Pull-cord grenadeSource Black Markets pg. 21 Price 150 gp; Weight 2 lbs. Category Adventuring GearDescriptionThis clay container resembles a fuse grenadeUE, but trails a pulley and wire rather than a fuse. Pulling the cord (a move action) sparks a flint and steel within the device, causing the grenade to explode. The pull cord can be attached to a door or drawer within 5 feet, or strung across a 5-foot square, causing the grenade to detonate when its tripwire is disturbed. A pull-cord grenade cannot be reused.
This can be crafted with a DC 25 Craft (traps) check. Pull-Cord Grenade Type mechanical; Perception DC 15; Disable Device DC 15 Effects Trigger touch; Reset none Effect explosion (2d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 fire damage); Reflex DC 15 half; multiple targets (all targets within 10 feet)