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Occult Rules / Running an Occult Game / Occult Elements

Esoteric Atmosphere

Source Occult Adventures pg. 220
Setting the scene is important in occult adventures, which rely upon creating an eerie atmosphere of tension, dread, and wonder in the presence of the supernatural. GMs can use props and tools to create a physical atmosphere around their players that draws them in to the emotional realm of the adventure. A room illuminated by flickering candles suggests darkened seance chambers or occult rituals, and a prepared library of sounds and voices brings settings and characters to life. If the characters are occult initiates or psychics, or they consult a fortune-teller or a medium, consider using cards, crystals, talismans, talking boards, and other such items as props in those scenes (as described in the Handouts and Props section of the GameMastery Guide). Challenge yourself to give the players goose bumps a few times over the course of your campaign.