Racing Broom of FlyingSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 317 Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th Slot none; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.DescriptionA racing broom of flying functions like a broom of flying,
except for 9 minutes per day it can fly faster than its
standard counterpart. Activating this increased speed is a
swift action. The broom’s increased fly speed is 60 feet with
a load up to 200 pounds, or at a speed of 40 feet carrying
up to 400 pounds. Each minute at this faster speed uses
1 hour of the broom’s daily flight time. As a swift action,
the rider may expend 5 hours of flight time to increase the
broom’s speed to 120 feet with a load up to 200 pounds, or
at a speed of 80 feet carrying up to 400 pounds. This speed
boost lasts for 1 round, but when it ends there is a 50%
chance that the broom gains the broken condition and is
powerless until repaired.
ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste, overland flight, permanency; Cost 15,000 gp