Tengu Drinking JugSource Advanced Race Guide pg. 167 Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DescriptionThis looks like a one-gallon stoneware jug with white glaze, black birds painted around the middle, and a cork stopper tied about the neck with a hemp cord. Any liquid placed within the jug becomes safe to drink, as though affected by purify food and drink (though the jug only affects liquids). Three times per day, the bearer can command the jug to alter the temperature of its contents so that it ranges anywhere from ice cold to boiling hot. Once per day, the bearer can command water placed into the jug to transform into plum liquor, sake, or tea. A tengu jug holds up to 1 gallon of any liquid.ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, prestidigitation, purify food and drink; Cost 500 gp