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Universal Serum

Source Pathfinder #85: Fires of Creation pg. 61
Price 400 gp


A viscous, blue serum fills the receptacle attached behind the nozzle of this metallic injector. Three small panels on the side of the injector light up one at a time when touched— selecting a color (red, blue, or green) is a swift action. The injector contains only 1 dose of universal serum. Injecting the serum is a standard action that heals the recipient of 1d8 points of damage and has an additional effect depending upon the current color selection. Red grants the recipient a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Blue grants the recipient a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. Green grants the recipient a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. The enhancement bonus lasts for 3 minutes, after which the recipient of the serum becomes fatigued for 1 hour. If the recipient receives more than 1 dose of universal serum in a 24-hour period, the healing effect still occurs but no enhancement bonus is granted; instead, the recipient immediately becomes fatigued for 1 hour.


Craft DC 25; Cost 200 gp
Craft Pharmaceutical, medical lab