Flame of GuidanceSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 337, Lost Cities of Golarion pg. 42 Aura strong transmutation CL 20th Slot none; Price —; Weight 1 lb.DescriptionThis charm resembles an orrery composed of small, freely
orbiting orbs circling a candle-sized flame. The device functions
as an ioun stone, and when released, the flame perches above
the user’s head, remaining stationary relative to the user as
the smaller planetary orbs take up elliptical transit around it.
When in use, the flame grants the user a natural armor bonus
of +4, the fire subtype, immunity to fire, and vulnerability to
cold. If within 3 miles of the celestial lens, the user can control
the horizontal orbital direction of the item, but cannot make
the lens stop or move it vertically from its standard position of
100 feet from the ground.DestructionHolding the item in a maximum-intensity blast of the celestial
lens for 3 rounds destroys this artifact.