Amulet of MagecraftSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 255, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 300 Aura moderate universal; CL 9th Slot neck; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DescriptionA universalist wizard who selects the amulet as his
bonded object may choose one school of spells each day
when he prepares spells. He then can use the necklace to
spontaneously convert any prepared wizard spell of that
school into any other wizard spell of that school he knows—
though the desired spell must be of the same level or lower
than the prepared spell. For example, if the wizard chooses
evocation when he prepares his spells that morning, until
the next time he prepares spells, he can spontaneously
convert a prepared fireball into any other evocation wizard
spell of 3rd level or lower that he knows.
ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, permanency, creator must be a universalist; Cost 10,000 gp