Crystal of Healing HandsSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 257, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 303 Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.DescriptionA cloth cord marked with esoteric
religious symbols typically holds this
roughly cut, glittering prism in place.
A person with the lay on hands class
feature can direct one use of this
energy into the crystal, which stores
it until the wearer speaks a command
word to release it. Releasing the energy targets the wearer
with the stored lay on hands effect, as if touched by the
person who infused the crystal with its power. The crystal
can contain a single use of the lay on hands class feature.
When filled with this magic, it begins to glow with a pearly
white light. The wearer of the crystal can order it to release
its energy as a standard action. This acts identically to
receiving the effect of lay on hands directly from the person
who channeled it into the crystal, including any mercies
they had at the time.
ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, creator must be a
paladin; Cost 6,000 gp