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Cornucopia of Plenty

Source Mythic Adventures pg. 150
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This large container, crafted from an animal horn or woven of wicker, overflows with fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Up to three times per day, it can be inverted to pour forth delicious food equal to a casting of create food and water for up to six people. Though the cornucopia produces no water, the succulent fruits slake normal thirst.

If the user expends one use of mythic power when inverting the horn, it instead produces a heroes’ feast that also refreshes the partakers as though they had rested for a full 8 hours sleep. Creatures with the recuperation ability (see page 12) who dine on this feast recover as though they had rested for the hour required by the recuperation ability, with no need to expend additional uses of mythic power. Eating more than one such feast within a single day provides no additional benefit.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, create food and water, heroes’ feast; Cost 17,500 gp