select this talent if they have the Brute, Failed Apprentice, Militia Veteran, Rapscallion, River Rat, Vagabond Child, or Well-Informed trait from Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, or Narrows Survivor or Wealthy Dabbler trait from Pathfinder Player Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory.
Each day, you can use disguise self as a spell-like ability for up to 10 minutes per character level. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. Additionally, once you have used this ability, whenever you use it for the next 24 hours you must take the same alternate appearance.
Poison Use (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 53): The slayer is trained in the use of poison, and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to a weapon.
Ranger Combat Style (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 53): The slayer selects a ranger combat style (such as archery or two-weapon combat) and gains a combat feat from the first feat list of that style. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites. At 6th level, he may select this talent again and add the 6th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the list. At 10th level, he may select this talent again and add the 10th-level ranger combat feats from his chosen style to the list.
Recall Training (Ex) (Martial Arts Handbook pg. 18): Samsaran only. By calling on the memories of previous incarnations, a samsaran slayer can use martial techniques that transcend his usual capabilities. Once per day, the slayer can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat he doesn’t have. This effect lasts for 1 minute per slayer level he has. The slayer must meet all the feat’s prerequisites.
Redirect Poison (Ex) (Potions and Poisons pg. 13): The slayer can divert poisoned attacks against him. When a creature unsuccessfully attacks the slayer with a poisoned weapon or a natural weapon that would poison him, the slayer can attempt to redirect the attack to a creature within his reach (including, possibly, the creature that unsuccessfully attacked the slayer). As an immediate action, the slayer can make an attack roll against the creature to which he would redirect the poison. On a success, the poison is redirected to the target, and the target must attempt a saving throw against the poison as normal. This attack only redirects the poison and does not otherwise damage the targeted creature. This ability cannot affect a creature that attacked the slayer with a poisoned natural weapon, but it can affect a creature that attacked him with a poisoned manufactured weapon.
Rogue Talent (Advanced Class Guide pg. 53): A slayer can select one of the following rogue talents in place of a slayer talent: bleeding attack*, camouflageAPG, combat trick, demand attentionCAC, fast stealth, finesse rogue, firearm trainingUC, gritUC, hard to foolAPG, lasting poisonAPG, powerful sneakAPG, rogue crawl, slow reactions*, snap shotAPG, sniper’s eyeAPG, surprise attack, swift poisonAPG, terrain masteryUC, trap spotter, unwitting allyUC, weapon training, or any rogue talents from Blood of Shadows. Any talent effects based on rogue level use the slayer’s class level. If the rogue talent has a prerequisite, the slayer must meet the prerequisite before taking that rogue talent. This talent can be selected multiple times; each time, it grants the slayer a new rogue talent.
Scrying Familiarity (Ex) (Spymaster's Handbook pg. 23): You are well acquainted with scrying sensors. You can roll twice and take the better result on saving throws against divination (scrying) spells and effects, on Perception checks to notice scrying sensors, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance when you use a scrying spell or effect. If you notice a magical sensor, you can attempt a Stealth check opposed by the caster’s caster level check to avoid being detected by the sensor.
Sticks and Stones (Ex) (Ultimate Wilderness pg. 86): The slayer gains Catch Off-Guard as a bonus feat.
Studied Ally (Ex) (Advanced Class Origins pg. 21): The slayer can study an ally or friendly creature he can see as a move action. The slayer gains a +1 bonus on checks and attack rolls to use the aid another action to help with that ally’s skill checks, attacks, or AC. This bonus increases at the same rate as a slayer’s studied target bonus. At 7th level, a slayer can study an ally as a move or swift action. A slayer’s studied ally counts against the number of studied targets he can have active at once.
Sunlight Strike (Ex) (Ultimate Wilderness pg. 86): The slayer can reflect sunlight (or other sources of bright light) into the eyes of an adjacent target as a swift action, causing it to gain the dazzled condition for 1 round.
Sure Footing (Ex) (Ultimate Wilderness pg. 86): The slayer gains a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to move on narrow surfaces and loose or uneven ground.
Toxin Training (Ex) (Ultimate Wilderness pg. 86): The slayer builds resistance to certain poisons over time. Each time he chooses this talent, he chooses one ability score. He gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons that deal damage to the chosen ability score. The slayer can choose this talent multiple times. Each time he does, he chooses a new ability score and gains the bonus on saves against poisons that target that ability. The slayer must be at least 4th level and have the poison use talent to select this talent.
Trapfinding (Advanced Class Guide pg. 54): The slayer gains Disable Device as a class skill. The slayer also gains the trapfinding and trap sense rogue abilities, using his slayer level as his effective rogue level.
Unbalancing Trick (Ex) (Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 9): The slayer gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. At 6th level, she is treated as if she meets all the prerequisites of Greater Trip (although she must take the feat as normal to gain its benefits).