Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 172 Associated Terrain any Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20EffectsTrigger location; Reset none Effect Effect This trap hides a jury-rigged container of absorbent debris that has been soaked in the musk of prey animals. When a creature enters a square trapped with a musk shower, the trap makes a +10 melee touch attack against the creature. On a hit, the musk shower deals no damage but douses the target in its strong scent. Creatures with scent double the range at which they can smell a doused creature for 1 week or until the musk is washed off with alcohol or another solvent. Creatures tracking the doused creature by smell gain a +10 bonus on Perception and Survival checks to track that target.
See Wilderness Traps for information on this traps Associated Terrain.