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Emergency shelter

Source Technology Guide pg. 44
Price 18,000 gp
Slot none; Weight 15 lbs.
Capacity 60; Usage 1 charge/hour


An emergency shelter is a small, 2-foot-long egg-shaped device that can be activated with the touch of a button (a standard action). Once activated, the shelter rapidly unfolds and inflates into a 10-foot-radius hut capable of providing shelter for up to six Medium creatures. This process takes 1 minute to complete. The shelter includes pneumatic spike anchors that can attach it to any ground cover of hardness 8 or less. Several windows allow those inside to see outside. The interior contains several fluorescent lights. The shelter can withstand winds of up to 120 mph, and provides excellent insulation for those inside, maintaining a temperature between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. A small combination heater/air scrubber set on the floor near the entrance to the shelter controls the temperature and purifies any noxious external air into breathable air. The hut has fire resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and acid resistance 10. The dense plastic walls have hardness 8 and 10 hit points. The hut cannot float on water. The door is selfsealing, allowing anyone inside an emergency shelter to live in inhospitable conditions with ease for as long as the power holds out. As long as no foreign objects or creatures remain inside an emergency shelter, it can be commanded at the touch of a button to compact back down into its portable shape over the course of 1 minute. After this point, the device consumes 1 charge over the course of 8 hours resetting its internal structure, limiting its deployment to 3 times a day at most.


Craft DC 27; Cost 9,000 gp
Craft Technological Item, production lab