Shield of Countless CausesSource Faiths and Philosophies pg. 31 Aura faint enchantment; CL 5th Slot shield; Price 11,157 gp; Weight 10 lbs.DescriptionDozens of pages of scripture cover the face of this +2 heavy wooden shield, each detailing in word or illustration the tenets of a knightly order. While worn or carried, the shield acts like a phylactery of faithfulness, except that it only functions for actions that would violate the edicts of the wearer’s cavalier order. A newly created shield of countless causes has 5 charges. By expending 1 charge and studying the shield’s texts for 10 minutes, the wielder can regain the use of his order abilities as if 24 hours had passed. By expending 3 charges and studying the shield’s texts for 8 hours, the wielder can change his order. When the last charge is used, the shield remains a +2 heavy wooden shield.ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, atonement; Cost 5,657 gp