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Magic / Arcane Spells / Arcane Magical Writing

Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook

Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 219
Once a wizard understands a new spell, he can record it into his spellbook.

Time: The process takes 1 hour per spell level. Cantrips (0 levels spells) take 30 minutes to record.

Space in the Spellbook: A spell takes up one page of the spellbook per spell level. Even a 0-level spell (cantrip) takes one page. A spellbook has 100 pages.

Materials and Costs: The cost for writing a new spell into a spellbook depends on the level of the spell, as noted on the following table. Note that a wizard does not have to pay these costs in time or gold for spells he gains for free at each new level.
Spell LevelWriting Cost
05 gp
110 gp
240 gp
390 gp
4160 gp
5250 gp
6360 gp
7490 gp
8640 gp
9810 gp