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Lotus Stone of Namrut

Source Pathfinder #83: The Slave Trenches of Hakotep pg. 72
Aura overwhelming conjuration CL 20th
Slot none; Price —; Weight 5 lbs.


The Lotus Stone of Namrut is a sizable limestone tablet over an inch thick and slightly smaller than a human head. It is carved into the shape of a highly stylized, blossoming lotus. The stone’s greatest power lies in its ability to restore life to any individual that has been deceased for fewer than 48 hours. To perform the resurrection ritual, the tablet must be placed the upon the individual’s chest at dusk; when the first rays of the rising sun to touch the deceased individual’s face, he awakens.

During the ritual, the deceased person experiences a powerful vision in which he enters the divine court of Namrut, a blue-skinned Osirian man with lotus flowers blossoming from his head and palms. Hundreds of white and blue lotus flowers float in the pools that line the stone pathways of Namrut’s courtyard. Namrut offers the individual the blessing of life; in return he asks that he not be forgotten. If the individual accepts, Namrut graciously returns him to life per resurrection. When the individual wakes, he discovers that the back of his neck has been marked with the symbol of Namrut’s white lotus. The marking is permanent and cannot be removed by any means short of a miracle or wish. Thereafter, provided the individual keeps his promise to remember Namrut, the lotus grants the marked character a number of spell-like abilities.

A number of times per day equal to 1 + the marked character’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), the marked character can perform a lotus ritual to simulate the effects of one of the following spells: cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or restoration. Performing the lotus ritual requires a full 10 minutes of prayer, during which the marked individual can not be interrupted. In addition to prayers, the ritual requires the consumption of lotus tea.


The Lotus Stone of Namrut can be destroyed by grinding it to dust upon the altar in Namrut’s palace, and then scattering the dust into the lotus-petal-shaped lakes that surround Shiman-Sekh.