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Hyena Shawl

Source Monster Codex pg. 93
Aura moderate abjuration and necromancy; CL 8th
Slot head; Price 11,000 gp; Weight


When wrapped around the neck and jaw, this swath of black cloth lets its wearer see normally in a sandstorm (her vision isn’t reduced, nor does she take the –4 penalty on Perception checks) and avoid taking nonlethal damage from the storm.

Once per day on command, the shawl’s wearer can emit a strange cackling. Enemies within 30 feet of the shawl’s wearer who can hear the cackling must succeed at a DC 16 Will saving throw or become frightened for 1 round. Those who succeed at the saving throw are shaken for 1d4 rounds instead. Both of the cackle’s effects are sonic mind-affecting fear effects.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fear; Cost 5,500 gp