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Mythic Occult Classes

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 28
Because they specialize in things that are, generally speaking, outside the realm of common knowledge, practitioners of the occult who find a way to tap into mythic power often find that the occult path is more difficult to grasp than more conventional approaches.

Occult characters can take mythic options like any other character, but they may find that many of the available options are not well suited to their particular abilities, especially since their magic is neither arcane nor divine. When a psychic spellcaster becomes mythic, she can treat her psychic spells as either arcane or divine for the purposes of any mythic abilities she gains. This does not change the actual nature of her spellcasting, but it allows her to make use of certain mythic abilities she would otherwise be unable to use. Once this choice between arcane and divine is made, it cannot be changed.

Kineticists: In much the same way that kineticists can channel elemental energy, a tiny number of them are eventually able to master the ability to channel the strange energy that empowers mythic creatures. Some believe that any kineticist can unlock this ability with enough dedicated work and skill, while others believe it is a trait one must be born with. In either case, mythic kineticists tend to gravitate toward either the path of the champion (generally known as the path of the channeler) or the guardian (sometimes referred to as the path of infinite stillness).

Mediums: In a way, every medium gets a small taste of mythic power through the spirits they channel, each of which is tied closely to one of the six mythic paths. In rare cases, the spirits become taken with a particular medium and bestow upon him a greater portion of their power. When a medium first gains mythic power, he can do so normally, or he can tie his mythic power to the spirits he channels. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. If he ties his mythic power to his spirits, then whenever he performs a seance, his mythic path changes to match the spirit he is channeling that day. This does not allow the medium to change which path abilities he has chosen for a given path. Instead, whenever he gains a new mythic path ability, he must select an ability for each mythic path, and he gains access to those abilities only when channeling the spirit associated with that path. Mediums who select this option cannot gain the Dual Path feat, and they cannot select universal path abilities. Mediums who do not take this option tend to prefer the trickster path (sometimes referred to by mediums as the many-faced path).

Mesmerists: Mythic mesmerists acquire their powers because their inherent mythic potential already gives them knack for manipulating others. Many mythic mesmerists are believed to be godlings descended from the likes of Asmodeus or Norgorber, although such claims are best taken with a grain of salt. Mesmerists frequently take the path of the trickster (and unlike with many mythic occult practitioners, there is no special name for mesmerists who do).

Occultists: Occultists, with their innate connection to the power of objects, are most often imbued with mythic power by handling powerful items that have potent connections to mythic people, places, and events. Mythic occultists often find themselves drawn to the path of the trickster (sometimes called the path of the dilettante when referring to mythic occultists), although those who focus more on their spellcasting abilities instead turn to the path of the archmage, and such individuals are often referred to as thaumaturges.

Psychics: Most psychics draw their powers from their disciplines, and mythic psychics are no exception. For most mythic psychics, their discipline provides the source of both their psychic and mythic powers: a mythic psychic with the abomination discipline might be tainted by a dark force of mythic proportion, while one with the faith discipline may have been imbued with divine power. Mythic psychics are often drawn toward the archmage path (generally referred to as the path of the third eye by mythic psychics) or the hierophant path (typically referred to as the path of enlightenment).

Spiritualists: Mythic spiritualists almost always travel in the company of the phantoms of legendary heroes and villains, although it is unclear whether it is the phantom that gives the spiritualist mythic power or the spiritualist's mythic nature that attracts such a potent phantom. Most spiritualists are drawn to the hierophant path, and spiritualists who take this path are often referred to as shepherds of the underworld. A spiritualist treats any references to an eidolon within a mythic ability (such as the mythic companion guardian path ability) as though it also referred to phantoms.