Horseshoes of Crushing BlowsSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 231, Advanced Race Guide pg. 125 Aura faint evocation; CL 5th Slot feet; Price 4,000 gp ( +1), 16,000 gp ( +2), 36,000 gp ( +3), 64,000 gp ( +4), 100,000 gp ( +5); Weight 4 lbs.DescriptionHorseshoes of crushing blows grant an enhancement bonus
on attack and damage rolls made with hoof attacks; this bonus
varies based on the item’s price. Alternatively, as described
for the amulet of mighty fists, they can grant hooves melee
weapon special abilities so long as they can be applied to
unarmed attacks. Horseshoes of crushing blows cannot have a
modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus
equivalents) higher than +5. Horseshoes of crushing blows are
crafted as sets of four, with each shoe in the set bearing the
same enhancements. All four shoes must be worn by the same
animal to be effective.
Horseshoes of crushing blows may be crafted out of special
materials, gaining the usual benefits. For purposes of pricing,
they count as a single one-handed weapon weighing 4
pounds (for example, adamantine horseshoes of crushing
blows would cost an additional 3,000 gp). The materials
needed to make cold iron horseshoes of crushing blows add
no extra costs in and of themselves, but enhancing cold iron
horseshoes of crushing blows increases the price by the usual
2,000 gp.ConstructionRequirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, creator's caster level must be at least three times the horseshoes' bonus, plus any requirements of the melee weapon special abilities; Cost 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5)