
Alchemist | Antipaladin | Arcanist | Barbarian | Bard | Bloodrager | Brawler | Cavalier | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Gunslinger | Hunter | Inquisitor | Investigator | Magus | Monk | Ninja | Oracle | Paladin | Ranger | Rogue | Samurai | Shaman | Skald | Slayer | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Warpriest | Witch | Wizard

Adept | Aristocrat | Commoner | Expert | Warrior

Pious Guard

Pious Guard CR 9

Source NPC Codex pg. 117
XP 6,400
Human paladin of Iomedae 10
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init –1; Senses Perception +10
Aura courage (10 ft.), resolve (10 ft.)


AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+11 armor, +1 deflection, –1 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 84 (10d10+25)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +9
Immune charm, disease, fear, poison


Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 ranseur +17/+12 (2d4+8/×3) or mwk longsword +16/+11 (1d8+7/19–20)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with ranseur)
Special Attacks channel positive energy (DC 17, 5d6), smite evil 4/day (+2 attack and AC, +10 damage)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +12)
At will—detect evil
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +9)
2nd—bull’s strength, delay poison
1st—bless, lesser restoration, protection from evil


Before Combat The paladin casts bull’s strength and delay poison.
During Combat The paladin disarms foes to capture and question them. The exceptions are mindless creatures, evil outsiders, and undead, all of which he destroys on the spot.
Base Statistics Without bull’s strength, the paladin’s statistics are Immune charm, disease, fear; Melee +1 ranseur +15/+10 (2d4+5/×3) or mwk longsword +14/+9 (1d8+4/19–20); Str 16; CMB +13 (+17 disarm); CMD 23 (25 vs. disarm).


Str 20, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +10; CMB +15 (+19 disarm); CMD 25 (27 vs. disarm)
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (ranseur)
Skills Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (history, local) +7, Knowledge (nobility, religion) +10, Perception +10, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
SQ aura, code of conduct, divine bond (weapon +2, 2/day), lay on hands (5d6, 7/day), mercies (cursed, nauseated, shaken)

These paladins often serve as guards, or administer justice for judges and merchants who perform good works for the god of cities. Often, entire units of these paladins are formed to protect holy places in large cities.

Delphos Hesara

Delphos comes from a long line of paladins in service to his home city. Despite his low tolerance for the city’s corruption, Delphos would rather frighten, disarm, or subdue foes than kill them. He knows one dead body can create a war between powerful or desperate families, and peace is better served by the judicious use of force. The soldiers under his command either love him or hate him. Delphos tries to be harsh but fair, and believes that strict discipline and an organized system of punishments create better guardians. Such punishments take the form of extra duties or unpleasant posts. All punishments for his guards remain within his order—public shaming leads to disrespect and undermines their authority.

Combat Encounters: While on duty, Delphos typically commands a contingent of his soldiers, but he can sometimes be found alone on the streets of his city. He roams the neighborhoods around the temple of his god, seeking to keep the areas around the holy place safe.

Roleplaying Suggestions: When Delphos encounters strangers, he treats them with care, but also curiosity. He goes out of his way to avoid confrontation, but when that is not possible, he rarely backs down. He might deputize adventurers for special tasks that soldiers can’t do in the open, such as tracking down corrupt merchants dealing in contraband.