Balloon trapSource Dragonslayer's Handbook pg. 26 Price 150 gp; Weight 4 lbs. Category Adventuring GearDescriptionThis trap consists of a buoyant balloon tied to an anchor by a very
thin strand of metal. The strand acts as a vertical tripwire that
triggers the trap, targeting any flying creature that contacts it.
The trap’s creator may set any number of mechanical or magical
effects to be triggered when the trap is activated. Balloon traps
are especially useful against creatures with large wingspans, or
when the balloon is concealed, as in a tree canopy or smoke
cover. Below is a sample balloon trap.
Sirocco Balloon Trap - CR 14
Type magic; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect spell effect (siroccoAPG, 4d6+11 fire damage [DC 19 Fort
for half] plus fatigued, knocked prone [DC 19 Fort avoids],
flying creatures grounded [DC 15 Fly avoids]); multiple
targets (all creatures in a 20-ft.-radius, 60-ft.-high cylinder
centered on the balloon trap tripwire)